Note: File does not exist in v4.6.
1% -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2% SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
4% LaTeX preamble for "make latexdocs" or "make pdfdocs" including:
5% - TOC width settings
6% - Setting of tabulary (\tymin)
7% - Headheight setting for fancyhdr
8% - Fontfamily settings for CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) translations
10% Note on the suffix of .sty:
11% This is not implemented as a LaTeX style file, but as a file containing
12% plain LaTeX code to be included into preamble.
13% ".sty" is chosen because ".tex" would cause the build scripts to confuse
14% this file with a LaTeX main file.
16% Copyright (C) 2022 Akira Yokosawa
18% Custom width parameters for TOC
19% - Redefine low-level commands defined in report.cls.
20% - Indent of 2 chars is preserved for ease of comparison.
21% Summary of changes from default params:
22% Width of page number (\@pnumwidth): 1.55em -> 2.7em
23% Width of chapter number: 1.5em -> 2.4em
24% Indent of section number: 1.5em -> 2.4em
25% Width of section number: 2.6em -> 3.2em
26% Indent of subsection number: 4.1em -> 5.6em
27% Width of subsection number: 3.5em -> 4.3em
29% These params can have 4 digit page counts, 3 digit chapter counts,
30% section counts of 4 digits + 1 period (e.g., 18.10), and subsection counts
31% of 5 digits + 2 periods (e.g., 18.7.13).
33%% Redefine \@pnumwidth (page number width)
35%% Redefine \l@chapter (chapter list entry)
37 \ifnum \c@tocdepth >\m@ne
38 \addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}%
39 \vskip 1.0em \@plus\p@
40 \setlength\@tempdima{2.4em}%
41 \begingroup
42 \parindent \z@ \rightskip \@pnumwidth
43 \parfillskip -\@pnumwidth
44 \leavevmode \bfseries
45 \advance\leftskip\@tempdima
46 \hskip -\leftskip
47 #1\nobreak\hfil
48 \nobreak\hb@xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2%
49 \kern-\p@\kern\p@}\par
50 \penalty\@highpenalty
51 \endgroup
52 \fi}
53%% Redefine \l@section and \l@subsection
57%% Prevent default \sphinxtableofcontentshook from overwriting above tweaks.
58\renewcommand{\sphinxtableofcontentshook}{} % Empty the hook
60% Prevent column squeezing of tabulary. \tymin is set by Sphinx as:
61% \setlength{\tymin}{3\fontcharwd\font`0 }
62% , which is too short.
65% Adjust \headheight for fancyhdr
69% Translations have Asian (CJK) characters which are only displayed if
70% xeCJK is used
74\IfFontExistsTF{Noto Sans CJK SC}{
75 \IfFileExists{xeCJK.sty}{
76 \setboolean{enablecjk}{true}
77 }{}
80 % Load xeCJK when both the Noto Sans CJK font and xeCJK.sty are available.
81 \usepackage{xeCJK}
82 % Noto CJK fonts don't provide slant shape. [AutoFakeSlant] permits
83 % its emulation.
84 % Select KR variant at the beginning of each document so that quotation
85 % and apostorph symbols of half-width is used in TOC of Latin documents.
86 \IfFontExistsTF{Noto Serif CJK KR}{
87 \setCJKmainfont{Noto Serif CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
88 }{
89 \setCJKmainfont{Noto Sans CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
90 }
91 \setCJKsansfont{Noto Sans CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
92 \setCJKmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
93 % Teach xeCJK of half-width symbols
94 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{HalfLeft}{`“,`‘}
95 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{HalfRight}{`”,`’}
96 % CJK Language-specific font choices
97 %% for Simplified Chinese
98 \IfFontExistsTF{Noto Serif CJK SC}{
99 \newCJKfontfamily[SCmain]\scmain{Noto Serif CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
100 \newCJKfontfamily[SCserif]\scserif{Noto Serif CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
101 }{
102 \newCJKfontfamily[SCmain]\scmain{Noto Sans CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
103 \newCJKfontfamily[SCserif]\scserif{Noto Sans CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
104 }
105 \newCJKfontfamily[SCsans]\scsans{Noto Sans CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
106 \newCJKfontfamily[SCmono]\scmono{Noto Sans Mono CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]
107 %% for Traditional Chinese
108 \IfFontExistsTF{Noto Serif CJK TC}{
109 \newCJKfontfamily[TCmain]\tcmain{Noto Serif CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
110 \newCJKfontfamily[TCserif]\tcserif{Noto Serif CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
111 }{
112 \newCJKfontfamily[TCmain]\tcmain{Noto Sans CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
113 \newCJKfontfamily[TCserif]\tcserif{Noto Sans CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
114 }
115 \newCJKfontfamily[TCsans]\tcsans{Noto Sans CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
116 \newCJKfontfamily[TCmono]\tcmono{Noto Sans Mono CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]
117 %% for Korean
118 \IfFontExistsTF{Noto Serif CJK KR}{
119 \newCJKfontfamily[KRmain]\krmain{Noto Serif CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
120 \newCJKfontfamily[KRserif]\krserif{Noto Serif CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
121 }{
122 \newCJKfontfamily[KRmain]\krmain{Noto Sans CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
123 \newCJKfontfamily[KRserif]\krserif{Noto Sans CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
124 }
125 \newCJKfontfamily[KRsans]\krsans{Noto Sans CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
