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  2Deadline Task Scheduling
  7    0. WARNING
  8    1. Overview
  9    2. Scheduling algorithm
 10      2.1 Main algorithm
 11      2.2 Bandwidth reclaiming
 12    3. Scheduling Real-Time Tasks
 13      3.1 Definitions
 14      3.2 Schedulability Analysis for Uniprocessor Systems
 15      3.3 Schedulability Analysis for Multiprocessor Systems
 16      3.4 Relationship with SCHED_DEADLINE Parameters
 17    4. Bandwidth management
 18      4.1 System-wide settings
 19      4.2 Task interface
 20      4.3 Default behavior
 21      4.4 Behavior of sched_yield()
 22    5. Tasks CPU affinity
 23      5.1 SCHED_DEADLINE and cpusets HOWTO
 24    6. Future plans
 25    A. Test suite
 26    B. Minimal main()
 32 Fiddling with these settings can result in an unpredictable or even unstable
 33 system behavior. As for -rt (group) scheduling, it is assumed that root users
 34 know what they're doing.
 371. Overview
 40 The SCHED_DEADLINE policy contained inside the sched_dl scheduling class is
 41 basically an implementation of the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling
 42 algorithm, augmented with a mechanism (called Constant Bandwidth Server, CBS)
 43 that makes it possible to isolate the behavior of tasks between each other.
 462. Scheduling algorithm
 492.1 Main algorithm
 52 SCHED_DEADLINE [18] uses three parameters, named "runtime", "period", and
 53 "deadline", to schedule tasks. A SCHED_DEADLINE task should receive
 54 "runtime" microseconds of execution time every "period" microseconds, and
 55 these "runtime" microseconds are available within "deadline" microseconds
 56 from the beginning of the period.  In order to implement this behavior,
 57 every time the task wakes up, the scheduler computes a "scheduling deadline"
 58 consistent with the guarantee (using the CBS[2,3] algorithm). Tasks are then
 59 scheduled using EDF[1] on these scheduling deadlines (the task with the
 60 earliest scheduling deadline is selected for execution). Notice that the
 61 task actually receives "runtime" time units within "deadline" if a proper
 62 "admission control" strategy (see Section "4. Bandwidth management") is used
 63 (clearly, if the system is overloaded this guarantee cannot be respected).
 65 Summing up, the CBS[2,3] algorithm assigns scheduling deadlines to tasks so
 66 that each task runs for at most its runtime every period, avoiding any
 67 interference between different tasks (bandwidth isolation), while the EDF[1]
 68 algorithm selects the task with the earliest scheduling deadline as the one
 69 to be executed next. Thanks to this feature, tasks that do not strictly comply
 70 with the "traditional" real-time task model (see Section 3) can effectively
 71 use the new policy.
 73 In more details, the CBS algorithm assigns scheduling deadlines to
 74 tasks in the following way:
 76  - Each SCHED_DEADLINE task is characterized by the "runtime",
 77    "deadline", and "period" parameters;
 79  - The state of the task is described by a "scheduling deadline", and
 80    a "remaining runtime". These two parameters are initially set to 0;
 82  - When a SCHED_DEADLINE task wakes up (becomes ready for execution),
 83    the scheduler checks if::
 85                 remaining runtime                  runtime
 86        ----------------------------------    >    ---------
 87        scheduling deadline - current time           period
 89    then, if the scheduling deadline is smaller than the current time, or
 90    this condition is verified, the scheduling deadline and the
 91    remaining runtime are re-initialized as
 93         scheduling deadline = current time + deadline
 94         remaining runtime = runtime
 96    otherwise, the scheduling deadline and the remaining runtime are
 97    left unchanged;
 99  - When a SCHED_DEADLINE task executes for an amount of time t, its
100    remaining runtime is decreased as::
102         remaining runtime = remaining runtime - t
104    (technically, the runtime is decreased at every tick, or when the
105    task is descheduled / preempted);
107  - When the remaining runtime becomes less or equal than 0, the task is
108    said to be "throttled" (also known as "depleted" in real-time literature)
109    and cannot be scheduled until its scheduling deadline. The "replenishment
110    time" for this task (see next item) is set to be equal to the current
111    value of the scheduling deadline;
113  - When the current time is equal to the replenishment time of a
114    throttled task, the scheduling deadline and the remaining runtime are
115    updated as::
117         scheduling deadline = scheduling deadline + period
118         remaining runtime = remaining runtime + runtime
120 The SCHED_FLAG_DL_OVERRUN flag in sched_attr's sched_flags field allows a task
121 to get informed about runtime overruns through the delivery of SIGXCPU
122 signals.
