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  2# Legend:
  3#	R,	a Load event
  4#	W,	a Store event
  5#	F,	a Fence event
  6#	LKR,	a Lock-Read event
  7#	LKW,	a Lock-Write event
  8#	UL,	an Unlock event
  9#	LF,	a Lock-Fail event
 10#	RL,	a Read-Locked event
 11#	RU,	a Read-Unlocked event
 12#	R*,	a Load event included in RMW
 13#	W*,	a Store event included in RMW
 14#	SRCU,	a Sleepable-Read-Copy-Update event
 16#	po,	a Program-Order link
 17#	rmw,	a Read-Modify-Write link - every rmw link is a po link
 19# By convention, a blank line in a cell means "same as the preceding line".
 21# Disclaimer.  The table includes representations of "add" and "and" operations;
 22# corresponding/identical representations of "sub", "inc", "dec" and "or", "xor",
 23# "andnot" operations are omitted.
 25    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 26    |                        C macro | Events                                    |
 27    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 28    |                    Non-RMW ops |                                           |
 29    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 30    |                      READ_ONCE | R[once]                                   |
 31    |                    atomic_read |                                           |
 32    |                     WRITE_ONCE | W[once]                                   |
 33    |                     atomic_set |                                           |
 34    |               smp_load_acquire | R[acquire]                                |
 35    |            atomic_read_acquire |                                           |
 36    |              smp_store_release | W[release]                                |
 37    |             atomic_set_release |                                           |
 38    |                   smp_store_mb | W[once] ->po F[mb]                        |
 39    |                         smp_mb | F[mb]                                     |
 40    |                        smp_rmb | F[rmb]                                    |
 41    |                        smp_wmb | F[wmb]                                    |
 42    |          smp_mb__before_atomic | F[before-atomic]                          |
 43    |           smp_mb__after_atomic | F[after-atomic]                           |
 44    |                    spin_unlock | UL                                        |
 45    |                 spin_is_locked | On success: RL                            |
 46    |                                | On failure: RU                            |
 47    |         smp_mb__after_spinlock | F[after-spinlock]                         |
 48    |      smp_mb__after_unlock_lock | F[after-unlock-lock]                      |
 49    |                  rcu_read_lock | F[rcu-lock]                               |
 50    |                rcu_read_unlock | F[rcu-unlock]                             |
 51    |                synchronize_rcu | F[sync-rcu]                               |
 52    |                rcu_dereference | R[once]                                   |
 53    |             rcu_assign_pointer | W[release]                                |
 54    |                 srcu_read_lock | R[srcu-lock]                              |
 55    |                 srcu_down_read |                                           |
 56    |               srcu_read_unlock | W[srcu-unlock]                            |
 57    |                   srcu_up_read |                                           |
 58    |               synchronize_srcu | SRCU[sync-srcu]                           |
 59    | smp_mb__after_srcu_read_unlock | F[after-srcu-read-unlock]                 |
 60    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 61    |       RMW ops w/o return value |                                           |
 62    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 63    |                     atomic_add | R*[noreturn] ->rmw W*[once]               |
 64    |                     atomic_and |                                           |
 65    |                      spin_lock | LKR ->po LKW                              |
 66    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 67    |        RMW ops w/ return value |                                           |
 68    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 69    |              atomic_add_return | F[mb] ->po R*[once]                       |
 70    |                                |     ->rmw W*[once] ->po F[mb]             |
 71    |               atomic_fetch_add |                                           |
 72    |               atomic_fetch_and |                                           |
 73    |                    atomic_xchg |                                           |
 74    |                           xchg |                                           |
 75    |            atomic_add_negative |                                           |
 76    |      atomic_add_return_relaxed | R*[once] ->rmw W*[once]                   |
 77    |       atomic_fetch_add_relaxed |                                           |
 78    |       atomic_fetch_and_relaxed |                                           |
 79    |            atomic_xchg_relaxed |                                           |
 80    |                   xchg_relaxed |                                           |
 81    |    atomic_add_negative_relaxed |                                           |
 82    |      atomic_add_return_acquire | R*[acquire] ->rmw W*[once]                |
 83    |       atomic_fetch_add_acquire |                                           |
 84    |       atomic_fetch_and_acquire |                                           |
 85    |            atomic_xchg_acquire |                                           |
 86    |                   xchg_acquire |                                           |
 87    |    atomic_add_negative_acquire |                                           |
 88    |      atomic_add_return_release | R*[once] ->rmw W*[release]                |
 89    |       atomic_fetch_add_release |                                           |
 90    |       atomic_fetch_and_release |                                           |
 91    |            atomic_xchg_release |                                           |
 92    |                   xchg_release |                                           |
 93    |    atomic_add_negative_release |                                           |
 94    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 95    |            Conditional RMW ops |                                           |
 96    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 97    |                 atomic_cmpxchg | On success: F[mb] ->po R*[once]           |
 98    |                                |                 ->rmw W*[once] ->po F[mb] |
 99    |                                | On failure: R*[once]                      |
100    |                        cmpxchg |                                           |
101    |              atomic_add_unless |                                           |
102    |         atomic_cmpxchg_relaxed | On success: R*[once] ->rmw W*[once]       |
103    |                                | On failure: R*[once]                      |
104    |         atomic_cmpxchg_acquire | On success: R*[acquire] ->rmw W*[once]    |
105    |                                | On failure: R*[once]                      |
106    |         atomic_cmpxchg_release | On success: R*[once] ->rmw W*[release]    |
107    |                                | On failure: R*[once]                      |
108    |                   spin_trylock | On success: LKR ->po LKW                  |
109    |                                | On failure: LF                            |
110    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------