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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ */
 *   Copyright (c) International Business Machines  Corp., 2002,2007
 *   Author(s): Steve French (



/* Security blob target info data */
#define TGT_Name        "KSMBD"

 * Size of the crypto key returned on the negotiate SMB in bytes
#define CIFS_KEY_SIZE	(40)

 * Size of encrypted user password in bytes
#define CIFS_ENCPWD_SIZE	(16)
#define CIFS_CPHTXT_SIZE	(16)

/* Message Types */
#define NtLmNegotiate     cpu_to_le32(1)
#define NtLmChallenge     cpu_to_le32(2)
#define NtLmAuthenticate  cpu_to_le32(3)
#define UnknownMessage    cpu_to_le32(8)

/* Negotiate Flags */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_UNICODE         0x01 /* Text strings are unicode */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_OEM             0x02 /* Text strings are in OEM */
#define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_TARGET            0x04 /* Srv returns its auth realm */
/* define reserved9                       0x08 */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SIGN          0x0010 /* Request signing capability */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_SEAL          0x0020 /* Request confidentiality */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_DGRAM         0x0040
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_LM_KEY        0x0080 /* Use LM session key */
/* defined reserved 8                   0x0100 */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NTLM          0x0200 /* NTLM authentication */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_NT_ONLY       0x0400 /* Lanman not allowed */
#define NTLMSSP_ANONYMOUS               0x0800
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_DOMAIN_SUPPLIED 0x1000 /* reserved6 */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_LOCAL_CALL    0x4000 /* client/server same machine */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_ALWAYS_SIGN   0x8000 /* Sign. All security levels  */
#define NTLMSSP_TARGET_TYPE_DOMAIN     0x10000
#define NTLMSSP_TARGET_TYPE_SERVER     0x20000
#define NTLMSSP_TARGET_TYPE_SHARE      0x40000
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_EXTENDED_SEC 0x80000 /* NB:not related to NTLMv2 pwd*/
/* #define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_INIT_RESP     0x100000 */
#define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_ACCEPT_RESP   0x200000 /* reserved5 */
#define NTLMSSP_REQUEST_NON_NT_KEY    0x400000
/* #define reserved4                 0x1000000 */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_VERSION    0x2000000 /* we do not set */
/* #define reserved3                 0x4000000 */
/* #define reserved2                 0x8000000 */
/* #define reserved1                0x10000000 */
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_128       0x20000000
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_KEY_XCH   0x40000000
#define NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE_56        0x80000000

/* Define AV Pair Field IDs */
enum av_field_type {

/* Although typedefs are not commonly used for structure definitions */
/* in the Linux kernel, in this particular case they are useful      */
/* to more closely match the standards document for NTLMSSP from     */
/* OpenGroup and to make the code more closely match the standard in */
/* appearance */

struct security_buffer {
	__le16 Length;
	__le16 MaximumLength;
	__le32 BufferOffset;	/* offset to buffer */
} __packed;

struct target_info {
	__le16 Type;
	__le16 Length;
	__u8 Content[];
} __packed;

struct negotiate_message {
	__u8 Signature[sizeof(NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE)];
	__le32 MessageType;     /* NtLmNegotiate = 1 */
	__le32 NegotiateFlags;
	struct security_buffer DomainName;	/* RFC 1001 style and ASCII */
	struct security_buffer WorkstationName;	/* RFC 1001 and ASCII */
	 * struct security_buffer for version info not present since we
	 * do not set the version is present flag
	char DomainString[];
	/* followed by WorkstationString */
} __packed;

struct challenge_message {
	__u8 Signature[sizeof(NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE)];
	__le32 MessageType;   /* NtLmChallenge = 2 */
	struct security_buffer TargetName;
	__le32 NegotiateFlags;
	__u8 Challenge[CIFS_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE];
	__u8 Reserved[8];
	struct security_buffer TargetInfoArray;
	 * struct security_buffer for version info not present since we
	 * do not set the version is present flag
} __packed;

struct authenticate_message {
	__u8 Signature[sizeof(NTLMSSP_SIGNATURE)];
	__le32 MessageType;  /* NtLmsAuthenticate = 3 */
	struct security_buffer LmChallengeResponse;
	struct security_buffer NtChallengeResponse;
	struct security_buffer DomainName;
	struct security_buffer UserName;
	struct security_buffer WorkstationName;
	struct security_buffer SessionKey;
	__le32 NegotiateFlags;
	 * struct security_buffer for version info not present since we
	 * do not set the version is present flag
	char UserString[];
} __packed;

struct ntlmv2_resp {
	char ntlmv2_hash[CIFS_ENCPWD_SIZE];
	__le32 blob_signature;
	__u32  reserved;
	__le64  time;
	__u64  client_chal; /* random */
	__u32  reserved2;
	/* array of name entries could follow ending in minimum 4 byte struct */
} __packed;

/* per smb session structure/fields */
struct ntlmssp_auth {
	/* whether session key is per smb session */
	bool		sesskey_per_smbsess;
	/* sent by client in type 1 ntlmsssp exchange */
	__u32		client_flags;
	/* sent by server in type 2 ntlmssp exchange */
	__u32		conn_flags;
	/* sent to server */
	unsigned char	ciphertext[CIFS_CPHTXT_SIZE];
	/* used by ntlmssp */
	char		cryptkey[CIFS_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE];
#endif /* __KSMBD_NTLMSSP_H */