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Note: File does not exist in v5.14.15.
  1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3//! Kernel errors.
  5//! C header: [`include/uapi/asm-generic/errno-base.h`](srctree/include/uapi/asm-generic/errno-base.h)
  7use crate::str::CStr;
  9use alloc::{
 10    alloc::{AllocError, LayoutError},
 11    collections::TryReserveError,
 14use core::convert::From;
 15use core::fmt;
 16use core::num::TryFromIntError;
 17use core::str::Utf8Error;
 19/// Contains the C-compatible error codes.
 21pub mod code {
 22    macro_rules! declare_err {
 23        ($err:tt $(,)? $($doc:expr),+) => {
 24            $(
 25            #[doc = $doc]
 26            )*
 27            pub const $err: super::Error = super::Error(-(crate::bindings::$err as i32));
 28        };
 29    }
 31    declare_err!(EPERM, "Operation not permitted.");
 32    declare_err!(ENOENT, "No such file or directory.");
 33    declare_err!(ESRCH, "No such process.");
 34    declare_err!(EINTR, "Interrupted system call.");
 35    declare_err!(EIO, "I/O error.");
 36    declare_err!(ENXIO, "No such device or address.");
 37    declare_err!(E2BIG, "Argument list too long.");
 38    declare_err!(ENOEXEC, "Exec format error.");
 39    declare_err!(EBADF, "Bad file number.");
 40    declare_err!(ECHILD, "No child processes.");
 41    declare_err!(EAGAIN, "Try again.");
 42    declare_err!(ENOMEM, "Out of memory.");
 43    declare_err!(EACCES, "Permission denied.");
 44    declare_err!(EFAULT, "Bad address.");
 45    declare_err!(ENOTBLK, "Block device required.");
 46    declare_err!(EBUSY, "Device or resource busy.");
 47    declare_err!(EEXIST, "File exists.");
 48    declare_err!(EXDEV, "Cross-device link.");
 49    declare_err!(ENODEV, "No such device.");
 50    declare_err!(ENOTDIR, "Not a directory.");
 51    declare_err!(EISDIR, "Is a directory.");
 52    declare_err!(EINVAL, "Invalid argument.");
 53    declare_err!(ENFILE, "File table overflow.");
 54    declare_err!(EMFILE, "Too many open files.");
 55    declare_err!(ENOTTY, "Not a typewriter.");
 56    declare_err!(ETXTBSY, "Text file busy.");
 57    declare_err!(EFBIG, "File too large.");
 58    declare_err!(ENOSPC, "No space left on device.");
 59    declare_err!(ESPIPE, "Illegal seek.");
 60    declare_err!(EROFS, "Read-only file system.");
 61    declare_err!(EMLINK, "Too many links.");
 62    declare_err!(EPIPE, "Broken pipe.");
 63    declare_err!(EDOM, "Math argument out of domain of func.");
 64    declare_err!(ERANGE, "Math result not representable.");
 65    declare_err!(ERESTARTSYS, "Restart the system call.");
 66    declare_err!(ERESTARTNOINTR, "System call was interrupted by a signal and will be restarted.");
 67    declare_err!(ERESTARTNOHAND, "Restart if no handler.");
 68    declare_err!(ENOIOCTLCMD, "No ioctl command.");
 69    declare_err!(ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK, "Restart by calling sys_restart_syscall.");
 70    declare_err!(EPROBE_DEFER, "Driver requests probe retry.");
 71    declare_err!(EOPENSTALE, "Open found a stale dentry.");
 72    declare_err!(ENOPARAM, "Parameter not supported.");
 73    declare_err!(EBADHANDLE, "Illegal NFS file handle.");
 74    declare_err!(ENOTSYNC, "Update synchronization mismatch.");
 75    declare_err!(EBADCOOKIE, "Cookie is stale.");
 76    declare_err!(ENOTSUPP, "Operation is not supported.");
 77    declare_err!(ETOOSMALL, "Buffer or request is too small.");
 78    declare_err!(ESERVERFAULT, "An untranslatable error occurred.");
 79    declare_err!(EBADTYPE, "Type not supported by server.");
 80    declare_err!(EJUKEBOX, "Request initiated, but will not complete before timeout.");
 81    declare_err!(EIOCBQUEUED, "iocb queued, will get completion event.");
 82    declare_err!(ERECALLCONFLICT, "Conflict with recalled state.");
 83    declare_err!(ENOGRACE, "NFS file lock reclaim refused.");
 86/// Generic integer kernel error.