126 \newCJKfontfamily[KRmono]\krmono{Noto Sans Mono CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]
127 %% for Japanese
128 \IfFontExistsTF{Noto Serif CJK JP}{
129 \newCJKfontfamily[JPmain]\jpmain{Noto Serif CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
130 \newCJKfontfamily[JPserif]\jpserif{Noto Serif CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
131 }{
132 \newCJKfontfamily[JPmain]\jpmain{Noto Sans CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
133 \newCJKfontfamily[JPserif]\jpserif{Noto Sans CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
134 }
135 \newCJKfontfamily[JPsans]\jpsans{Noto Sans CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
136 \newCJKfontfamily[JPmono]\jpmono{Noto Sans Mono CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]
137 % Define custom macros to on/off CJK
138 %% One and half spacing for CJK contents
139 \newcommand{\kerneldocCJKon}{\makexeCJKactive\onehalfspacing}
140 \newcommand{\kerneldocCJKoff}{\makexeCJKinactive\singlespacing}
141 % Define custom macros for switching CJK font setting
142 %% for Simplified Chinese
143 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginSC}{%
144 \begingroup%
145 \scmain%
146 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{FullLeft}{`“,`‘}% Full-width in SC
147 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{FullRight}{`”,`’}% Full-width in SC
148 \renewcommand{\CJKrmdefault}{SCserif}%
149 \renewcommand{\CJKsfdefault}{SCsans}%
150 \renewcommand{\CJKttdefault}{SCmono}%
151 \xeCJKsetup{CJKspace = false}% gobble white spaces by ' '
152 % For CJK ascii-art alignment
153 \setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK SC}[AutoFakeSlant]%
154 }
155 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndSC}{\endgroup}
156 %% for Traditional Chinese
157 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginTC}{%
158 \begingroup%
159 \tcmain%
160 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{FullLeft}{`“,`‘}% Full-width in TC
161 \xeCJKDeclareCharClass{FullRight}{`”,`’}% Full-width in TC
162 \renewcommand{\CJKrmdefault}{TCserif}%
163 \renewcommand{\CJKsfdefault}{TCsans}%
164 \renewcommand{\CJKttdefault}{TCmono}%
165 \xeCJKsetup{CJKspace = false}% gobble white spaces by ' '
166 % For CJK ascii-art alignment
167 \setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK TC}[AutoFakeSlant]%
168 }
169 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndTC}{\endgroup}
170 %% for Korean
171 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginKR}{%
172 \begingroup%
173 \krmain%
174 \renewcommand{\CJKrmdefault}{KRserif}%
175 \renewcommand{\CJKsfdefault}{KRsans}%
176 \renewcommand{\CJKttdefault}{KRmono}%
177 % \xeCJKsetup{CJKspace = true} % true by default
178 % For CJK ascii-art alignment (still misaligned for Hangul)
179 \setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK KR}[AutoFakeSlant]%
180 }
181 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndKR}{\endgroup}
182 %% for Japanese
183 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginJP}{%
184 \begingroup%
185 \jpmain%
186 \renewcommand{\CJKrmdefault}{JPserif}%
187 \renewcommand{\CJKsfdefault}{JPsans}%
188 \renewcommand{\CJKttdefault}{JPmono}%
189 \xeCJKsetup{CJKspace = false}% gobble white space by ' '
190 % For CJK ascii-art alignment
191 \setmonofont{Noto Sans Mono CJK JP}[AutoFakeSlant]%
192 }
193 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndJP}{\endgroup}
195 % Single spacing in literal blocks
196 \fvset{baselinestretch=1}
197 % To customize \sphinxtableofcontents
198 \usepackage{etoolbox}
199 % Inactivate CJK after tableofcontents
200 \apptocmd{\sphinxtableofcontents}{\kerneldocCJKoff}{}{}
201 \xeCJKsetup{CJKspace = true}% For inter-phrase space of Korean TOC
202 % Suppress extra white space at latin .. non-latin in literal blocks
203 \AtBeginEnvironment{sphinxVerbatim}{\CJKsetecglue{}}
204}{ % Don't enable CJK
205 % Custom macros to on/off CJK and switch CJK fonts (Dummy)
206 \newcommand{\kerneldocCJKon}{}
207 \newcommand{\kerneldocCJKoff}{}
208 %% By defining \kerneldocBegin(SC|TC|KR|JP) as commands with an argument
209 %% and ignore the argument (#1) in their definitions, whole contents of
210 %% CJK chapters can be ignored.
211 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginSC}[1]{%
212 %% Put a note on missing CJK fonts or the xecjk package in place of
213 %% zh_CN translation.
214 \begin{sphinxadmonition}{note}{Note on missing fonts and a package:}
215 Translations of Simplified Chinese (zh\_CN), Traditional Chinese
216 (zh\_TW), Korean (ko\_KR), and Japanese (ja\_JP) were skipped
217 due to the lack of suitable font families and/or the texlive-xecjk
218 package.
220 If you want them, please install non-variable ``Noto Sans CJK''
221 font families along with the texlive-xecjk package by following
222 instructions from
223 \sphinxcode{./scripts/sphinx-pre-install}.
224 Having optional non-variable ``Noto Serif CJK'' font families will
225 improve the looks of those translations.
226 \end{sphinxadmonition}}
227 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndSC}{}
228 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginTC}[1]{}
229 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndTC}{}
230 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginKR}[1]{}
231 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndKR}{}
232 \newcommand{\kerneldocBeginJP}[1]{}
233 \newcommand{\kerneldocEndJP}{}