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  1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3// Copyright (C) 2024 Google LLC.
  5//! Helpers for implementing list traits safely.
  7use crate::list::ListLinks;
  9/// Declares that this type has a `ListLinks<ID>` field at a fixed offset.
 11/// This trait is only used to help implement `ListItem` safely. If `ListItem` is implemented
 12/// manually, then this trait is not needed. Use the [`impl_has_list_links!`] macro to implement
 13/// this trait.
 15/// # Safety
 17/// All values of this type must have a `ListLinks<ID>` field at the given offset.
 19/// The behavior of `raw_get_list_links` must not be changed.
 20pub unsafe trait HasListLinks<const ID: u64 = 0> {
 21    /// The offset of the `ListLinks` field.
 22    const OFFSET: usize;
 24    /// Returns a pointer to the [`ListLinks<T, ID>`] field.
 25    ///
 26    /// # Safety
 27    ///
 28    /// The provided pointer must point at a valid struct of type `Self`.
 29    ///
 30    /// [`ListLinks<T, ID>`]: ListLinks
 31    // We don't really need this method, but it's necessary for the implementation of
 32    // `impl_has_list_links!` to be correct.
 33    #[inline]
 34    unsafe fn raw_get_list_links(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut ListLinks<ID> {
 35        // SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is valid. The implementer promises that the
 36        // `OFFSET` constant is correct.
 37        unsafe { (ptr as *mut u8).add(Self::OFFSET) as *mut ListLinks<ID> }
 38    }
 41/// Implements the [`HasListLinks`] trait for the given type.
 43macro_rules! impl_has_list_links {
 44    ($(impl$(<$($implarg:ident),*>)?
 45       HasListLinks$(<$id:tt>)?
 46       for $self:ident $(<$($selfarg:ty),*>)?
 47       { self$(.$field:ident)* }
 48    )*) => {$(
 49        // SAFETY: The implementation of `raw_get_list_links` only compiles if the field has the
 50        // right type.
 51        //
 52        // The behavior of `raw_get_list_links` is not changed since the `addr_of_mut!` macro is
 53        // equivalent to the pointer offset operation in the trait definition.
 54        unsafe impl$(<$($implarg),*>)? $crate::list::HasListLinks$(<$id>)? for
 55            $self $(<$($selfarg),*>)?
 56        {
 57            const OFFSET: usize = ::core::mem::offset_of!(Self, $($field).*) as usize;
 59            #[inline]
 60            unsafe fn raw_get_list_links(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks$(<$id>)? {
 61                // SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling. We know that this
 62                // expression doesn't follow any pointers, as the `offset_of!` invocation above
 63                // would otherwise not compile.
 64                unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr)$(.$field)*) }
 65            }
 66        }
 67    )*};
 69pub use impl_has_list_links;
 71/// Declares that the `ListLinks<ID>` field in this struct is inside a `ListLinksSelfPtr<T, ID>`.
 73/// # Safety
 75/// The `ListLinks<ID>` field of this struct at the offset `HasListLinks<ID>::OFFSET` must be
 76/// inside a `ListLinksSelfPtr<T, ID>`.
 77pub unsafe trait HasSelfPtr<T: ?Sized, const ID: u64 = 0>
 79    Self: HasListLinks<ID>,
 83/// Implements the [`HasListLinks`] and [`HasSelfPtr`] traits for the given type.
 85macro_rules! impl_has_list_links_self_ptr {
 86    ($(impl$({$($implarg:tt)*})?
 87       HasSelfPtr<$item_type:ty $(, $id:tt)?>
 88       for $self:ident $(<$($selfarg:ty),*>)?
 89       { self.$field:ident }
 90    )*) => {$(
 91        // SAFETY: The implementation of `raw_get_list_links` only compiles if the field has the
 92        // right type.
 93        unsafe impl$(<$($implarg)*>)? $crate::list::HasSelfPtr<$item_type $(, $id)?> for
 94            $self $(<$($selfarg),*>)?
 95        {}
 97        unsafe impl$(<$($implarg)*>)? $crate::list::HasListLinks$(<$id>)? for
 98            $self $(<$($selfarg),*>)?
 99        {
100            const OFFSET: usize = ::core::mem::offset_of!(Self, $field) as usize;
102            #[inline]
103            unsafe fn raw_get_list_links(ptr: *mut Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks$(<$id>)? {
104                // SAFETY: The caller promises that the pointer is not dangling.