 88/// The kernel defines a set of integer generic error codes based on C and
 89/// POSIX ones. These codes may have a more specific meaning in some contexts.
 91/// # Invariants
 93/// The value is a valid `errno` (i.e. `>= -MAX_ERRNO && < 0`).
 94#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
 95pub struct Error(core::ffi::c_int);
 97impl Error {
 98    /// Creates an [`Error`] from a kernel error code.
 99    ///
100    /// It is a bug to pass an out-of-range `errno`. `EINVAL` would
101    /// be returned in such a case.
102    pub(crate) fn from_errno(errno: core::ffi::c_int) -> Error {
103        if errno < -(bindings::MAX_ERRNO as i32) || errno >= 0 {
104            // TODO: Make it a `WARN_ONCE` once available.
105            crate::pr_warn!(
106                "attempted to create `Error` with out of range `errno`: {}",
107                errno
108            );
109            return code::EINVAL;
110        }
112        // INVARIANT: The check above ensures the type invariant
113        // will hold.
114        Error(errno)
115    }
117    /// Creates an [`Error`] from a kernel error code.
118    ///
119    /// # Safety
120    ///
121    /// `errno` must be within error code range (i.e. `>= -MAX_ERRNO && < 0`).
122    unsafe fn from_errno_unchecked(errno: core::ffi::c_int) -> Error {
123        // INVARIANT: The contract ensures the type invariant
124        // will hold.
125        Error(errno)
126    }
128    /// Returns the kernel error code.
129    pub fn to_errno(self) -> core::ffi::c_int {
130        self.0
131    }
133    /// Returns the error encoded as a pointer.
134    #[allow(dead_code)]
135    pub(crate) fn to_ptr<T>(self) -> *mut T {
136        // SAFETY: `self.0` is a valid error due to its invariant.
137        unsafe { bindings::ERR_PTR(self.0.into()) as *mut _ }
138    }
140    /// Returns a string representing the error, if one exists.
141    #[cfg(not(testlib))]
142    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'static CStr> {
143        // SAFETY: Just an FFI call, there are no extra safety requirements.
144        let ptr = unsafe { bindings::errname(-self.0) };
145        if ptr.is_null() {
146            None
147        } else {
148            // SAFETY: The string returned by `errname` is static and `NUL`-terminated.
149            Some(unsafe { CStr::from_char_ptr(ptr) })
150        }
151    }
153    /// Returns a string representing the error, if one exists.
154    ///
155    /// When `testlib` is configured, this always returns `None` to avoid the dependency on a
156    /// kernel function so that tests that use this (e.g., by calling [`Result::unwrap`]) can still
157    /// run in userspace.
158    #[cfg(testlib)]
159    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'static CStr> {
160        None
161    }
164impl fmt::Debug for Error {
165    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
166        match {
167            // Print out number if no name can be found.
168            None => f.debug_tuple("Error").field(&-self.0).finish(),
169            // SAFETY: These strings are ASCII-only.
170            Some(name) => f
171                .debug_tuple(unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(name) })
172                .finish(),
173        }
174    }
177impl From<AllocError> for Error {
178    fn from(_: AllocError) -> Error {
179        code::ENOMEM
180    }
183impl From<TryFromIntError> for Error {
184    fn from(_: TryFromIntError) -> Error {
185        code::EINVAL
186    }
189impl From<Utf8Error> for Error {
190    fn from(_: Utf8Error) -> Error {
191        code::EINVAL
192    }
195impl From<TryReserveError> for Error {
196    fn from(_: TryReserveError) -> Error {
197        code::ENOMEM
198    }
201impl From<LayoutError> for Error {
202    fn from(_: LayoutError) -> Error {
203        code::ENOMEM
204    }
207impl From<core::fmt::Error> for Error {
208    fn from(_: core::fmt::Error) -> Error {
209        code::EINVAL
210    }
213impl From<core::convert::Infallible> for Error {
214    fn from(e: core::convert::Infallible) -> Error {
215        match e {}
216    }
219/// A [`Result`] with an [`Error`] error type.
221/// To be used as the return type for functions that may fail.
223/// # Error codes in C and Rust
225/// In C, it is common that functions indicate success or failure through
226/// their return value; modifying or returning extra data through non-`const`
227/// pointer parameters. In particular, in the kernel, functions that may fail
228/// typically return an `int` that represents a generic error code. We model
229/// those as [`Error`].