1252.2 Bandwidth reclaiming
128 Bandwidth reclaiming for deadline tasks is based on the GRUB (Greedy
129 Reclamation of Unused Bandwidth) algorithm [15, 16, 17] and it is enabled
130 when flag SCHED_FLAG_RECLAIM is set.
132 The following diagram illustrates the state names for tasks handled by GRUB::
134                             ------------
135                 (d)        |   Active   |
136              ------------->|            |
137              |             | Contending |
138              |              ------------
139              |                A      |
140          ----------           |      |
141         |          |          |      |
142         | Inactive |          |(b)   | (a)
143         |          |          |      |
144          ----------           |      |
145              A                |      V
146              |              ------------
147              |             |   Active   |
148              --------------|     Non    |
149                 (c)        | Contending |
150                             ------------
152 A task can be in one of the following states:
154  - ActiveContending: if it is ready for execution (or executing);
156  - ActiveNonContending: if it just blocked and has not yet surpassed the 0-lag
157    time;
159  - Inactive: if it is blocked and has surpassed the 0-lag time.
161 State transitions:
163  (a) When a task blocks, it does not become immediately inactive since its
164      bandwidth cannot be immediately reclaimed without breaking the
165      real-time guarantees. It therefore enters a transitional state called
166      ActiveNonContending. The scheduler arms the "inactive timer" to fire at
167      the 0-lag time, when the task's bandwidth can be reclaimed without
168      breaking the real-time guarantees.
170      The 0-lag time for a task entering the ActiveNonContending state is
171      computed as::
173                        (runtime * dl_period)
174             deadline - ---------------------
175                             dl_runtime
177      where runtime is the remaining runtime, while dl_runtime and dl_period
178      are the reservation parameters.
180  (b) If the task wakes up before the inactive timer fires, the task re-enters
181      the ActiveContending state and the "inactive timer" is canceled.
182      In addition, if the task wakes up on a different runqueue, then
183      the task's utilization must be removed from the previous runqueue's active
184      utilization and must be added to the new runqueue's active utilization.
185      In order to avoid races between a task waking up on a runqueue while the
186      "inactive timer" is running on a different CPU, the "dl_non_contending"
187      flag is used to indicate that a task is not on a runqueue but is active
188      (so, the flag is set when the task blocks and is cleared when the
189      "inactive timer" fires or when the task  wakes up).
191  (c) When the "inactive timer" fires, the task enters the Inactive state and
192      its utilization is removed from the runqueue's active utilization.
194  (d) When an inactive task wakes up, it enters the ActiveContending state and
195      its utilization is added to the active utilization of the runqueue where
196      it has been enqueued.
198 For each runqueue, the algorithm GRUB keeps track of two different bandwidths:
200  - Active bandwidth (running_bw): this is the sum of the bandwidths of all
201    tasks in active state (i.e., ActiveContending or ActiveNonContending);
203  - Total bandwidth (this_bw): this is the sum of all tasks "belonging" to the
204    runqueue, including the tasks in Inactive state.
206  - Maximum usable bandwidth (max_bw): This is the maximum bandwidth usable by
207    deadline tasks and is currently set to the RT capacity.
210 The algorithm reclaims the bandwidth of the tasks in Inactive state.
211 It does so by decrementing the runtime of the executing task Ti at a pace equal
212 to
214           dq = -(max{ Ui, (Umax - Uinact - Uextra) } / Umax) dt
216 where:
218  - Ui is the bandwidth of task Ti;
219  - Umax is the maximum reclaimable utilization (subjected to RT throttling
220    limits);
221  - Uinact is the (per runqueue) inactive utilization, computed as
222    (this_bq - running_bw);
223  - Uextra is the (per runqueue) extra reclaimable utilization
224    (subjected to RT throttling limits).
227 Let's now see a trivial example of two deadline tasks with runtime equal
228 to 4 and period equal to 8 (i.e., bandwidth equal to 0.5)::
230         A            Task T1
231         |
232         |                               |
233         |                               |
234         |--------                       |----
235         |       |                       V
236         |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--------->t
237         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
240         A            Task T2
241         |
242         |                               |
243         |                               |
244         |       ------------------------|
245         |       |                       V
246         |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--------->t
247         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
250         A            running_bw
251         |
252       1 -----------------               ------
253         |               |               |
254      0.5-               -----------------
255         |                               |
256         |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--------->t
257         0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
260  - Time t = 0:
262    Both tasks are ready for execution and therefore in ActiveContending state.
263    Suppose Task T1 is the first task to start execution.
264    Since there are no inactive tasks, its runtime is decreased as dq = -1 dt.
266  - Time t = 2:
268    Suppose that task T1 blocks
269    Task T1 therefore enters the ActiveNonContending state. Since its remaining
270    runtime is equal to 2, its 0-lag time is equal to t = 4.
