Note: File does not exist in v4.6.
1Kernel driver dme1737
4Supported chips:
6 * SMSC DME1737 and compatibles (like Asus A8000)
8 Prefix: 'dme1737'
10 Addresses scanned: I2C 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e
12 Datasheet: Provided by SMSC upon request and under NDA
14 * SMSC SCH3112, SCH3114, SCH3116
16 Prefix: 'sch311x'
18 Addresses scanned: none, address read from Super-I/O config space
20 Datasheet: Available on the Internet
22 * SMSC SCH5027
24 Prefix: 'sch5027'
26 Addresses scanned: I2C 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e
28 Datasheet: Provided by SMSC upon request and under NDA
30 * SMSC SCH5127
32 Prefix: 'sch5127'
34 Addresses scanned: none, address read from Super-I/O config space
36 Datasheet: Provided by SMSC upon request and under NDA
39 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com>
42Module Parameters
45* force_start: bool
46 Enables the monitoring of voltage, fan and temp inputs
47 and PWM output control functions. Using this parameter
48 shouldn't be required since the BIOS usually takes care
49 of this.
51* probe_all_addr: bool
52 Include non-standard LPC addresses 0x162e and 0x164e
53 when probing for ISA devices. This is required for the
54 following boards:
55 - VIA EPIA SN18000
61This driver implements support for the hardware monitoring capabilities of the
62SMSC DME1737 and Asus A8000 (which are the same), SMSC SCH5027, SCH311x,
63and SCH5127 Super-I/O chips. These chips feature monitoring of 3 temp sensors
64temp[1-3] (2 remote diodes and 1 internal), 8 voltages in[0-7] (7 external and
651 internal) and up to 6 fan speeds fan[1-6]. Additionally, the chips implement
66up to 5 PWM outputs pwm[1-3,5-6] for controlling fan speeds both manually and
69For the DME1737, A8000 and SCH5027, fan[1-2] and pwm[1-2] are always present.
70Fan[3-6] and pwm[3,5-6] are optional features and their availability depends on
71the configuration of the chip. The driver will detect which features are
72present during initialization and create the sysfs attributes accordingly.
74For the SCH311x and SCH5127, fan[1-3] and pwm[1-3] are always present and
75fan[4-6] and pwm[5-6] don't exist.
77The hardware monitoring features of the DME1737, A8000, and SCH5027 are only
78accessible via SMBus, while the SCH311x and SCH5127 only provide access via
79the ISA bus. The driver will therefore register itself as an I2C client driver
80if it detects a DME1737, A8000, or SCH5027 and as a platform driver if it
81detects a SCH311x or SCH5127 chip.
84Voltage Monitoring
87The voltage inputs are sampled with 12-bit resolution and have internal
88scaling resistors. The values returned by the driver therefore reflect true
89millivolts and don't need scaling. The voltage inputs are mapped as follows
90(the last column indicates the input ranges):
92DME1737, A8000::
94 in0: +5VTR (+5V standby) 0V - 6.64V
95 in1: Vccp (processor core) 0V - 3V
96 in2: VCC (internal +3.3V) 0V - 4.38V
97 in3: +5V 0V - 6.64V
98 in4: +12V 0V - 16V
99 in5: VTR (+3.3V standby) 0V - 4.38V
100 in6: Vbat (+3.0V) 0V - 4.38V
104 in0: +2.5V 0V - 3.32V
105 in1: Vccp (processor core) 0V - 2V
106 in2: VCC (internal +3.3V) 0V - 4.38V
107 in3: +5V 0V - 6.64V
108 in4: +12V 0V - 16V
109 in5: VTR (+3.3V standby) 0V - 4.38V
110 in6: Vbat (+3.0V) 0V - 4.38V
114 in0: +5VTR (+5V standby) 0V - 6.64V
115 in1: Vccp (processor core) 0V - 3V
116 in2: VCC (internal +3.3V) 0V - 4.38V
117 in3: V2_IN 0V - 1.5V
118 in4: V1_IN 0V - 1.5V
119 in5: VTR (+3.3V standby) 0V - 4.38V
120 in6: Vbat (+3.0V) 0V - 4.38V
124 in0: +2.5 0V - 3.32V
125 in1: Vccp (processor core) 0V - 3V
126 in2: VCC (internal +3.3V) 0V - 4.38V
127 in3: V2_IN 0V - 1.5V
128 in4: V1_IN 0V - 1.5V
129 in5: VTR (+3.3V standby) 0V - 4.38V
130 in6: Vbat (+3.0V) 0V - 4.38V
131 in7: Vtrip (+1.5V) 0V - 1.99V
133Each voltage input has associated min and max limits which trigger an alarm
134when crossed.
