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  1#!/usr/bin/env python3
  2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3# Copyright Thomas Gleixner <>
  5from argparse import ArgumentParser
  6from ply import lex, yacc
  7import locale
  8import traceback
  9import fnmatch
 10import sys
 11import git
 12import re
 13import os
 15class ParserException(Exception):
 16    def __init__(self, tok, txt):
 17        self.tok = tok
 18        self.txt = txt
 20class SPDXException(Exception):
 21    def __init__(self, el, txt):
 22        self.el = el
 23        self.txt = txt
 25class SPDXdata(object):
 26    def __init__(self):
 27        self.license_files = 0
 28        self.exception_files = 0
 29        self.licenses = [ ]
 30        self.exceptions = { }
 32class dirinfo(object):
 33    def __init__(self):
 34        self.missing = 0
 35 = 0
 36        self.files = []
 38    def update(self, fname, basedir, miss):
 39 += 1
 40        self.missing += miss
 41        if miss:
 42            fname = './' + fname
 43            bdir = os.path.dirname(fname)
 44            if bdir == basedir.rstrip('/'):
 45                self.files.append(fname)
 47# Read the spdx data from the LICENSES directory
 48def read_spdxdata(repo):
 50    # The subdirectories of LICENSES in the kernel source
 51    # Note: exceptions needs to be parsed as last directory.
 52    license_dirs = [ "preferred", "dual", "deprecated", "exceptions" ]
 53    lictree = repo.head.commit.tree['LICENSES']
 55    spdx = SPDXdata()
 57    for d in license_dirs:
 58        for el in lictree[d].traverse():
 59            if not os.path.isfile(el.path):
 60                continue
 62            exception = None
 63            for l in open(el.path, encoding="utf-8").readlines():
 64                if l.startswith('Valid-License-Identifier:'):
 65                    lid = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
 66                    if lid in spdx.licenses:
 67                        raise SPDXException(el, 'Duplicate License Identifier: %s' %lid)
 68                    else:
 69                        spdx.licenses.append(lid)
 71                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Exception-Identifier:'):
 72                    exception = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
 73                    spdx.exceptions[exception] = []
 75                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Licenses:'):
 76                    for lic in l.split(':')[1].upper().strip().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '').split(','):
 77                        if not lic in spdx.licenses:
 78                            raise SPDXException(None, 'Exception %s missing license %s' %(exception, lic))
 79                        spdx.exceptions[exception].append(lic)
 81                elif l.startswith("License-Text:"):
 82                    if exception:
 83                        if not len(spdx.exceptions[exception]):
 84                            raise SPDXException(el, 'Exception %s is missing SPDX-Licenses' %exception)
 85                        spdx.exception_files += 1
 86                    else:
 87                        spdx.license_files += 1
 88                    break
 89    return spdx
 91class id_parser(object):
 93    reserved = [ 'AND', 'OR', 'WITH' ]
 94    tokens = [ 'LPAR', 'RPAR', 'ID', 'EXC' ] + reserved
 96    precedence = ( ('nonassoc', 'AND', 'OR'), )
 98    t_ignore = ' \t'
100    def __init__(self, spdx):
101        self.spdx = spdx
102        self.lasttok = None
103        self.lastid = None
104        self.lexer = lex.lex(module = self, reflags = re.UNICODE)
105        # Initialize the parser. No debug file and no parser rules stored on disk
106        # The rules are small enough to be generated on the fly
107        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module = self, write_tables = False, debug = False)
108        self.lines_checked = 0
109        self.checked = 0
110        self.excluded = 0
111        self.spdx_valid = 0
112        self.spdx_errors = 0
113        self.spdx_dirs = {}
114        self.dirdepth = -1
115        self.basedir = '.'