271    Task T2 start execution, with runtime still decreased as dq = -1 dt since
272    there are no inactive tasks.
274  - Time t = 4:
276    This is the 0-lag time for Task T1. Since it didn't woken up in the
277    meantime, it enters the Inactive state. Its bandwidth is removed from
278    running_bw.
279    Task T2 continues its execution. However, its runtime is now decreased as
280    dq = - 0.5 dt because Uinact = 0.5.
281    Task T2 therefore reclaims the bandwidth unused by Task T1.
283  - Time t = 8:
285    Task T1 wakes up. It enters the ActiveContending state again, and the
286    running_bw is incremented.
2892.3 Energy-aware scheduling
292 When cpufreq's schedutil governor is selected, SCHED_DEADLINE implements the
293 GRUB-PA [19] algorithm, reducing the CPU operating frequency to the minimum
294 value that still allows to meet the deadlines. This behavior is currently
295 implemented only for ARM architectures.
297 A particular care must be taken in case the time needed for changing frequency
298 is of the same order of magnitude of the reservation period. In such cases,
299 setting a fixed CPU frequency results in a lower amount of deadline misses.
3023. Scheduling Real-Time Tasks
307 ..  BIG FAT WARNING ******************************************************
309 .. warning::
311   This section contains a (not-thorough) summary on classical deadline
312   scheduling theory, and how it applies to SCHED_DEADLINE.
313   The reader can "safely" skip to Section 4 if only interested in seeing
314   how the scheduling policy can be used. Anyway, we strongly recommend
315   to come back here and continue reading (once the urge for testing is
316   satisfied :P) to be sure of fully understanding all technical details.
318 .. ************************************************************************
320 There are no limitations on what kind of task can exploit this new
321 scheduling discipline, even if it must be said that it is particularly
322 suited for periodic or sporadic real-time tasks that need guarantees on their
323 timing behavior, e.g., multimedia, streaming, control applications, etc.
3253.1 Definitions
328 A typical real-time task is composed of a repetition of computation phases
329 (task instances, or jobs) which are activated on a periodic or sporadic
330 fashion.
331 Each job J_j (where J_j is the j^th job of the task) is characterized by an
332 arrival time r_j (the time when the job starts), an amount of computation
333 time c_j needed to finish the job, and a job absolute deadline d_j, which
334 is the time within which the job should be finished. The maximum execution
335 time max{c_j} is called "Worst Case Execution Time" (WCET) for the task.
336 A real-time task can be periodic with period P if r_{j+1} = r_j + P, or
337 sporadic with minimum inter-arrival time P is r_{j+1} >= r_j + P. Finally,
338 d_j = r_j + D, where D is the task's relative deadline.
339 Summing up, a real-time task can be described as
341	Task = (WCET, D, P)
343 The utilization of a real-time task is defined as the ratio between its
344 WCET and its period (or minimum inter-arrival time), and represents
345 the fraction of CPU time needed to execute the task.
347 If the total utilization U=sum(WCET_i/P_i) is larger than M (with M equal
348 to the number of CPUs), then the scheduler is unable to respect all the
349 deadlines.
350 Note that total utilization is defined as the sum of the utilizations
351 WCET_i/P_i over all the real-time tasks in the system. When considering
352 multiple real-time tasks, the parameters of the i-th task are indicated
353 with the "_i" suffix.
354 Moreover, if the total utilization is larger than M, then we risk starving
355 non- real-time tasks by real-time tasks.
356 If, instead, the total utilization is smaller than M, then non real-time
357 tasks will not be starved and the system might be able to respect all the
358 deadlines.
359 As a matter of fact, in this case it is possible to provide an upper bound
360 for tardiness (defined as the maximum between 0 and the difference
361 between the finishing time of a job and its absolute deadline).
362 More precisely, it can be proven that using a global EDF scheduler the
363 maximum tardiness of each task is smaller or equal than
365	((M − 1) · WCET_max − WCET_min)/(M − (M − 2) · U_max) + WCET_max
367 where WCET_max = max{WCET_i} is the maximum WCET, WCET_min=min{WCET_i}
368 is the minimum WCET, and U_max = max{WCET_i/P_i} is the maximum
369 utilization[12].
