1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 | /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ #ifndef _AHA152X_H #define _AHA152X_H /* * $Id: aha152x.h,v 2.7 2004/01/24 11:39:03 fischer Exp $ */ /* number of queueable commands (unless we support more than 1 cmd_per_lun this should do) */ #define AHA152X_MAXQUEUE 7 #define AHA152X_REVID "Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 2.7 $" /* port addresses */ #define SCSISEQ (HOSTIOPORT0+0x00) /* SCSI sequence control */ #define SXFRCTL0 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x01) /* SCSI transfer control 0 */ #define SXFRCTL1 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x02) /* SCSI transfer control 1 */ #define SCSISIG (HOSTIOPORT0+0x03) /* SCSI signal in/out */ #define SCSIRATE (HOSTIOPORT0+0x04) /* SCSI rate control */ #define SELID (HOSTIOPORT0+0x05) /* selection/reselection ID */ #define SCSIID SELID /* SCSI ID */ #define SCSIDAT (HOSTIOPORT0+0x06) /* SCSI latched data */ #define SCSIBUS (HOSTIOPORT0+0x07) /* SCSI data bus */ #define STCNT0 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x08) /* SCSI transfer count 0 */ #define STCNT1 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x09) /* SCSI transfer count 1 */ #define STCNT2 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0a) /* SCSI transfer count 2 */ #define SSTAT0 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0b) /* SCSI interrupt status 0 */ #define SSTAT1 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0c) /* SCSI interrupt status 1 */ #define SSTAT2 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0d) /* SCSI interrupt status 2 */ #define SCSITEST (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0e) /* SCSI test control */ #define SSTAT3 SCSITEST /* SCSI interrupt status 3 */ #define SSTAT4 (HOSTIOPORT0+0x0f) /* SCSI status 4 */ #define SIMODE0 (HOSTIOPORT1+0x10) /* SCSI interrupt mode 0 */ #define SIMODE1 (HOSTIOPORT1+0x11) /* SCSI interrupt mode 1 */ #define DMACNTRL0 (HOSTIOPORT1+0x12) /* DMA control 0 */ #define DMACNTRL1 (HOSTIOPORT1+0x13) /* DMA control 1 */ #define DMASTAT (HOSTIOPORT1+0x14) /* DMA status */ #define FIFOSTAT (HOSTIOPORT1+0x15) /* FIFO status */ #define DATAPORT (HOSTIOPORT1+0x16) /* DATA port */ #define BRSTCNTRL (HOSTIOPORT1+0x18) /* burst control */ #define PORTA (HOSTIOPORT1+0x1a) /* PORT A */ #define PORTB (HOSTIOPORT1+0x1b) /* PORT B */ #define REV (HOSTIOPORT1+0x1c) /* revision */ #define STACK (HOSTIOPORT1+0x1d) /* stack */ #define TEST (HOSTIOPORT1+0x1e) /* test register */ #define IO_RANGE 0x20 /* used in aha152x_porttest */ #define O_PORTA 0x1a /* PORT A */ #define O_PORTB 0x1b /* PORT B */ #define O_DMACNTRL1 0x13 /* DMA control 1 */ #define O_STACK 0x1d /* stack */ /* used in tc1550_porttest */ #define O_TC_PORTA 0x0a /* PORT A */ #define O_TC_PORTB 0x0b /* PORT B */ #define O_TC_DMACNTRL1 0x03 /* DMA control 1 */ #define O_TC_STACK 0x0d /* stack */ /* bits and bitmasks to ports */ /* SCSI sequence control */ #define TEMODEO 0x80 #define ENSELO 0x40 #define ENSELI 0x20 #define ENRESELI 0x10 #define ENAUTOATNO 0x08 #define ENAUTOATNI 0x04 #define ENAUTOATNP 0x02 #define SCSIRSTO 0x01 /* SCSI transfer control 0 */ #define SCSIEN 0x80 #define DMAEN 0x40 #define CH1 0x20 #define CLRSTCNT 0x10 #define SPIOEN 0x08 #define CLRCH1 0x02 /* SCSI transfer control 1 */ #define BITBUCKET 0x80 #define SWRAPEN 0x40 #define ENSPCHK 0x20 #define STIMESEL 0x18 /* mask */ #define STIMESEL_ 3 #define ENSTIMER 0x04 #define BYTEALIGN 0x02 /* SCSI signal IN */ #define SIG_CDI 0x80 #define SIG_IOI 0x40 #define SIG_MSGI 0x20 #define SIG_ATNI 0x10 #define SIG_SELI 0x08 #define SIG_BSYI 0x04 #define SIG_REQI 0x02 #define SIG_ACKI 0x01 /* SCSI Phases */ #define P_MASK (SIG_MSGI|SIG_CDI|SIG_IOI) #define P_DATAO (0) #define P_DATAI (SIG_IOI) #define P_CMD (SIG_CDI) #define P_STATUS (SIG_CDI|SIG_IOI) #define P_MSGO (SIG_MSGI|SIG_CDI) #define P_MSGI (SIG_MSGI|SIG_CDI|SIG_IOI) /* SCSI signal OUT */ #define SIG_CDO 0x80 #define SIG_IOO 0x40 #define SIG_MSGO 0x20 #define SIG_ATNO 0x10 #define SIG_SELO 0x08 #define SIG_BSYO 0x04 #define SIG_REQO 0x02 #define SIG_ACKO 0x01 /* SCSI rate control */ #define SXFR 0x70 /* mask */ #define SXFR_ 4 #define SOFS 0x0f /* mask */ /* SCSI ID */ #define OID 0x70 #define OID_ 4 #define TID 0x07 /* SCSI transfer count */ #define GETSTCNT() ( (GETPORT(STCNT2)<<16) \ + (GETPORT(STCNT1)<< 8) \ + GETPORT(STCNT0) ) #define SETSTCNT(X) { SETPORT(STCNT2, ((X) & 0xFF0000) >> 16); \ SETPORT(STCNT1, ((X) & 0x00FF00) >> 8); \ SETPORT(STCNT0, ((X) & 0x0000FF) ); } /* SCSI interrupt status */ #define TARGET 0x80 #define SELDO 0x40 #define SELDI 0x20 #define SELINGO 0x10 #define SWRAP 0x08 #define SDONE 0x04 #define SPIORDY 0x02 #define DMADONE 0x01 #define SETSDONE 0x80 #define CLRSELDO 0x40 #define CLRSELDI 0x20 #define CLRSELINGO 0x10 #define CLRSWRAP 0x08 #define CLRSDONE 0x04 #define CLRSPIORDY 0x02 #define CLRDMADONE 0x01 /* SCSI status 1 */ #define SELTO 0x80 #define ATNTARG 0x40 #define SCSIRSTI 0x20 #define PHASEMIS 0x10 #define BUSFREE 0x08 #define SCSIPERR 0x04 #define PHASECHG 0x02 #define REQINIT 0x01 #define CLRSELTIMO 0x80 #define CLRATNO 0x40 #define CLRSCSIRSTI 0x20 #define CLRBUSFREE 0x08 #define CLRSCSIPERR 0x04 #define CLRPHASECHG 0x02 #define CLRREQINIT 0x01 /* SCSI status 2 */ #define SOFFSET 0x20 #define SEMPTY 0x10 #define SFULL 0x08 #define SFCNT 0x07 /* mask */ /* SCSI status 3 */ #define SCSICNT 0xf0 /* mask */ #define SCSICNT_ 4 #define OFFCNT 0x0f /* mask */ /* SCSI TEST control */ #define SCTESTU 0x08 #define SCTESTD 0x04 #define STCTEST 0x01 /* SCSI status 4 */ #define SYNCERR 0x04 #define FWERR 0x02 #define FRERR 0x01 #define CLRSYNCERR 0x04 #define CLRFWERR 0x02 #define CLRFRERR 0x01 /* SCSI interrupt mode 0 */ #define ENSELDO 0x40 #define ENSELDI 0x20 #define ENSELINGO 0x10 #define ENSWRAP 0x08 #define ENSDONE 0x04 #define ENSPIORDY 0x02 #define ENDMADONE 0x01 /* SCSI interrupt mode 1 */ #define ENSELTIMO 0x80 #define