137Temperature Monitoring
140Temperatures are measured with 12-bit resolution and reported in millidegree
141Celsius. The chip also features offsets for all 3 temperature inputs which -
142when programmed - get added to the input readings. The chip does all the
143scaling by itself and the driver therefore reports true temperatures that don't
144need any user-space adjustments. The temperature inputs are mapped as follows
145(the last column indicates the input ranges)::
147 temp1: Remote diode 1 (3904 type) temperature -127C - +127C
148 temp2: DME1737 internal temperature -127C - +127C
149 temp3: Remote diode 2 (3904 type) temperature -127C - +127C
151Each temperature input has associated min and max limits which trigger an alarm
152when crossed. Additionally, each temperature input has a fault attribute that
153returns 1 when a faulty diode or an unconnected input is detected and 0
157Fan Monitoring
160Fan RPMs are measured with 16-bit resolution. The chip provides inputs for 6
161fan tachometers. All 6 inputs have an associated min limit which triggers an
162alarm when crossed. Fan inputs 1-4 provide type attributes that need to be set
163to the number of pulses per fan revolution that the connected tachometer
164generates. Supported values are 1, 2, and 4. Fan inputs 5-6 only support fans
165that generate 2 pulses per revolution. Fan inputs 5-6 also provide a max
166attribute that needs to be set to the maximum attainable RPM (fan at 100% duty-
167cycle) of the input. The chip adjusts the sampling rate based on this value.
170PWM Output Control
173This chip features 5 PWM outputs. PWM outputs 1-3 are associated with fan
174inputs 1-3 and PWM outputs 5-6 are associated with fan inputs 5-6. PWM outputs
1751-3 can be configured to operate either in manual or automatic mode by setting
176the appropriate enable attribute accordingly. PWM outputs 5-6 can only operate
177in manual mode, their enable attributes are therefore read-only. When set to
178manual mode, the fan speed is set by writing the duty-cycle value to the
179appropriate PWM attribute. In automatic mode, the PWM attribute returns the
180current duty-cycle as set by the fan controller in the chip. All PWM outputs
181support the setting of the output frequency via the freq attribute.
183In automatic mode, the chip supports the setting of the PWM ramp rate which
184defines how fast the PWM output is adjusting to changes of the associated
185temperature input. Associating PWM outputs to temperature inputs is done via
186temperature zones. The chip features 3 zones whose assignments to temperature
187inputs is static and determined during initialization. These assignments can
188be retrieved via the zone[1-3]_auto_channels_temp attributes. Each PWM output
189is assigned to one (or hottest of multiple) temperature zone(s) through the
190pwm[1-3]_auto_channels_zone attributes. Each PWM output has 3 distinct output
191duty-cycles: full, low, and min. Full is internally hard-wired to 255 (100%)
192and low and min can be programmed via pwm[1-3]_auto_point1_pwm and
193pwm[1-3]_auto_pwm_min, respectively. The thermal thresholds of the zones are
194programmed via zone[1-3]_auto_point[1-3]_temp and
197 =============================== =======================================
198 pwm[1-3]_auto_point2_pwm full-speed duty-cycle (255, i.e., 100%)
199 pwm[1-3]_auto_point1_pwm low-speed duty-cycle
200 pwm[1-3]_auto_pwm_min min-speed duty-cycle
202 zone[1-3]_auto_point3_temp full-speed temp (all outputs)
203 zone[1-3]_auto_point2_temp full-speed temp
204 zone[1-3]_auto_point1_temp low-speed temp
205 zone[1-3]_auto_point1_temp_hyst min-speed temp
206 =============================== =======================================
208The chip adjusts the output duty-cycle linearly in the range of auto_point1_pwm
209to auto_point2_pwm if the temperature of the associated zone is between
210auto_point1_temp and auto_point2_temp. If the temperature drops below the
211auto_point1_temp_hyst value, the output duty-cycle is set to the auto_pwm_min
212value which only supports two values: 0 or auto_point1_pwm. That means that the
213fan either turns completely off or keeps spinning with the low-speed
214duty-cycle. If any of the temperatures rise above the auto_point3_temp value,
215all PWM outputs are set to 100% duty-cycle.
217Following is another representation of how the chip sets the output duty-cycle
218based on the temperature of the associated thermal zone:
220 =============== =============== =================
221 Temperature Duty-Cycle Duty-Cycle
222 Rising Temp Falling Temp
223 =============== =============== =================
224 full-speed full-speed full-speed
226 - < linearly -
227 adjusted
228 duty-cycle >
230 low-speed low-speed low-speed
231 - min-speed low-speed
232 min-speed min-speed min-speed
233 - min-speed min-speed
234 =============== =============== =================
237Sysfs Attributes
240Following is a list of all sysfs attributes that the driver provides, their
241permissions and a short description:
243=============================== ======= =======================================
244Name Perm Description
245=============================== ======= =======================================
246cpu0_vid RO CPU core reference voltage in
247 millivolts.