3713.2 Schedulability Analysis for Uniprocessor Systems
374 If M=1 (uniprocessor system), or in case of partitioned scheduling (each
375 real-time task is statically assigned to one and only one CPU), it is
376 possible to formally check if all the deadlines are respected.
377 If D_i = P_i for all tasks, then EDF is able to respect all the deadlines
378 of all the tasks executing on a CPU if and only if the total utilization
379 of the tasks running on such a CPU is smaller or equal than 1.
380 If D_i != P_i for some task, then it is possible to define the density of
381 a task as WCET_i/min{D_i,P_i}, and EDF is able to respect all the deadlines
382 of all the tasks running on a CPU if the sum of the densities of the tasks
383 running on such a CPU is smaller or equal than 1:
385	sum(WCET_i / min{D_i, P_i}) <= 1
387 It is important to notice that this condition is only sufficient, and not
388 necessary: there are task sets that are schedulable, but do not respect the
389 condition. For example, consider the task set {Task_1,Task_2} composed by
390 Task_1=(50ms,50ms,100ms) and Task_2=(10ms,100ms,100ms).
391 EDF is clearly able to schedule the two tasks without missing any deadline
392 (Task_1 is scheduled as soon as it is released, and finishes just in time
393 to respect its deadline; Task_2 is scheduled immediately after Task_1, hence
394 its response time cannot be larger than 50ms + 10ms = 60ms) even if
396	50 / min{50,100} + 10 / min{100, 100} = 50 / 50 + 10 / 100 = 1.1
398 Of course it is possible to test the exact schedulability of tasks with
399 D_i != P_i (checking a condition that is both sufficient and necessary),
400 but this cannot be done by comparing the total utilization or density with
401 a constant. Instead, the so called "processor demand" approach can be used,
402 computing the total amount of CPU time h(t) needed by all the tasks to
403 respect all of their deadlines in a time interval of size t, and comparing
404 such a time with the interval size t. If h(t) is smaller than t (that is,
405 the amount of time needed by the tasks in a time interval of size t is
406 smaller than the size of the interval) for all the possible values of t, then
407 EDF is able to schedule the tasks respecting all of their deadlines. Since
408 performing this check for all possible values of t is impossible, it has been
409 proven[4,5,6] that it is sufficient to perform the test for values of t
410 between 0 and a maximum value L. The cited papers contain all of the
411 mathematical details and explain how to compute h(t) and L.
412 In any case, this kind of analysis is too complex as well as too
413 time-consuming to be performed on-line. Hence, as explained in Section
414 4 Linux uses an admission test based on the tasks' utilizations.
4163.3 Schedulability Analysis for Multiprocessor Systems
419 On multiprocessor systems with global EDF scheduling (non partitioned
420 systems), a sufficient test for schedulability can not be based on the
421 utilizations or densities: it can be shown that even if D_i = P_i task
422 sets with utilizations slightly larger than 1 can miss deadlines regardless
423 of the number of CPUs.
425 Consider a set {Task_1,...Task_{M+1}} of M+1 tasks on a system with M
426 CPUs, with the first task Task_1=(P,P,P) having period, relative deadline
427 and WCET equal to P. The remaining M tasks Task_i=(e,P-1,P-1) have an
428 arbitrarily small worst case execution time (indicated as "e" here) and a
429 period smaller than the one of the first task. Hence, if all the tasks
430 activate at the same time t, global EDF schedules these M tasks first
431 (because their absolute deadlines are equal to t + P - 1, hence they are
432 smaller than the absolute deadline of Task_1, which is t + P). As a
433 result, Task_1 can be scheduled only at time t + e, and will finish at
434 time t + e + P, after its absolute deadline. The total utilization of the
435 task set is U = M · e / (P - 1) + P / P = M · e / (P - 1) + 1, and for small
436 values of e this can become very close to 1. This is known as "Dhall's
437 effect"[7]. Note: the example in the original paper by Dhall has been
438 slightly simplified here (for example, Dhall more correctly computed
439 lim_{e->0}U).
441 More complex schedulability tests for global EDF have been developed in
442 real-time literature[8,9], but they are not based on a simple comparison
443 between total utilization (or density) and a fixed constant. If all tasks
444 have D_i = P_i, a sufficient schedulability condition can be expressed in
445 a simple way:
447	sum(WCET_i / P_i) <= M - (M - 1) · U_max
449 where U_max = max{WCET_i / P_i}[10]. Notice that for U_max = 1,
450 M - (M - 1) · U_max becomes M - M + 1 = 1 and this schedulability condition
451 just confirms the Dhall's effect. A more complete survey of the literature
452 about schedulability tests for multi-processor real-time scheduling can be
453 found in [11].