116        self.curline = 0
117        self.deepest = 0
119    def set_dirinfo(self, basedir, dirdepth):
120        if dirdepth >= 0:
121            self.basedir = basedir
122            bdir = basedir.lstrip('./').rstrip('/')
123            if bdir != '':
124                parts = bdir.split('/')
125            else:
126                parts = []
127            self.dirdepth = dirdepth + len(parts)
129    # Validate License and Exception IDs
130    def validate(self, tok):
131        id = tok.value.upper()
132        if tok.type == 'ID':
133            if not id in self.spdx.licenses:
134                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid License ID')
135            self.lastid = id
136        elif tok.type == 'EXC':
137            if id not in self.spdx.exceptions:
138                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid Exception ID')
139            if self.lastid not in self.spdx.exceptions[id]:
140                raise ParserException(tok, 'Exception not valid for license %s' %self.lastid)
141            self.lastid = None
142        elif tok.type != 'WITH':
143            self.lastid = None
145    # Lexer functions
146    def t_RPAR(self, tok):
147        r'\)'
148        self.lasttok = tok.type
149        return tok
151    def t_LPAR(self, tok):
152        r'\('
153        self.lasttok = tok.type
154        return tok
156    def t_ID(self, tok):
157        r'[A-Za-z.0-9\-+]+'
159        if self.lasttok == 'EXC':
160            print(tok)
161            raise ParserException(tok, 'Missing parentheses')
163        tok.value = tok.value.strip()
164        val = tok.value.upper()
166        if val in self.reserved:
167            tok.type = val
168        elif self.lasttok == 'WITH':
169            tok.type = 'EXC'
171        self.lasttok = tok.type
172        self.validate(tok)
173        return tok
175    def t_error(self, tok):
176        raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid token')
178    def p_expr(self, p):
179        '''expr : ID
180                | ID WITH EXC
181                | expr AND expr
182                | expr OR expr
183                | LPAR expr RPAR'''
184        pass
186    def p_error(self, p):
187        if not p:
188            raise ParserException(None, 'Unfinished license expression')
189        else:
190            raise ParserException(p, 'Syntax error')
192    def parse(self, expr):
193        self.lasttok = None
194        self.lastid = None
195        self.parser.parse(expr, lexer = self.lexer)
197    def parse_lines(self, fd, maxlines, fname):
198        self.checked += 1
199        self.curline = 0
200        fail = 1
201        try:
202            for line in fd:
203                line = line.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False), errors='ignore')
204                self.curline += 1
205                if self.curline > maxlines:
206                    break
207                self.lines_checked += 1
208                if line.find("SPDX-License-Identifier:") < 0:
209                    continue
210                expr = line.split(':')[1].strip()
211                # Remove trailing comment closure
212                if line.strip().endswith('*/'):
213                    expr = expr.rstrip('*/').strip()
214                # Remove trailing xml comment closure
215                if line.strip().endswith('-->'):
216                    expr = expr.rstrip('-->').strip()
217                # Special case for SH magic boot code files
218                if line.startswith('LIST \"'):
219                    expr = expr.rstrip('\"').strip()
220                self.parse(expr)
221                self.spdx_valid += 1
222                #
223                # Should we check for more SPDX ids in the same file and
224                # complain if there are any?
225                #
226                fail = 0
227                break
229        except ParserException as pe:
230            if pe.tok:
231                col = line.find(expr) + pe.tok.lexpos
232                tok = pe.tok.value
233                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:%d %s: %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, col, pe.txt, tok))
234            else:
235                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:0 %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, pe.txt))
236            self.spdx_errors += 1
238        if fname == '-':
239            return
241        base = os.path.dirname(fname)
242        if self.dirdepth > 0:
243            parts = base.split('/')
244            i = 0
245            base = '.'
246            while i < self.dirdepth and i < len(parts) and len(parts[i]):
247                base += '/' + parts[i]
248                i += 1
249        elif self.dirdepth == 0:
250            base = self.basedir
251        else:
252            base = './' + base.rstrip('/')
253        base += '/'
255        di = self.spdx_dirs.get(base, dirinfo())
256        di.update(fname, base, fail)
257        self.spdx_dirs[base] = di
259class pattern(object):
260    def __init__(self, line):
261        self.pattern = line
262        self.match = self.match_file
263        if line == '.*':
264            self.match = self.match_dot
265        elif line.endswith('/'):
266            self.pattern = line[:-1]
267            self.match = self.match_dir
268        elif line.startswith('/'):
269            self.pattern = line[1:]
270            self.match = self.match_fn
272    def match_dot(self, fpath):
273        return os.path.basename(fpath).startswith('.')