105                let ptr: *mut $crate::list::ListLinksSelfPtr<$item_type $(, $id)?> =
106                    unsafe { ::core::ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).$field) };
107                ptr.cast()
108            }
109        }
110    )*};
112pub use impl_has_list_links_self_ptr;
114/// Implements the [`ListItem`] trait for the given type.
116/// Requires that the type implements [`HasListLinks`]. Use the [`impl_has_list_links!`] macro to
117/// implement that trait.
119/// [`ListItem`]: crate::list::ListItem
121macro_rules! impl_list_item {
122    (
123        $(impl$({$($generics:tt)*})? ListItem<$num:tt> for $t:ty {
124            using ListLinks;
125        })*
126    ) => {$(
127        // SAFETY: See GUARANTEES comment on each method.
128        unsafe impl$(<$($generics)*>)? $crate::list::ListItem<$num> for $t {
129            // GUARANTEES:
130            // * This returns the same pointer as `prepare_to_insert` because `prepare_to_insert`
131            //   is implemented in terms of `view_links`.
132            // * By the type invariants of `ListLinks`, the `ListLinks` has two null pointers when
133            //   this value is not in a list.
134            unsafe fn view_links(me: *const Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num> {
135                // SAFETY: The caller guarantees that `me` points at a valid value of type `Self`.
136                unsafe {
137                    <Self as $crate::list::HasListLinks<$num>>::raw_get_list_links(me.cast_mut())
138                }
139            }
141            // GUARANTEES:
142            // * `me` originates from the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, which just added
143            //   `offset` to the pointer passed to `prepare_to_insert`. This method subtracts
144            //   `offset` from `me` so it returns the pointer originally passed to
145            //   `prepare_to_insert`.
146            // * The pointer remains valid until the next call to `post_remove` because the caller
147            //   of the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert` promised to retain ownership of the
148            //   `ListArc` containing `Self` until the next call to `post_remove`. The value cannot
149            //   be destroyed while a `ListArc` reference exists.
150            unsafe fn view_value(me: *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num>) -> *const Self {
151                let offset = <Self as $crate::list::HasListLinks<$num>>::OFFSET;
152                // SAFETY: `me` originates from the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, so it
153                // points at the field at offset `offset` in a value of type `Self`. Thus,
154                // subtracting `offset` from `me` is still in-bounds of the allocation.
155                unsafe { (me as *const u8).sub(offset) as *const Self }
156            }
158            // GUARANTEES:
159            // This implementation of `ListItem` will not give out exclusive access to the same
160            // `ListLinks` several times because calls to `prepare_to_insert` and `post_remove`
161            // must alternate and exclusive access is given up when `post_remove` is called.
162            //
163            // Other invocations of `impl_list_item!` also cannot give out exclusive access to the
164            // same `ListLinks` because you can only implement `ListItem` once for each value of
165            // `ID`, and the `ListLinks` fields only work with the specified `ID`.
166            unsafe fn prepare_to_insert(me: *const Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num> {
167                // SAFETY: The caller promises that `me` points at a valid value.
168                unsafe { <Self as $crate::list::ListItem<$num>>::view_links(me) }
169            }
171            // GUARANTEES:
172            // * `me` originates from the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, which just added
173            //   `offset` to the pointer passed to `prepare_to_insert`. This method subtracts
174            //   `offset` from `me` so it returns the pointer originally passed to
175            //   `prepare_to_insert`.
176            unsafe fn post_remove(me: *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num>) -> *const Self {
177                let offset = <Self as $crate::list::HasListLinks<$num>>::OFFSET;
178                // SAFETY: `me` originates from the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert`, so it
179                // points at the field at offset `offset` in a value of type `Self`. Thus,
180                // subtracting `offset` from `me` is still in-bounds of the allocation.
181                unsafe { (me as *const u8).sub(offset) as *const Self }
182            }
183        }
184    )*};
186    (
187        $(impl$({$($generics:tt)*})? ListItem<$num:tt> for $t:ty {
188            using ListLinksSelfPtr;
189        })*
190    ) => {$(
191        // SAFETY: See GUARANTEES comment on each method.
192        unsafe impl$(<$($generics)*>)? $crate::list::ListItem<$num> for $t {
193            // GUARANTEES:
194            // This implementation of `ListItem` will not give out exclusive access to the same
195            // `ListLinks` several times because calls to `prepare_to_insert` and `post_remove`
196            // must alternate and exclusive access is given up when `post_remove` is called.
