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  1       STMicroelectronics 10/100/1000 Synopsys Ethernet driver
  3Copyright (C) 2007-2015  STMicroelectronics Ltd
  4Author: Giuseppe Cavallaro <>
  6This is the driver for the MAC 10/100/1000 on-chip Ethernet controllers
  7(Synopsys IP blocks).
  9Currently this network device driver is for all STi embedded MAC/GMAC
 10(i.e. 7xxx/5xxx SoCs), SPEAr (arm), Loongson1B (mips) and XLINX XC2V3000
 11FF1152AMT0221 D1215994A VIRTEX FPGA board.
 13DWC Ether MAC 10/100/1000 Universal version 3.70a (and older) and DWC Ether
 14MAC 10/100 Universal version 4.0 have been used for developing this driver.
 16This driver supports both the platform bus and PCI.
 18Please, for more information also visit:
 201) Kernel Configuration
 21The kernel configuration option is STMMAC_ETH:
 22 Device Drivers ---> Network device support ---> Ethernet (1000 Mbit) --->
 23 STMicroelectronics 10/100/1000 Ethernet driver (STMMAC_ETH)
 25CONFIG_STMMAC_PLATFORM: is to enable the platform driver.
 26CONFIG_STMMAC_PCI: is to enable the pci driver.
 282) Driver parameters list:
 29	debug: message level (0: no output, 16: all);
 30	phyaddr: to manually provide the physical address to the PHY device;
 31	buf_sz: DMA buffer size;
 32	tc: control the HW FIFO threshold;
 33	watchdog: transmit timeout (in milliseconds);
 34	flow_ctrl: Flow control ability [on/off];
 35	pause: Flow Control Pause Time;
 36	eee_timer: tx EEE timer;
 37	chain_mode: select chain mode instead of ring.
 393) Command line options
 40Driver parameters can be also passed in command line by using:
 41	stmmaceth=watchdog:100,chain_mode=1
 434) Driver information and notes
 454.1) Transmit process
 46The xmit method is invoked when the kernel needs to transmit a packet; it sets
 47the descriptors in the ring and informs the DMA engine, that there is a packet
 48ready to be transmitted.
 49By default, the driver sets the NETIF_F_SG bit in the features field of the
 50net_device structure, enabling the scatter-gather feature. This is true on
 51chips and configurations where the checksum can be done in hardware.
 52Once the controller has finished transmitting the packet, timer will be
 53scheduled to release the transmit resources.
 554.2) Receive process
 56When one or more packets are received, an interrupt happens. The interrupts
 57are not queued, so the driver has to scan all the descriptors in the ring during
 58the receive process.
 59This is based on NAPI, so the interrupt handler signals only if there is work
 60to be done, and it exits.
 61Then the poll method will be scheduled at some future point.
 62The incoming packets are stored, by the DMA, in a list of pre-allocated socket
 63buffers in order to avoid the memcpy (zero-copy).
 654.3) Interrupt mitigation
 66The driver is able to mitigate the number of its DMA interrupts
 67using NAPI for the reception on chips older than the 3.50.
 68New chips have an HW RX-Watchdog used for this mitigation.
 69Mitigation parameters can be tuned by ethtool.
 714.4) WOL
 72Wake up on Lan feature through Magic and Unicast frames are supported for the
 73GMAC core.
 754.5) DMA descriptors
 76Driver handles both normal and alternate descriptors. The latter has been only
 77tested on DWC Ether MAC 10/100/1000 Universal version 3.41a and later.
 79STMMAC supports DMA descriptor to operate both in dual buffer (RING)
 80and linked-list(CHAINED) mode. In RING each descriptor points to two
 81data buffer pointers whereas in CHAINED mode they point to only one data
 82buffer pointer. RING mode is the default.
 84In CHAINED mode each descriptor will have pointer to next descriptor in
 85the list, hence creating the explicit chaining in the descriptor itself,
 86whereas such explicit chaining is not possible in RING mode.
 884.5.1) Extended descriptors
 89The extended descriptors give us information about the Ethernet payload
 90when it is carrying PTP packets or TCP/UDP/ICMP over IP.
 91These are not available on GMAC Synopsys chips older than the 3.50.
 92At probe time the driver will decide if these can be actually used.
 93This support also is mandatory for PTPv2 because the extra descriptors
 94are used for saving the hardware timestamps and Extended Status.
 964.6) Ethtool support
 97Ethtool is supported.
 99For example, driver statistics (including RMON), internal errors can be taken
101  # ethtool -S ethX
1044.7) Jumbo and Segmentation Offloading
105Jumbo frames are supported and tested for the GMAC.
106The GSO has been also added but it's performed in software.
107LRO is not supported.
1094.8) Physical
110The driver is compatible with Physical Abstraction Layer to be connected with
111PHY and GPHY devices.
1134.9) Platform information
114Several information can be passed through the platform and device-tree.