275    def match_file(self, fpath):
276        return os.path.basename(fpath) == self.pattern
278    def match_fn(self, fpath):
279        return fnmatch.fnmatchcase(fpath, self.pattern)
281    def match_dir(self, fpath):
282        if self.match_fn(os.path.dirname(fpath)):
283            return True
284        return fpath.startswith(self.pattern)
286def exclude_file(fpath):
287    for rule in exclude_rules:
288        if rule.match(fpath):
289            return True
290    return False
292def scan_git_tree(tree, basedir, dirdepth):
293    parser.set_dirinfo(basedir, dirdepth)
294    for el in tree.traverse():
295        if not os.path.isfile(el.path):
296            continue
297        if exclude_file(el.path):
298            parser.excluded += 1
299            continue
300        with open(el.path, 'rb') as fd:
301            parser.parse_lines(fd, args.maxlines, el.path)
303def scan_git_subtree(tree, path, dirdepth):
304    for p in path.strip('/').split('/'):
305        tree = tree[p]
306    scan_git_tree(tree, path.strip('/'), dirdepth)
308def read_exclude_file(fname):
309    rules = []
310    if not fname:
311        return rules
312    with open(fname) as fd:
313        for line in fd:
314            line = line.strip()
315            if line.startswith('#'):
316                continue
317            if not len(line):
318                continue
319            rules.append(pattern(line))
320    return rules
322if __name__ == '__main__':
324    ap = ArgumentParser(description='SPDX expression checker')
325    ap.add_argument('path', nargs='*', help='Check path or file. If not given full git tree scan. For stdin use "-"')
326    ap.add_argument('-d', '--dirs', action='store_true',
327                    help='Show [sub]directory statistics.')
328    ap.add_argument('-D', '--depth', type=int, default=-1,
329                    help='Directory depth for -d statistics. Default: unlimited')
330    ap.add_argument('-e', '--exclude',
331                    help='File containing file patterns to exclude. Default: scripts/spdxexclude')
332    ap.add_argument('-f', '--files', action='store_true',
333                    help='Show files without SPDX.')
334    ap.add_argument('-m', '--maxlines', type=int, default=15,
335                    help='Maximum number of lines to scan in a file. Default 15')
336    ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose statistics output')
337    args = ap.parse_args()
339    # Sanity check path arguments
340    if '-' in args.path and len(args.path) > 1:
341        sys.stderr.write('stdin input "-" must be the only path argument\n')
342        sys.exit(1)
344    try:
345        # Use git to get the valid license expressions
346        repo = git.Repo(os.getcwd())
347        assert not repo.bare
349        # Initialize SPDX data
350        spdx = read_spdxdata(repo)
352        # Initialize the parser
353        parser = id_parser(spdx)
355    except SPDXException as se:
356        if se.el:
357            sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' %(se.el.path, se.txt))
358        else:
359            sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %se.txt)
360        sys.exit(1)
362    except Exception as ex:
363        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
364        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())
365        sys.exit(1)
367    try:
368        fname = args.exclude
369        if not fname:
370            fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'spdxexclude')
371        exclude_rules = read_exclude_file(fname)
372    except Exception as ex:
373        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: Reading exclude file %s: %s\n' %(fname, ex))
374        sys.exit(1)
376    try:
377        if len(args.path) and args.path[0] == '-':
378            stdin = os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb')
379            parser.parse_lines(stdin, args.maxlines, '-')
380        else:
381            if args.path:
382                for p in args.path:
383                    if os.path.isfile(p):
384                        parser.parse_lines(open(p, 'rb'), args.maxlines, p)