ENATNTARG 0x40 #define ENSCSIRST 0x20 #define ENPHASEMIS 0x10 #define ENBUSFREE 0x08 #define ENSCSIPERR 0x04 #define ENPHASECHG 0x02 #define ENREQINIT 0x01 /* DMA control 0 */ #define ENDMA 0x80 #define _8BIT 0x40 #define DMA 0x20 #define WRITE_READ 0x08 #define INTEN 0x04 #define RSTFIFO 0x02 #define SWINT 0x01 /* DMA control 1 */ #define PWRDWN 0x80 #define STK 0x07 /* mask */ /* DMA status */ #define ATDONE 0x80 #define WORDRDY 0x40 #define INTSTAT 0x20 #define DFIFOFULL 0x10 #define DFIFOEMP 0x08 /* BURST control */ #define BON 0xf0 #define BOFF 0x0f /* TEST REGISTER */ #define BOFFTMR 0x40 #define BONTMR 0x20 #define STCNTH 0x10 #define STCNTM 0x08 #define STCNTL 0x04 #define SCSIBLK 0x02 #define DMABLK 0x01 /* On the AHA-152x board PORTA and PORTB contain some information about the board's configuration. */ typedef union { struct { unsigned reserved:2; /* reserved */ unsigned tardisc:1; /* Target disconnect: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned syncneg:1; /* Initial sync neg: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned msgclasses:2; /* Message classes 0=#4 1=#0, #1, #2, #3, #4 2=#0, #3, #4 3=#0, #4 */ unsigned boot:1; /* boot: 0=disabled, 1=enabled */ unsigned dma:1; /* Transfer mode: 0=PIO; 1=DMA */ unsigned id:3; /* SCSI-id */ unsigned irq:2; /* IRQ-Channel: 0,3=12, 1=10, 2=11 */ unsigned dmachan:2; /* DMA-Channel: 0=0, 1=5, 2=6, 3=7 */ unsigned parity:1; /* SCSI-parity: 1=enabled 0=disabled */ } fields; unsigned short port; } aha152x_config ; #define cf_parity fields.parity #define cf_dmachan fields.dmachan #define cf_irq fields.irq #define cf_id fields.id #define cf_dma fields.dma #define cf_boot fields.boot #define cf_msgclasses fields.msgclasses #define cf_syncneg fields.syncneg #define cf_tardisc fields.tardisc #define cf_port port /* Some macros to manipulate ports and their bits */ #define SETPORT(PORT, VAL) outb( (VAL), (PORT) ) #define GETPORT(PORT) inb( PORT ) #define SETBITS(PORT, BITS) outb( (inb(PORT) | (BITS)), (PORT) ) #define CLRBITS(PORT, BITS) outb( (inb(PORT) & ~(BITS)), (PORT) ) #define TESTHI(PORT, BITS) ((inb(PORT) & (BITS)) == (BITS)) #define TESTLO(PORT, BITS) ((inb(PORT) & (BITS)) == 0) #define SETRATE(RATE) SETPORT(SCSIRATE,(RATE) & 0x7f) #if defined(AHA152X_DEBUG) enum { debug_procinfo = 0x0001, debug_queue = 0x0002, debug_locking = 0x0004, debug_intr = 0x0008, debug_selection = 0x0010, debug_msgo = 0x0020, debug_msgi = 0x0040, debug_status = 0x0080, debug_cmd = 0x0100, debug_datai = 0x0200, debug_datao = 0x0400, debug_eh = 0x0800, debug_done = 0x1000, debug_phases = 0x2000, }; #endif /* for the pcmcia stub */ struct aha152x_setup { int io_port; int irq; int scsiid; int reconnect; int parity; int synchronous; int delay; int ext_trans; int tc1550; #if defined(AHA152X_DEBUG) int debug; #endif char *conf; }; struct Scsi_Host *aha152x_probe_one(struct aha152x_setup *); void aha152x_release(struct Scsi_Host *); int aha152x_host_reset_host(struct Scsi_Host *); #endif /* _AHA152X_H */ |