455 As seen, enforcing that the total utilization is smaller than M does not
456 guarantee that global EDF schedules the tasks without missing any deadline
457 (in other words, global EDF is not an optimal scheduling algorithm). However,
458 a total utilization smaller than M is enough to guarantee that non real-time
459 tasks are not starved and that the tardiness of real-time tasks has an upper
460 bound[12] (as previously noted). Different bounds on the maximum tardiness
461 experienced by real-time tasks have been developed in various papers[13,14],
462 but the theoretical result that is important for SCHED_DEADLINE is that if
463 the total utilization is smaller or equal than M then the response times of
464 the tasks are limited.
4663.4 Relationship with SCHED_DEADLINE Parameters
469 Finally, it is important to understand the relationship between the
470 SCHED_DEADLINE scheduling parameters described in Section 2 (runtime,
471 deadline and period) and the real-time task parameters (WCET, D, P)
472 described in this section. Note that the tasks' temporal constraints are
473 represented by its absolute deadlines d_j = r_j + D described above, while
474 SCHED_DEADLINE schedules the tasks according to scheduling deadlines (see
475 Section 2).
476 If an admission test is used to guarantee that the scheduling deadlines
477 are respected, then SCHED_DEADLINE can be used to schedule real-time tasks
478 guaranteeing that all the jobs' deadlines of a task are respected.
479 In order to do this, a task must be scheduled by setting:
481  - runtime >= WCET
482  - deadline = D
483  - period <= P
485 IOW, if runtime >= WCET and if period is <= P, then the scheduling deadlines
486 and the absolute deadlines (d_j) coincide, so a proper admission control
487 allows to respect the jobs' absolute deadlines for this task (this is what is
488 called "hard schedulability property" and is an extension of Lemma 1 of [2]).
489 Notice that if runtime > deadline the admission control will surely reject
490 this task, as it is not possible to respect its temporal constraints.
492 References:
494  1 - C. L. Liu and J. W. Layland. Scheduling algorithms for multiprogram-
495      ming in a hard-real-time environment. Journal of the Association for
496      Computing Machinery, 20(1), 1973.
497  2 - L. Abeni , G. Buttazzo. Integrating Multimedia Applications in Hard
498      Real-Time Systems. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Real-time Systems
499      Symposium, 1998.
500  3 - L. Abeni. Server Mechanisms for Multimedia Applications. ReTiS Lab
501      Technical Report.
502  4 - J. Y. Leung and M.L. Merril. A Note on Preemptive Scheduling of
503      Periodic, Real-Time Tasks. Information Processing Letters, vol. 11,
504      no. 3, pp. 115-118, 1980.
505  5 - S. K. Baruah, A. K. Mok and L. E. Rosier. Preemptively Scheduling
506      Hard-Real-Time Sporadic Tasks on One Processor. Proceedings of the
507      11th IEEE Real-time Systems Symposium, 1990.
508  6 - S. K. Baruah, L. E. Rosier and R. R. Howell. Algorithms and Complexity
509      Concerning the Preemptive Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time tasks on
510      One Processor. Real-Time Systems Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp 301-324,
511      1990.
512  7 - S. J. Dhall and C. L. Liu. On a real-time scheduling problem. Operations
513      research, vol. 26, no. 1, pp 127-140, 1978.
514  8 - T. Baker. Multiprocessor EDF and Deadline Monotonic Schedulability
515      Analysis. Proceedings of the 24th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2003.
516  9 - T. Baker. An Analysis of EDF Schedulability on a Multiprocessor.
517      IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 16, no. 8,
518      pp 760-768, 2005.
519  10 - J. Goossens, S. Funk and S. Baruah, Priority-Driven Scheduling of
520       Periodic Task Systems on Multiprocessors. Real-Time Systems Journal,
521       vol. 25, no. 2–3, pp. 187–205, 2003.
522  11 - R. Davis and A. Burns. A Survey of Hard Real-Time Scheduling for
523       Multiprocessor Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 43, no. 4, 2011.
525  12 - U. C. Devi and J. H. Anderson. Tardiness Bounds under Global EDF
526       Scheduling on a Multiprocessor. Real-Time Systems Journal, vol. 32,
527       no. 2, pp 133-189, 2008.