385                    elif os.path.isdir(p):
386                        scan_git_subtree(repo.head.reference.commit.tree, p,
387                                         args.depth)
388                    else:
389                        sys.stderr.write('path %s does not exist\n' %p)
390                        sys.exit(1)
391            else:
392                # Full git tree scan
393                scan_git_tree(repo.head.commit.tree, '.', args.depth)
395            ndirs = len(parser.spdx_dirs)
396            dirsok = 0
397            if ndirs:
398                for di in parser.spdx_dirs.values():
399                    if not di.missing:
400                        dirsok += 1
402            if args.verbose:
403                sys.stderr.write('\n')
404                sys.stderr.write('License files:     %12d\n' %spdx.license_files)
405                sys.stderr.write('Exception files:   %12d\n' %spdx.exception_files)
406                sys.stderr.write('License IDs        %12d\n' %len(spdx.licenses))
407                sys.stderr.write('Exception IDs      %12d\n' %len(spdx.exceptions))
408                sys.stderr.write('\n')
409                sys.stderr.write('Files excluded:    %12d\n' %parser.excluded)
410                sys.stderr.write('Files checked:     %12d\n' %parser.checked)
411                sys.stderr.write('Lines checked:     %12d\n' %parser.lines_checked)
412                if parser.checked:
413                    pc = int(100 * parser.spdx_valid / parser.checked)
414                    sys.stderr.write('Files with SPDX:   %12d %3d%%\n' %(parser.spdx_valid, pc))
415                sys.stderr.write('Files with errors: %12d\n' %parser.spdx_errors)
416                if ndirs:
417                    sys.stderr.write('\n')
418                    sys.stderr.write('Directories accounted: %8d\n' %ndirs)
419                    pc = int(100 * dirsok / ndirs)
420                    sys.stderr.write('Directories complete:  %8d %3d%%\n' %(dirsok, pc))
422            if ndirs and ndirs != dirsok and args.dirs:
423                if args.verbose:
424                    sys.stderr.write('\n')
425                sys.stderr.write('Incomplete directories: SPDX in Files\n')
426                for f in sorted(parser.spdx_dirs.keys()):
427                    di = parser.spdx_dirs[f]
428                    if di.missing:
429                        valid = - di.missing
430                        pc = int(100 * valid /
431                        sys.stderr.write('    %-80s: %5d of %5d  %3d%%\n' %(f, valid,, pc))
433            if ndirs and ndirs != dirsok and args.files:
434                if args.verbose or args.dirs:
435                    sys.stderr.write('\n')
436                sys.stderr.write('Files without SPDX:\n')
437                for f in sorted(parser.spdx_dirs.keys()):
438                    di = parser.spdx_dirs[f]
439                    for f in sorted(di.files):
440                        sys.stderr.write('    %s\n' %f)
442            sys.exit(0)
444    except Exception as ex:
445        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
446        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())
447        sys.exit(1)
  1#!/usr/bin/env python
  2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3# Copyright Thomas Gleixner <>
  5from argparse import ArgumentParser
  6from ply import lex, yacc
  7import locale
  8import traceback
  9import sys
 10import git
 11import re
 12import os
 14class ParserException(Exception):
 15    def __init__(self, tok, txt):
 16        self.tok = tok
 17        self.txt = txt
 19class SPDXException(Exception):
 20    def __init__(self, el, txt):
 21        self.el = el
 22        self.txt = txt
 24class SPDXdata(object):
 25    def __init__(self):
 26        self.license_files = 0
 27        self.exception_files = 0
 28        self.licenses = [ ]
 29        self.exceptions = { }
 31# Read the spdx data from the LICENSES directory
 32def read_spdxdata(repo):
 34    # The subdirectories of LICENSES in the kernel source
 35    # Note: exceptions needs to be parsed as last directory.