231/// In Rust, it is idiomatic to model functions that may fail as returning
232/// a [`Result`]. Since in the kernel many functions return an error code,
233/// [`Result`] is a type alias for a [`core::result::Result`] that uses
234/// [`Error`] as its error type.
236/// Note that even if a function does not return anything when it succeeds,
237/// it should still be modeled as returning a `Result` rather than
238/// just an [`Error`].
239pub type Result<T = (), E = Error> = core::result::Result<T, E>;
241/// Converts an integer as returned by a C kernel function to an error if it's negative, and
242/// `Ok(())` otherwise.
243pub fn to_result(err: core::ffi::c_int) -> Result {
244    if err < 0 {
245        Err(Error::from_errno(err))
246    } else {
247        Ok(())
248    }
251/// Transform a kernel "error pointer" to a normal pointer.
253/// Some kernel C API functions return an "error pointer" which optionally
254/// embeds an `errno`. Callers are supposed to check the returned pointer
255/// for errors. This function performs the check and converts the "error pointer"
256/// to a normal pointer in an idiomatic fashion.
258/// # Examples
260/// ```ignore
261/// # use kernel::from_err_ptr;
262/// # use kernel::bindings;
263/// fn devm_platform_ioremap_resource(
264///     pdev: &mut PlatformDevice,
265///     index: u32,
266/// ) -> Result<*mut core::ffi::c_void> {
267///     // SAFETY: `pdev` points to a valid platform device. There are no safety requirements
268///     // on `index`.
269///     from_err_ptr(unsafe { bindings::devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev.to_ptr(), index) })
270/// }
271/// ```
272// TODO: Remove `dead_code` marker once an in-kernel client is available.
274pub(crate) fn from_err_ptr<T>(ptr: *mut T) -> Result<*mut T> {
275    // CAST: Casting a pointer to `*const core::ffi::c_void` is always valid.
276    let const_ptr: *const core::ffi::c_void = ptr.cast();
277    // SAFETY: The FFI function does not deref the pointer.
278    if unsafe { bindings::IS_ERR(const_ptr) } {
279        // SAFETY: The FFI function does not deref the pointer.
280        let err = unsafe { bindings::PTR_ERR(const_ptr) };
281        // CAST: If `IS_ERR()` returns `true`,
282        // then `PTR_ERR()` is guaranteed to return a
283        // negative value greater-or-equal to `-bindings::MAX_ERRNO`,
284        // which always fits in an `i16`, as per the invariant above.
285        // And an `i16` always fits in an `i32`. So casting `err` to
286        // an `i32` can never overflow, and is always valid.
287        //
288        // SAFETY: `IS_ERR()` ensures `err` is a
289        // negative value greater-or-equal to `-bindings::MAX_ERRNO`.
290        #[allow(clippy::unnecessary_cast)]
291        return Err(unsafe { Error::from_errno_unchecked(err as core::ffi::c_int) });
292    }
293    Ok(ptr)
296/// Calls a closure returning a [`crate::error::Result<T>`] and converts the result to
297/// a C integer result.
299/// This is useful when calling Rust functions that return [`crate::error::Result<T>`]
300/// from inside `extern "C"` functions that need to return an integer error result.
302/// `T` should be convertible from an `i16` via `From<i16>`.
304/// # Examples
306/// ```ignore
307/// # use kernel::from_result;
308/// # use kernel::bindings;
309/// unsafe extern "C" fn probe_callback(
310///     pdev: *mut bindings::platform_device,
311/// ) -> core::ffi::c_int {
312///     from_result(|| {
313///         let ptr = devm_alloc(pdev)?;
314///         bindings::platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ptr);
315///         Ok(0)
316///     })
317/// }
318/// ```
319// TODO: Remove `dead_code` marker once an in-kernel client is available.
321pub(crate) fn from_result<T, F>(f: F) -> T
323    T: From<i16>,
324    F: FnOnce() -> Result<T>,
326    match f() {
327        Ok(v) => v,
328        // NO-OVERFLOW: negative `errno`s are no smaller than `-bindings::MAX_ERRNO`,
329        // `-bindings::MAX_ERRNO` fits in an `i16` as per invariant above,
330        // therefore a negative `errno` always fits in an `i16` and will not overflow.
331        Err(e) => T::from(e.to_errno() as i16),
332    }
335/// Error message for calling a default function of a [`#[vtable]`](macros::vtable) trait.
336pub const VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR: &str =
337    "This function must not be called, see the #[vtable] documentation.";