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Note: File does not exist in v5.4.
  1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  2#include <linux/bpf.h>
  3#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
  4#include "bpf_misc.h"
  6int main(void);
  8struct {
  9	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_PROG_ARRAY);
 10	__uint(max_entries, 1);
 11	__uint(key_size, sizeof(__u32));
 12	__array(values, void (void));
 13} jmp_table SEC(".maps") = {
 14	.values = {
 15		[0] = (void *) &main,
 16	},
 19__noinline __auxiliary
 20static __naked int sub(void)
 22	asm volatile (
 23	"r2 = %[jmp_table] ll;"
 24	"r3 = 0;"
 25	"call 12;"
 26	"exit;"
 27	:
 28	: __imm_addr(jmp_table)
 29	: __clobber_all);
 34/* program entry for main(), regular function prologue */
 35__jited("	endbr64")
 36__jited("	nopl	(%rax,%rax)")
 37__jited("	xorq	%rax, %rax")
 38__jited("	pushq	%rbp")
 39__jited("	movq	%rsp, %rbp")
 40/* tail call prologue for program:
 41 * - establish memory location for tail call counter at &rbp[-8];
 42 * - spill tail_call_cnt_ptr at &rbp[-16];
 43 * - expect tail call counter to be passed in rax;
 44 * - for entry program rax is a raw counter, value < 33;
 45 * - for tail called program rax is tail_call_cnt_ptr (value > 33).
 46 */
 47__jited("	endbr64")
 48__jited("	cmpq	$0x21, %rax")
 49__jited("	ja	L0")
 50__jited("	pushq	%rax")
 51__jited("	movq	%rsp, %rax")
 52__jited("	jmp	L1")
 53__jited("L0:	pushq	%rax")			/* rbp[-8]  = rax         */
 54__jited("L1:	pushq	%rax")			/* rbp[-16] = rax         */
 55/* on subprogram call restore rax to be tail_call_cnt_ptr from rbp[-16]
 56 * (cause original rax might be clobbered by this point)
 57 */
 58__jited("	movq	-0x10(%rbp), %rax")
 59__jited("	callq	0x{{.*}}")		/* call to sub()          */
 60__jited("	xorl	%eax, %eax")
 61__jited("	leave")
 62__jited("	{{(retq|jmp	0x)}}")		/* return or jump to rethunk */
 64/* subprogram entry for sub(), regular function prologue */
 65__jited("	endbr64")
 66__jited("	nopl	(%rax,%rax)")
 67__jited("	nopl	(%rax)")
 68__jited("	pushq	%rbp")
 69__jited("	movq	%rsp, %rbp")
 70/* tail call prologue for subprogram address of tail call counter
 71 * stored at rbp[-16].
 72 */
 73__jited("	endbr64")
 74__jited("	pushq	%rax")			/* rbp[-8]  = rax          */
 75__jited("	pushq	%rax")			/* rbp[-16] = rax          */
 76__jited("	movabsq	${{.*}}, %rsi")		/* r2 = &jmp_table         */
 77__jited("	xorl	%edx, %edx")		/* r3 = 0                  */
 78/* bpf_tail_call implementation:
 79 * - load tail_call_cnt_ptr from rbp[-16];
 80 * - if *tail_call_cnt_ptr < 33, increment it and jump to target;
 81 * - otherwise do nothing.
 82 */
 83__jited("	movq	-0x10(%rbp), %rax")
 84__jited("	cmpq	$0x21, (%rax)")
 85__jited("	jae	L0")
 86__jited("	nopl	(%rax,%rax)")
 87__jited("	addq	$0x1, (%rax)")		/* *tail_call_cnt_ptr += 1 */
 88__jited("	popq	%rax")
 89__jited("	popq	%rax")
 90__jited("	jmp	{{.*}}")		/* jump to tail call tgt   */
 91__jited("L0:	leave")
 92__jited("	{{(retq|jmp	0x)}}")		/* return or jump to rethunk */
 94__naked int main(void)
 96	asm volatile (
 97	"call %[sub];"
 98	"r0 = 0;"
 99	"exit;"
100	:
101	: __imm(sub)
102	: __clobber_all);
105char __license[] SEC("license") = "GPL";