197            //
198            // Other invocations of `impl_list_item!` also cannot give out exclusive access to the
199            // same `ListLinks` because you can only implement `ListItem` once for each value of
200            // `ID`, and the `ListLinks` fields only work with the specified `ID`.
201            unsafe fn prepare_to_insert(me: *const Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num> {
202                // SAFETY: The caller promises that `me` points at a valid value of type `Self`.
203                let links_field = unsafe { <Self as $crate::list::ListItem<$num>>::view_links(me) };
205                let spoff = $crate::list::ListLinksSelfPtr::<Self, $num>::LIST_LINKS_SELF_PTR_OFFSET;
206                // Goes via the offset as the field is private.
207                //
208                // SAFETY: The constant is equal to `offset_of!(ListLinksSelfPtr, self_ptr)`, so
209                // the pointer stays in bounds of the allocation.
210                let self_ptr = unsafe { (links_field as *const u8).add(spoff) }
211                    as *const $crate::types::Opaque<*const Self>;
212                let cell_inner = $crate::types::Opaque::raw_get(self_ptr);
214                // SAFETY: This value is not accessed in any other places than `prepare_to_insert`,
215                // `post_remove`, or `view_value`. By the safety requirements of those methods,
216                // none of these three methods may be called in parallel with this call to
217                // `prepare_to_insert`, so this write will not race with any other access to the
218                // value.
219                unsafe { ::core::ptr::write(cell_inner, me) };
221                links_field
222            }
224            // GUARANTEES:
225            // * This returns the same pointer as `prepare_to_insert` because `prepare_to_insert`
226            //   returns the return value of `view_links`.
227            // * By the type invariants of `ListLinks`, the `ListLinks` has two null pointers when
228            //   this value is not in a list.
229            unsafe fn view_links(me: *const Self) -> *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num> {
230                // SAFETY: The caller promises that `me` points at a valid value of type `Self`.
231                unsafe { <Self as HasListLinks<$num>>::raw_get_list_links(me.cast_mut()) }
232            }
234            // This function is also used as the implementation of `post_remove`, so the caller
235            // may choose to satisfy the safety requirements of `post_remove` instead of the safety
236            // requirements for `view_value`.
237            //
238            // GUARANTEES: (always)
239            // * This returns the same pointer as the one passed to the most recent call to
240            //   `prepare_to_insert` since that call wrote that pointer to this location. The value
241            //   is only modified in `prepare_to_insert`, so it has not been modified since the
242            //   most recent call.
243            //
244            // GUARANTEES: (only when using the `view_value` safety requirements)
245            // * The pointer remains valid until the next call to `post_remove` because the caller
246            //   of the most recent call to `prepare_to_insert` promised to retain ownership of the
247            //   `ListArc` containing `Self` until the next call to `post_remove`. The value cannot
248            //   be destroyed while a `ListArc` reference exists.
249            unsafe fn view_value(links_field: *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num>) -> *const Self {
250                let spoff = $crate::list::ListLinksSelfPtr::<Self, $num>::LIST_LINKS_SELF_PTR_OFFSET;
251                // SAFETY: The constant is equal to `offset_of!(ListLinksSelfPtr, self_ptr)`, so
252                // the pointer stays in bounds of the allocation.
253                let self_ptr = unsafe { (links_field as *const u8).add(spoff) }
254                    as *const ::core::cell::UnsafeCell<*const Self>;
255                let cell_inner = ::core::cell::UnsafeCell::raw_get(self_ptr);
256                // SAFETY: This is not a data race, because the only function that writes to this
257                // value is `prepare_to_insert`, but by the safety requirements the
258                // `prepare_to_insert` method may not be called in parallel with `view_value` or
259                // `post_remove`.
260                unsafe { ::core::ptr::read(cell_inner) }
261            }
263            // GUARANTEES:
264            // The first guarantee of `view_value` is exactly what `post_remove` guarantees.
265            unsafe fn post_remove(me: *mut $crate::list::ListLinks<$num>) -> *const Self {
266                // SAFETY: This specific implementation of `view_value` allows the caller to
267                // promise the safety requirements of `post_remove` instead of the safety
268                // requirements for `view_value`.
269                unsafe { <Self as $crate::list::ListItem<$num>>::view_value(me) }
270            }
271        }
272    )*};
274pub use impl_list_item;