116struct plat_stmmacenet_data {
117	char *phy_bus_name;
118	int bus_id;
119	int phy_addr;
120	int interface;
121	struct stmmac_mdio_bus_data *mdio_bus_data;
122	struct stmmac_dma_cfg *dma_cfg;
123	int clk_csr;
124	int has_gmac;
125	int enh_desc;
126	int tx_coe;
127	int rx_coe;
128	int bugged_jumbo;
129	int pmt;
130	int force_sf_dma_mode;
131	int force_thresh_dma_mode;
132	int riwt_off;
133	int max_speed;
134	int maxmtu;
135	void (*fix_mac_speed)(void *priv, unsigned int speed);
136	void (*bus_setup)(void __iomem *ioaddr);
137	int (*init)(struct platform_device *pdev, void *priv);
138	void (*exit)(struct platform_device *pdev, void *priv);
139	void *bsp_priv;
140	int has_gmac4;
141	bool tso_en;
145 o phy_bus_name: phy bus name to attach to the stmmac.
146 o bus_id: bus identifier.
147 o phy_addr: the physical address can be passed from the platform.
148	    If it is set to -1 the driver will automatically
149	    detect it at run-time by probing all the 32 addresses.
150 o interface: PHY device's interface.
151 o mdio_bus_data: specific platform fields for the MDIO bus.
152 o dma_cfg: internal DMA parameters
153   o pbl: the Programmable Burst Length is maximum number of beats to
154       be transferred in one DMA transaction.
155       GMAC also enables the 4xPBL by default. (8xPBL for GMAC 3.50 and newer)
156   o txpbl/rxpbl: GMAC and newer supports independent DMA pbl for tx/rx.
157   o pblx8: Enable 8xPBL (4xPBL for core rev < 3.50). Enabled by default.
158   o fixed_burst/mixed_burst/aal
159 o clk_csr: fixed CSR Clock range selection.
160 o has_gmac: uses the GMAC core.
161 o enh_desc: if sets the MAC will use the enhanced descriptor structure.
162 o tx_coe: core is able to perform the tx csum in HW.
163 o rx_coe: the supports three check sum offloading engine types:
164	   type_1, type_2 (full csum) and no RX coe.
165 o bugged_jumbo: some HWs are not able to perform the csum in HW for
166		over-sized frames due to limited buffer sizes.
167		Setting this flag the csum will be done in SW on
168		JUMBO frames.
169 o pmt: core has the embedded power module (optional).
170 o force_sf_dma_mode: force DMA to use the Store and Forward mode
171		     instead of the Threshold.
172 o force_thresh_dma_mode: force DMA to use the Threshold mode other than
173		     the Store and Forward mode.
174 o riwt_off: force to disable the RX watchdog feature and switch to NAPI mode.
175 o fix_mac_speed: this callback is used for modifying some syscfg registers
176		 (on ST SoCs) according to the link speed negotiated by the
177		 physical layer .
178 o bus_setup: perform HW setup of the bus. For example, on some ST platforms
179	     this field is used to configure the AMBA  bridge to generate more
180	     efficient STBus traffic.
181 o init/exit: callbacks used for calling a custom initialization;
182	     this is sometime necessary on some platforms (e.g. ST boxes)
183	     where the HW needs to have set some PIO lines or system cfg
184	     registers.  init/exit callbacks should not use or modify
185	     platform data.
186 o bsp_priv: another private pointer.
187 o has_gmac4: uses GMAC4 core.
188 o tso_en: Enables TSO (TCP Segmentation Offload) feature.
190For MDIO bus The we have:
192 struct stmmac_mdio_bus_data {
193	int (*phy_reset)(void *priv);
194	unsigned int phy_mask;
195	int *irqs;
196	int probed_phy_irq;
197 };
200 o phy_reset: hook to reset the phy device attached to the bus.
201 o phy_mask: phy mask passed when register the MDIO bus within the driver.
202 o irqs: list of IRQs, one per PHY.
203 o probed_phy_irq: if irqs is NULL, use this for probed PHY.
205For DMA engine we have the following internal fields that should be
206tuned according to the HW capabilities.
208struct stmmac_dma_cfg {
209	int pbl;
210	int txpbl;
211	int rxpbl;
212	bool pblx8;
213	int fixed_burst;
214	int mixed_burst;
215	bool aal;
219 o pbl: Programmable Burst Length (tx and rx)
220 o txpbl: Transmit Programmable Burst Length. Only for GMAC and newer.
221	 If set, DMA tx will use this value rather than pbl.
222 o rxpbl: Receive Programmable Burst Length. Only for GMAC and newer.
223	 If set, DMA rx will use this value rather than pbl.
224 o pblx8: Enable 8xPBL (4xPBL for core rev < 3.50). Enabled by default.
225 o fixed_burst: program the DMA to use the fixed burst mode
226 o mixed_burst: program the DMA to use the mixed burst mode
227 o aal: Address-Aligned Beats
231Below an example how the structures above are using on ST platforms.
233 static struct plat_stmmacenet_data stxYYY_ethernet_platform_data = {
234	.has_gmac = 0,
235	.enh_desc = 0,
236	.fix_mac_speed = stxYYY_ethernet_fix_mac_speed,
237				|
238				|-> to write an internal syscfg
239				|   on this platform when the
240				|   link speed changes from 10 to
241				|   100 and viceversa
242	.init = &stmmac_claim_resource,
243				|
244				|-> On ST SoC this calls own "PAD"
245				|   manager framework to claim
246				|   all the resources necessary
247				|   (GPIO ...). The .custom_cfg field
248				|   is used to pass a custom config.