248vrm RW Voltage regulator module version
249 number.
251in[0-7]_input RO Measured voltage in millivolts.
252in[0-7]_min RW Low limit for voltage input.
253in[0-7]_max RW High limit for voltage input.
254in[0-7]_alarm RO Voltage input alarm. Returns 1 if
255 voltage input is or went outside the
256 associated min-max range, 0 otherwise.
258temp[1-3]_input RO Measured temperature in millidegree
259 Celsius.
260temp[1-3]_min RW Low limit for temp input.
261temp[1-3]_max RW High limit for temp input.
262temp[1-3]_offset RW Offset for temp input. This value will
263 be added by the chip to the measured
264 temperature.
265temp[1-3]_alarm RO Alarm for temp input. Returns 1 if temp
266 input is or went outside the associated
267 min-max range, 0 otherwise.
268temp[1-3]_fault RO Temp input fault. Returns 1 if the chip
269 detects a faulty thermal diode or an
270 unconnected temp input, 0 otherwise.
272zone[1-3]_auto_channels_temp RO Temperature zone to temperature input
273 mapping. This attribute is a bitfield
274 and supports the following values:
276 - 1: temp1
277 - 2: temp2
278 - 4: temp3
279zone[1-3]_auto_point1_temp_hyst RW Auto PWM temp point1 hysteresis. The
280 output of the corresponding PWM is set
281 to the pwm_auto_min value if the temp
282 falls below the auto_point1_temp_hyst
283 value.
284zone[1-3]_auto_point[1-3]_temp RW Auto PWM temp points. Auto_point1 is
285 the low-speed temp, auto_point2 is the
286 full-speed temp, and auto_point3 is the
287 temp at which all PWM outputs are set
288 to full-speed (100% duty-cycle).
290fan[1-6]_input RO Measured fan speed in RPM.
291fan[1-6]_min RW Low limit for fan input.
292fan[1-6]_alarm RO Alarm for fan input. Returns 1 if fan
293 input is or went below the associated
294 min value, 0 otherwise.
295fan[1-4]_type RW Type of attached fan. Expressed in
296 number of pulses per revolution that
297 the fan generates. Supported values are
298 1, 2, and 4.
299fan[5-6]_max RW Max attainable RPM at 100% duty-cycle.
300 Required for chip to adjust the
301 sampling rate accordingly.
303pmw[1-3,5-6] RO/RW Duty-cycle of PWM output. Supported
304 values are 0-255 (0%-100%). Only
305 writeable if the associated PWM is in
306 manual mode.
307pwm[1-3]_enable RW Enable of PWM outputs 1-3. Supported
308 values are:
310 - 0: turned off (output @ 100%)
311 - 1: manual mode
312 - 2: automatic mode
313pwm[5-6]_enable RO Enable of PWM outputs 5-6. Always
314 returns 1 since these 2 outputs are
315 hard-wired to manual mode.
316pmw[1-3,5-6]_freq RW Frequency of PWM output. Supported
317 values are in the range 11Hz-30000Hz
318 (default is 25000Hz).
319pmw[1-3]_ramp_rate RW Ramp rate of PWM output. Determines how
320 fast the PWM duty-cycle will change
321 when the PWM is in automatic mode.
322 Expressed in ms per PWM step. Supported
323 values are in the range 0ms-206ms
324 (default is 0, which means the duty-
325 cycle changes instantly).
326pwm[1-3]_auto_channels_zone RW PWM output to temperature zone mapping.
327 This attribute is a bitfield and
328 supports the following values:
330 - 1: zone1
331 - 2: zone2
332 - 4: zone3
333 - 6: highest of zone[2-3]
334 - 7: highest of zone[1-3]
335pwm[1-3]_auto_pwm_min RW Auto PWM min pwm. Minimum PWM duty-
336 cycle. Supported values are 0 or
337 auto_point1_pwm.
338pwm[1-3]_auto_point1_pwm RW Auto PWM pwm point. Auto_point1 is the
339 low-speed duty-cycle.
340pwm[1-3]_auto_point2_pwm RO Auto PWM pwm point. Auto_point2 is the
341 full-speed duty-cycle which is hard-
342 wired to 255 (100% duty-cycle).
343=============================== ======= =======================================
345Chip Differences
348======================= ======= ======= ======= =======
349Feature dme1737 sch311x sch5027 sch5127
350======================= ======= ======= ======= =======
351temp[1-3]_offset yes yes
352vid yes
353zone3 yes yes yes
354zone[1-3]_hyst yes yes
355pwm min/off yes yes
356fan3 opt yes opt yes
357pwm3 opt yes opt yes
358fan4 opt opt
359fan5 opt opt
360pwm5 opt opt
361fan6 opt opt
362pwm6 opt opt
363in7 yes
364======================= ======= ======= ======= =======