528  13 - P. Valente and G. Lipari. An Upper Bound to the Lateness of Soft
529       Real-Time Tasks Scheduled by EDF on Multiprocessors. Proceedings of
530       the 26th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2005.
531  14 - J. Erickson, U. Devi and S. Baruah. Improved tardiness bounds for
532       Global EDF. Proceedings of the 22nd Euromicro Conference on
533       Real-Time Systems, 2010.
534  15 - G. Lipari, S. Baruah, Greedy reclamation of unused bandwidth in
535       constant-bandwidth servers, 12th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Real-Time
536       Systems, 2000.
537  16 - L. Abeni, J. Lelli, C. Scordino, L. Palopoli, Greedy CPU reclaiming for
538       SCHED DEADLINE. In Proceedings of the Real-Time Linux Workshop (RTLWS),
539       Dusseldorf, Germany, 2014.
540  17 - L. Abeni, G. Lipari, A. Parri, Y. Sun, Multicore CPU reclaiming: parallel
541       or sequential?. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied
542       Computing, 2016.
543  18 - J. Lelli, C. Scordino, L. Abeni, D. Faggioli, Deadline scheduling in the
544       Linux kernel, Software: Practice and Experience, 46(6): 821-839, June
545       2016.
546  19 - C. Scordino, L. Abeni, J. Lelli, Energy-Aware Real-Time Scheduling in
547       the Linux Kernel, 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC
548       2018), Pau, France, April 2018.
5514. Bandwidth management
554 As previously mentioned, in order for -deadline scheduling to be
555 effective and useful (that is, to be able to provide "runtime" time units
556 within "deadline"), it is important to have some method to keep the allocation
557 of the available fractions of CPU time to the various tasks under control.
558 This is usually called "admission control" and if it is not performed, then
559 no guarantee can be given on the actual scheduling of the -deadline tasks.
561 As already stated in Section 3, a necessary condition to be respected to
562 correctly schedule a set of real-time tasks is that the total utilization
563 is smaller than M. When talking about -deadline tasks, this requires that
564 the sum of the ratio between runtime and period for all tasks is smaller
565 than M. Notice that the ratio runtime/period is equivalent to the utilization
566 of a "traditional" real-time task, and is also often referred to as
567 "bandwidth".
568 The interface used to control the CPU bandwidth that can be allocated
569 to -deadline tasks is similar to the one already used for -rt
570 tasks with real-time group scheduling (a.k.a. RT-throttling - see
571 Documentation/scheduler/sched-rt-group.rst), and is based on readable/
572 writable control files located in procfs (for system wide settings).
573 Notice that per-group settings (controlled through cgroupfs) are still not
574 defined for -deadline tasks, because more discussion is needed in order to
575 figure out how we want to manage SCHED_DEADLINE bandwidth at the task group
576 level.
578 A main difference between deadline bandwidth management and RT-throttling
579 is that -deadline tasks have bandwidth on their own (while -rt ones don't!),
580 and thus we don't need a higher level throttling mechanism to enforce the
581 desired bandwidth. In other words, this means that interface parameters are
582 only used at admission control time (i.e., when the user calls
583 sched_setattr()). Scheduling is then performed considering actual tasks'
584 parameters, so that CPU bandwidth is allocated to SCHED_DEADLINE tasks
585 respecting their needs in terms of granularity. Therefore, using this simple
586 interface we can put a cap on total utilization of -deadline tasks (i.e.,
587 \Sum (runtime_i / period_i) < global_dl_utilization_cap).
5894.1 System wide settings
592 The system wide settings are configured under the /proc virtual file system.
594 For now the -rt knobs are used for -deadline admission control and the
595 -deadline runtime is accounted against the -rt runtime. We realize that this
596 isn't entirely desirable; however, it is better to have a small interface for
597 now, and be able to change it easily later. The ideal situation (see 5.) is to
598 run -rt tasks from a -deadline server; in which case the -rt bandwidth is a
599 direct subset of dl_bw.
601 This means that, for a root_domain comprising M CPUs, -deadline tasks
602 can be created while the sum of their bandwidths stays below:
604   M * (sched_rt_runtime_us / sched_rt_period_us)
606 It is also possible to disable this bandwidth management logic, and
607 be thus free of oversubscribing the system up to any arbitrary level.
608 This is done by writing -1 in /proc/sys/kernel/sched_rt_runtime_us.
6114.2 Task interface
614 Specifying a periodic/sporadic task that executes for a given amount of
615 runtime at each instance, and that is scheduled according to the urgency of
616 its own timing constraints needs, in general, a way of declaring:
618  - a (maximum/typical) instance execution time,
619  - a minimum interval between consecutive instances,
620  - a time constraint by which each instance must be completed.