 36    license_dirs = [ "preferred", "dual", "deprecated", "exceptions" ]
 37    lictree = repo.head.commit.tree['LICENSES']
 39    spdx = SPDXdata()
 41    for d in license_dirs:
 42        for el in lictree[d].traverse():
 43            if not os.path.isfile(el.path):
 44                continue
 46            exception = None
 47            for l in open(el.path).readlines():
 48                if l.startswith('Valid-License-Identifier:'):
 49                    lid = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
 50                    if lid in spdx.licenses:
 51                        raise SPDXException(el, 'Duplicate License Identifier: %s' %lid)
 52                    else:
 53                        spdx.licenses.append(lid)
 55                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Exception-Identifier:'):
 56                    exception = l.split(':')[1].strip().upper()
 57                    spdx.exceptions[exception] = []
 59                elif l.startswith('SPDX-Licenses:'):
 60                    for lic in l.split(':')[1].upper().strip().replace(' ', '').replace('\t', '').split(','):
 61                        if not lic in spdx.licenses:
 62                            raise SPDXException(None, 'Exception %s missing license %s' %(exception, lic))
 63                        spdx.exceptions[exception].append(lic)
 65                elif l.startswith("License-Text:"):
 66                    if exception:
 67                        if not len(spdx.exceptions[exception]):
 68                            raise SPDXException(el, 'Exception %s is missing SPDX-Licenses' %exception)
 69                        spdx.exception_files += 1
 70                    else:
 71                        spdx.license_files += 1
 72                    break
 73    return spdx
 75class id_parser(object):
 77    reserved = [ 'AND', 'OR', 'WITH' ]
 78    tokens = [ 'LPAR', 'RPAR', 'ID', 'EXC' ] + reserved
 80    precedence = ( ('nonassoc', 'AND', 'OR'), )
 82    t_ignore = ' \t'
 84    def __init__(self, spdx):
 85        self.spdx = spdx
 86        self.lasttok = None
 87        self.lastid = None
 88        self.lexer = lex.lex(module = self, reflags = re.UNICODE)
 89        # Initialize the parser. No debug file and no parser rules stored on disk
 90        # The rules are small enough to be generated on the fly
 91        self.parser = yacc.yacc(module = self, write_tables = False, debug = False)
 92        self.lines_checked = 0
 93        self.checked = 0
 94        self.spdx_valid = 0
 95        self.spdx_errors = 0
 96        self.curline = 0
 97        self.deepest = 0
 99    # Validate License and Exception IDs
100    def validate(self, tok):
101        id = tok.value.upper()
102        if tok.type == 'ID':
103            if not id in self.spdx.licenses:
104                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid License ID')
105            self.lastid = id
106        elif tok.type == 'EXC':
107            if id not in self.spdx.exceptions:
108                raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid Exception ID')
109            if self.lastid not in self.spdx.exceptions[id]:
110                raise ParserException(tok, 'Exception not valid for license %s' %self.lastid)
111            self.lastid = None
112        elif tok.type != 'WITH':
113            self.lastid = None
115    # Lexer functions
116    def t_RPAR(self, tok):
117        r'\)'
118        self.lasttok = tok.type
119        return tok
121    def t_LPAR(self, tok):
122        r'\('
123        self.lasttok = tok.type
124        return tok
126    def t_ID(self, tok):
127        r'[A-Za-z.0-9\-+]+'
129        if self.lasttok == 'EXC':
130            print(tok)
131            raise ParserException(tok, 'Missing parentheses')
133        tok.value = tok.value.strip()
134        val = tok.value.upper()
136        if val in self.reserved:
137            tok.type = val
138        elif self.lasttok == 'WITH':
139            tok.type = 'EXC'
141        self.lasttok = tok.type
142        self.validate(tok)
143        return tok
145    def t_error(self, tok):
146        raise ParserException(tok, 'Invalid token')
148    def p_expr(self, p):
149        '''expr : ID
150                | ID WITH EXC
151                | expr AND expr
152                | expr OR expr
153                | LPAR expr RPAR'''
154        pass
156    def p_error(self, p):
157        if not p:
158            raise ParserException(None, 'Unfinished license expression')
159        else:
160            raise ParserException(p, 'Syntax error')
162    def parse(self, expr):
163        self.lasttok = None
164        self.lastid = None
165        self.parser.parse(expr, lexer = self.lexer)
167    def parse_lines(self, fd, maxlines, fname):
168        self.checked += 1
169        self.curline = 0
170        try:
171            for line in fd:
172                line = line.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding(False), errors='ignore')
173                self.curline += 1
174                if self.curline > maxlines:
175                    break
176                self.lines_checked += 1
177                if line.find("SPDX-License-Identifier:") < 0:
178                    continue
179                expr = line.split(':')[1].strip()
180                # Remove trailing comment closure
181                if line.strip().endswith('*/'):
182                    expr = expr.rstrip('*/').strip()
183                # Special case for SH magic boot code files
184                if line.startswith('LIST \"'):
185                    expr = expr.rstrip('\"').strip()
186                self.parse(expr)
187                self.spdx_valid += 1
188                #
189                # Should we check for more SPDX ids in the same file and
190                # complain if there are any?
