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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-3-Clause) */
 * This file is provided under a dual BSD/GPLv2 license.  When using or
 * redistributing this file, you may do so under either license.
 * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.


#include <sound/sof/header.h>

 * Component

/* types of component */
enum sof_comp_type {
	SOF_COMP_SG_HOST,	/**< scatter gather variant */
	SOF_COMP_SG_DAI,	/**< scatter gather variant */
	SOF_COMP_KPB,			/* A key phrase buffer component */
	SOF_COMP_SELECTOR,		/**< channel selector component */
	SOF_COMP_ASRC,		/**< Asynchronous sample rate converter */
	SOF_COMP_SMART_AMP,             /**< smart amplifier component */
	/* keep FILEREAD/FILEWRITE as the last ones */
	SOF_COMP_FILEREAD = 10000,	/**< host test based file IO */
	SOF_COMP_FILEWRITE = 10001,	/**< host test based file IO */

/* XRUN action for component */
#define SOF_XRUN_STOP		1	/**< stop stream */
#define SOF_XRUN_UNDER_ZERO	2	/**< send 0s to sink */
#define SOF_XRUN_OVER_NULL	4	/**< send data to NULL */

/* create new generic component - SOF_IPC_TPLG_COMP_NEW */
struct sof_ipc_comp {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t id;
	enum sof_comp_type type;
	uint32_t pipeline_id;
	uint32_t core;

	/* extended data length, 0 if no extended data */
	uint32_t ext_data_length;
} __packed;

 * Component Buffers

 * SOF memory capabilities, add new ones at the end
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_RAM			(1 << 0)
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_ROM			(1 << 1)
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_EXT			(1 << 2) /**< external */
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_LP			(1 << 3) /**< low power */
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_HP			(1 << 4) /**< high performance */
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_DMA			(1 << 5) /**< DMA'able */
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_CACHE			(1 << 6) /**< cacheable */
#define SOF_MEM_CAPS_EXEC			(1 << 7) /**< executable */

 * overrun will cause ring buffer overwrite, instead of XRUN.

 * underrun will cause readback of 0s, instead of XRUN.

/* create new component buffer - SOF_IPC_TPLG_BUFFER_NEW */
struct sof_ipc_buffer {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	uint32_t size;		/**< buffer size in bytes */
	uint32_t caps;		/**< SOF_MEM_CAPS_ */
	uint32_t flags;		/**< SOF_BUF_ flags defined above */
	uint32_t reserved;	/**< reserved for future use */
} __packed;

/* generic component config data - must always be after struct sof_ipc_comp */
struct sof_ipc_comp_config {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t periods_sink;	/**< 0 means variable */
	uint32_t periods_source;/**< 0 means variable */
	uint32_t reserved1;	/**< reserved */
	uint32_t frame_fmt;	/**< SOF_IPC_FRAME_ */
	uint32_t xrun_action;

	/* reserved for future use */
	uint32_t reserved[2];
} __packed;

/* generic host component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_host {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	uint32_t direction;	/**< SOF_IPC_STREAM_ */
	uint32_t no_irq;	/**< don't send periodic IRQ to host/DSP */
	uint32_t dmac_config; /**< DMA engine specific */
}  __packed;

/* generic DAI component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_dai {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	uint32_t direction;	/**< SOF_IPC_STREAM_ */
	uint32_t dai_index;	/**< index of this type dai */
	uint32_t type;		/**< DAI type - SOF_DAI_ */
	uint32_t reserved;	/**< reserved */
}  __packed;

/* generic mixer component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_mixer {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
}  __packed;

/* volume ramping types */
enum sof_volume_ramp {

/* generic volume component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_volume {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	uint32_t channels;
	uint32_t min_value;
	uint32_t max_value;
	uint32_t ramp;		/**< SOF_VOLUME_ */
	uint32_t initial_ramp;	/**< ramp space in ms */
}  __packed;

/* generic SRC component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_src {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	/* either source or sink rate must be non zero */
	uint32_t source_rate;	/**< source rate or 0 for variable */
	uint32_t sink_rate;	/**< sink rate or 0 for variable */
	uint32_t rate_mask;	/**< SOF_RATE_ supported rates */
} __packed;