622 Therefore:
624  * a new struct sched_attr, containing all the necessary fields is
625    provided;
626  * the new scheduling related syscalls that manipulate it, i.e.,
627    sched_setattr() and sched_getattr() are implemented.
629 For debugging purposes, the leftover runtime and absolute deadline of a
630 SCHED_DEADLINE task can be retrieved through /proc/<pid>/sched (entries
631 dl.runtime and dl.deadline, both values in ns). A programmatic way to
632 retrieve these values from production code is under discussion.
6354.3 Default behavior
638 The default value for SCHED_DEADLINE bandwidth is to have rt_runtime equal to
639 950000. With rt_period equal to 1000000, by default, it means that -deadline
640 tasks can use at most 95%, multiplied by the number of CPUs that compose the
641 root_domain, for each root_domain.
642 This means that non -deadline tasks will receive at least 5% of the CPU time,
643 and that -deadline tasks will receive their runtime with a guaranteed
644 worst-case delay respect to the "deadline" parameter. If "deadline" = "period"
645 and the cpuset mechanism is used to implement partitioned scheduling (see
646 Section 5), then this simple setting of the bandwidth management is able to
647 deterministically guarantee that -deadline tasks will receive their runtime
648 in a period.
650 Finally, notice that in order not to jeopardize the admission control a
651 -deadline task cannot fork.
6544.4 Behavior of sched_yield()
657 When a SCHED_DEADLINE task calls sched_yield(), it gives up its
658 remaining runtime and is immediately throttled, until the next
659 period, when its runtime will be replenished (a special flag
660 dl_yielded is set and used to handle correctly throttling and runtime
661 replenishment after a call to sched_yield()).
663 This behavior of sched_yield() allows the task to wake-up exactly at
664 the beginning of the next period. Also, this may be useful in the
665 future with bandwidth reclaiming mechanisms, where sched_yield() will
666 make the leftoever runtime available for reclamation by other
6705. Tasks CPU affinity
673 -deadline tasks cannot have an affinity mask smaller that the entire
674 root_domain they are created on. However, affinities can be specified
675 through the cpuset facility (Documentation/admin-guide/cgroup-v1/cpusets.rst).
6775.1 SCHED_DEADLINE and cpusets HOWTO
680 An example of a simple configuration (pin a -deadline task to CPU0)
681 follows (rt-app is used to create a -deadline task)::
683   mkdir /dev/cpuset
684   mount -t cgroup -o cpuset cpuset /dev/cpuset
685   cd /dev/cpuset
686   mkdir cpu0
687   echo 0 > cpu0/cpuset.cpus
688   echo 0 > cpu0/cpuset.mems
689   echo 1 > cpuset.cpu_exclusive
690   echo 0 > cpuset.sched_load_balance
691   echo 1 > cpu0/cpuset.cpu_exclusive
692   echo 1 > cpu0/cpuset.mem_exclusive
693   echo $$ > cpu0/tasks
694   rt-app -t 100000:10000:d:0 -D5 # it is now actually superfluous to specify
695				  # task affinity
6976. Future plans
700 Still missing:
702  - programmatic way to retrieve current runtime and absolute deadline
703  - refinements to deadline inheritance, especially regarding the possibility
704    of retaining bandwidth isolation among non-interacting tasks. This is
705    being studied from both theoretical and practical points of view, and
706    hopefully we should be able to produce some demonstrative code soon;
707  - (c)group based bandwidth management, and maybe scheduling;
708  - access control for non-root users (and related security concerns to
709    address), which is the best way to allow unprivileged use of the mechanisms
710    and how to prevent non-root users "cheat" the system?
712 As already discussed, we are planning also to merge this work with the EDF
713 throttling patches [] but we still are in
714 the preliminary phases of the merge and we really seek feedback that would
715 help us decide on the direction it should take.
717Appendix A. Test suite
720 The SCHED_DEADLINE policy can be easily tested using two applications that
721 are part of a wider Linux Scheduler validation suite. The suite is
722 available as a GitHub repository:
724 The first testing application is called rt-app and can be used to
725 start multiple threads with specific parameters. rt-app supports
726 SCHED_{OTHER,FIFO,RR,DEADLINE} scheduling policies and their related
727 parameters (e.g., niceness, priority, runtime/deadline/period). rt-app
728 is a valuable tool, as it can be used to synthetically recreate certain
729 workloads (maybe mimicking real use-cases) and evaluate how the scheduler
730 behaves under such workloads. In this way, results are easily reproducible.