191                #
192                break
194        except ParserException as pe:
195            if pe.tok:
196                col = line.find(expr) + pe.tok.lexpos
197                tok = pe.tok.value
198                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:%d %s: %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, col, pe.txt, tok))
199            else:
200                sys.stdout.write('%s: %d:0 %s\n' %(fname, self.curline, col, pe.txt))
201            self.spdx_errors += 1
203def scan_git_tree(tree):
204    for el in tree.traverse():
205        # Exclude stuff which would make pointless noise
206        # FIXME: Put this somewhere more sensible
207        if el.path.startswith("LICENSES"):
208            continue
209        if el.path.find("license-rules.rst") >= 0:
210            continue
211        if not os.path.isfile(el.path):
212            continue
213        with open(el.path, 'rb') as fd:
214            parser.parse_lines(fd, args.maxlines, el.path)
216def scan_git_subtree(tree, path):
217    for p in path.strip('/').split('/'):
218        tree = tree[p]
219    scan_git_tree(tree)
221if __name__ == '__main__':
223    ap = ArgumentParser(description='SPDX expression checker')
224    ap.add_argument('path', nargs='*', help='Check path or file. If not given full git tree scan. For stdin use "-"')
225    ap.add_argument('-m', '--maxlines', type=int, default=15,
226                    help='Maximum number of lines to scan in a file. Default 15')
227    ap.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Verbose statistics output')
228    args = ap.parse_args()
230    # Sanity check path arguments
231    if '-' in args.path and len(args.path) > 1:
232        sys.stderr.write('stdin input "-" must be the only path argument\n')
233        sys.exit(1)
235    try:
236        # Use git to get the valid license expressions
237        repo = git.Repo(os.getcwd())
238        assert not repo.bare
240        # Initialize SPDX data
241        spdx = read_spdxdata(repo)
243        # Initilize the parser
244        parser = id_parser(spdx)
246    except SPDXException as se:
247        if se.el:
248            sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' %(se.el.path, se.txt))
249        else:
250            sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %se.txt)
251        sys.exit(1)
253    except Exception as ex:
254        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
255        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())
256        sys.exit(1)
258    try:
259        if len(args.path) and args.path[0] == '-':
260            stdin = os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb')
261            parser.parse_lines(stdin, args.maxlines, '-')
262        else:
263            if args.path:
264                for p in args.path:
265                    if os.path.isfile(p):
266                        parser.parse_lines(open(p, 'rb'), args.maxlines, p)
267                    elif os.path.isdir(p):
268                        scan_git_subtree(repo.head.reference.commit.tree, p)
269                    else:
270                        sys.stderr.write('path %s does not exist\n' %p)
271                        sys.exit(1)
272            else:
273                # Full git tree scan
274                scan_git_tree(repo.head.commit.tree)
276            if args.verbose:
277                sys.stderr.write('\n')
278                sys.stderr.write('License files:     %12d\n' %spdx.license_files)
279                sys.stderr.write('Exception files:   %12d\n' %spdx.exception_files)
280                sys.stderr.write('License IDs        %12d\n' %len(spdx.licenses))
281                sys.stderr.write('Exception IDs      %12d\n' %len(spdx.exceptions))
282                sys.stderr.write('\n')
283                sys.stderr.write('Files checked:     %12d\n' %parser.checked)
284                sys.stderr.write('Lines checked:     %12d\n' %parser.lines_checked)
285                sys.stderr.write('Files with SPDX:   %12d\n' %parser.spdx_valid)
286                sys.stderr.write('Files with errors: %12d\n' %parser.spdx_errors)
288            sys.exit(0)
290    except Exception as ex:
291        sys.stderr.write('FAIL: %s\n' %ex)
292        sys.stderr.write('%s\n' %traceback.format_exc())
293        sys.exit(1)