/* generic ASRC component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_asrc {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	/* either source or sink rate must be non zero */
	uint32_t source_rate;		/**< Define fixed source rate or */
					/**< use 0 to indicate need to get */
					/**< the rate from stream */
	uint32_t sink_rate;		/**< Define fixed sink rate or */
					/**< use 0 to indicate need to get */
					/**< the rate from stream */
	uint32_t asynchronous_mode;	/**< synchronous 0, asynchronous 1 */
					/**< When 1 the ASRC tracks and */
					/**< compensates for drift. */
	uint32_t operation_mode;	/**< push 0, pull 1, In push mode the */
					/**< ASRC consumes a defined number */
					/**< of frames at input, with varying */
					/**< number of frames at output. */
					/**< In pull mode the ASRC outputs */
					/**< a defined number of frames while */
					/**< number of input frames varies. */

	/* reserved for future use */
	uint32_t reserved[4];
} __attribute__((packed));

/* generic MUX component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_mux {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
} __packed;

/* generic tone generator component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_tone {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	int32_t sample_rate;
	int32_t frequency;
	int32_t amplitude;
	int32_t freq_mult;
	int32_t ampl_mult;
	int32_t length;
	int32_t period;
	int32_t repeats;
	int32_t ramp_step;
} __packed;

/** \brief Types of processing components */
enum sof_ipc_process_type {
	SOF_PROCESS_NONE = 0,		/**< None */
	SOF_PROCESS_EQFIR,		/**< Intel FIR */
	SOF_PROCESS_EQIIR,		/**< Intel IIR */
	SOF_PROCESS_KEYWORD_DETECT,	/**< Keyword Detection */
	SOF_PROCESS_KPB,		/**< KeyPhrase Buffer Manager */
	SOF_PROCESS_CHAN_SELECTOR,	/**< Channel Selector */
	SOF_PROCESS_SMART_AMP,	/**< Smart Amplifier */

/* generic "effect", "codec" or proprietary processing component */
struct sof_ipc_comp_process {
	struct sof_ipc_comp comp;
	struct sof_ipc_comp_config config;
	uint32_t size;	/**< size of bespoke data section in bytes */
	uint32_t type;	/**< sof_ipc_process_type */

	/* reserved for future use */
	uint32_t reserved[7];

	uint8_t data[];
} __packed;

/* frees components, buffers and pipelines
struct sof_ipc_free {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t id;
} __packed;

struct sof_ipc_comp_reply {
	struct sof_ipc_reply rhdr;
	uint32_t id;
	uint32_t offset;
} __packed;

 * Pipeline

/** \brief Types of pipeline scheduling time domains */
enum sof_ipc_pipe_sched_time_domain {
	SOF_TIME_DOMAIN_DMA = 0,	/**< DMA interrupt */
	SOF_TIME_DOMAIN_TIMER,		/**< Timer interrupt */

/* new pipeline - SOF_IPC_TPLG_PIPE_NEW */
struct sof_ipc_pipe_new {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t comp_id;	/**< component id for pipeline */
	uint32_t pipeline_id;	/**< pipeline id */
	uint32_t sched_id;	/**< Scheduling component id */
	uint32_t core;		/**< core we run on */
	uint32_t period;	/**< execution period in us*/
	uint32_t priority;	/**< priority level 0 (low) to 10 (max) */
	uint32_t period_mips;	/**< worst case instruction count per period */
	uint32_t frames_per_sched;/**< output frames of pipeline, 0 is variable */
	uint32_t xrun_limit_usecs; /**< report xruns greater than limit */
	uint32_t time_domain;	/**< scheduling time domain */
}  __packed;

/* pipeline construction complete - SOF_IPC_TPLG_PIPE_COMPLETE */
struct sof_ipc_pipe_ready {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t comp_id;
}  __packed;

struct sof_ipc_pipe_free {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t comp_id;
}  __packed;

/* connect two components in pipeline - SOF_IPC_TPLG_COMP_CONNECT */
struct sof_ipc_pipe_comp_connect {
	struct sof_ipc_cmd_hdr hdr;
	uint32_t source_id;
	uint32_t sink_id;
}  __packed;

/* external events */
enum sof_event_types {