731 rt-app is available at:
733 Thread parameters can be specified from the command line, with something like
734 this::
736  # rt-app -t 100000:10000:d -t 150000:20000:f:10 -D5
738 The above creates 2 threads. The first one, scheduled by SCHED_DEADLINE,
739 executes for 10ms every 100ms. The second one, scheduled at SCHED_FIFO
740 priority 10, executes for 20ms every 150ms. The test will run for a total
741 of 5 seconds.
743 More interestingly, configurations can be described with a json file that
744 can be passed as input to rt-app with something like this::
746  # rt-app my_config.json
748 The parameters that can be specified with the second method are a superset
749 of the command line options. Please refer to rt-app documentation for more
750 details (`<rt-app-sources>/doc/*.json`).
752 The second testing application is done using chrt which has support
755 The usage is straightforward::
757  # chrt -d -T 10000000 -D 100000000 0 ./my_cpuhog_app
759 With this, my_cpuhog_app is put to run inside a SCHED_DEADLINE reservation
760 of 10ms every 100ms (note that parameters are expressed in nanoseconds).
761 You can also use chrt to create a reservation for an already running
762 application, given that you know its pid::
764  # chrt -d -T 10000000 -D 100000000 -p 0 my_app_pid
766Appendix B. Minimal main()
769 We provide in what follows a simple (ugly) self-contained code snippet
770 showing how SCHED_DEADLINE reservations can be created by a real-time
771 application developer::
773   #define _GNU_SOURCE
774   #include <unistd.h>
775   #include <stdio.h>
776   #include <stdlib.h>
777   #include <string.h>
778   #include <time.h>
779   #include <linux/unistd.h>
780   #include <linux/kernel.h>
781   #include <linux/types.h>
782   #include <sys/syscall.h>
783   #include <pthread.h>
785   #define gettid() syscall(__NR_gettid)
787   #define SCHED_DEADLINE	6
789   /* XXX use the proper syscall numbers */
790   #ifdef __x86_64__
791   #define __NR_sched_setattr		314
792   #define __NR_sched_getattr		315
793   #endif
795   #ifdef __i386__
796   #define __NR_sched_setattr		351
797   #define __NR_sched_getattr		352
798   #endif
800   #ifdef __arm__
801   #define __NR_sched_setattr		380
802   #define __NR_sched_getattr		381
803   #endif
805   static volatile int done;
807   struct sched_attr {
808	__u32 size;
810	__u32 sched_policy;
811	__u64 sched_flags;
814	__s32 sched_nice;
817	__u32 sched_priority;
819	/* SCHED_DEADLINE (nsec) */
820	__u64 sched_runtime;
821	__u64 sched_deadline;
822	__u64 sched_period;
823   };
825   int sched_setattr(pid_t pid,
826		  const struct sched_attr *attr,
827		  unsigned int flags)
828   {
829	return syscall(__NR_sched_setattr, pid, attr, flags);
830   }
832   int sched_getattr(pid_t pid,
833		  struct sched_attr *attr,
834		  unsigned int size,
835		  unsigned int flags)
836   {
837	return syscall(__NR_sched_getattr, pid, attr, size, flags);
838   }
840   void *run_deadline(void *data)
841   {
842	struct sched_attr attr;
843	int x = 0;
844	int ret;
845	unsigned int flags = 0;
847	printf("deadline thread started [%ld]\n", gettid());
849	attr.size = sizeof(attr);
850	attr.sched_flags = 0;
851	attr.sched_nice = 0;
852	attr.sched_priority = 0;
854	/* This creates a 10ms/30ms reservation */
855	attr.sched_policy = SCHED_DEADLINE;
856	attr.sched_runtime = 10 * 1000 * 1000;
857	attr.sched_period = attr.sched_deadline = 30 * 1000 * 1000;
859	ret = sched_setattr(0, &attr, flags);
860	if (ret < 0) {
861		done = 0;
862		perror("sched_setattr");
863		exit(-1);
864	}
866	while (!done) {
867		x++;
868	}
870	printf("deadline thread dies [%ld]\n", gettid());
871	return NULL;
872   }
874   int main (int argc, char **argv)
875   {
876	pthread_t thread;
878	printf("main thread [%ld]\n", gettid());
880	pthread_create(&thread, NULL, run_deadline, NULL);
882	sleep(10);
884	done = 1;
885	pthread_join(thread, NULL);
887	printf("main dies [%ld]\n", gettid());
888	return 0;
889   }