251Below the usage of the stmmac_mdio_bus_data: on this SoC, in fact,
252there are two MAC cores: one MAC is for MDIO Bus/PHY emulation
253with fixed_link support.
255static struct stmmac_mdio_bus_data stmmac1_mdio_bus = {
256	.phy_reset = phy_reset;
257		|
258		|-> function to provide the phy_reset on this board
259	.phy_mask = 0,
262static struct fixed_phy_status stmmac0_fixed_phy_status = {
263	.link = 1,
264	.speed = 100,
265	.duplex = 1,
268During the board's device_init we can configure the first
269MAC for fixed_link by calling:
270  fixed_phy_add(PHY_POLL, 1, &stmmac0_fixed_phy_status, -1);
271and the second one, with a real PHY device attached to the bus,
272by using the stmmac_mdio_bus_data structure (to provide the id, the
273reset procedure etc).
275Note that, starting from new chips, where it is available the HW capability
276register, many configurations are discovered at run-time for example to
277understand if EEE, HW csum, PTP, enhanced descriptor etc are actually
278available. As strategy adopted in this driver, the information from the HW
279capability register can replace what has been passed from the platform.
2814.10) Device-tree support.
283Please see the following document:
284	Documentation/devicetree/bindings/net/stmmac.txt
2864.11) This is a summary of the content of some relevant files:
287 o stmmac_main.c: implements the main network device driver;
288 o stmmac_mdio.c: provides MDIO functions;
289 o stmmac_pci: this is the PCI driver;
290 o stmmac_platform.c: this the platform driver (OF supported);
291 o stmmac_ethtool.c: implements the ethtool support;
292 o stmmac.h: private driver structure;
293 o common.h: common definitions and VFTs;
294 o mmc_core.c/mmc.h: Management MAC Counters;
295 o stmmac_hwtstamp.c: HW timestamp support for PTP;
296 o stmmac_ptp.c: PTP 1588 clock;
297 o stmmac_pcs.h: Physical Coding Sublayer common implementation;
298 o dwmac-<XXX>.c: these are for the platform glue-logic file; e.g. dwmac-sti.c
299   for STMicroelectronics SoCs.
301- GMAC 3.x
302 o descs.h: descriptor structure definitions;
303 o dwmac1000_core.c: dwmac GiGa core functions;
304 o dwmac1000_dma.c: dma functions for the GMAC chip;
305 o dwmac1000.h: specific header file for the dwmac GiGa;
306 o dwmac100_core: dwmac 100 core code;
307 o dwmac100_dma.c: dma functions for the dwmac 100 chip;
308 o dwmac1000.h: specific header file for the MAC;
309 o dwmac_lib.c: generic DMA functions;
310 o enh_desc.c: functions for handling enhanced descriptors;
311 o norm_desc.c: functions for handling normal descriptors;
312 o chain_mode.c/ring_mode.c:: functions to manage RING/CHAINED modes;
314- GMAC4.x generation
315 o dwmac4_core.c: dwmac GMAC4.x core functions;
316 o dwmac4_desc.c: functions for handling GMAC4.x descriptors;
317 o dwmac4_descs.h: descriptor definitions;
318 o dwmac4_dma.c: dma functions for the GMAC4.x chip;
319 o dwmac4_dma.h: dma definitions for the GMAC4.x chip;
320 o dwmac4.h: core definitions for the GMAC4.x chip;
321 o dwmac4_lib.c: generic GMAC4.x functions;
3234.12) TSO support (GMAC4.x)
325TSO (Tcp Segmentation Offload) feature is supported by GMAC 4.x chip family.
326When a packet is sent through TCP protocol, the TCP stack ensures that
327the SKB provided to the low level driver (stmmac in our case) matches with
328the maximum frame len (IP header + TCP header + payload <= 1500 bytes (for
329MTU set to 1500)). It means that if an application using TCP want to send a
330packet which will have a length (after adding headers) > 1514 the packet
331will be split in several TCP packets: The data payload is split and headers
332(TCP/IP ..) are added. It is done by software.
334When TSO is enabled, the TCP stack doesn't care about the maximum frame
335length and provide SKB packet to stmmac as it is. The GMAC IP will have to
336perform the segmentation by it self to match with maximum frame length.
338This feature can be enabled in device tree through "snps,tso" entry.
3405) Debug Information
342The driver exports many information i.e. internal statistics,
343debug information, MAC and DMA registers etc.
345These can be read in several ways depending on the
346type of the information actually needed.
348For example a user can be use the ethtool support
349to get statistics: e.g. using: ethtool -S ethX
350(that shows the Management counters (MMC) if supported)
351or sees the MAC/DMA registers: e.g. using: ethtool -d ethX
353Compiling the Kernel with CONFIG_DEBUG_FS the driver will export the following
354debugfs entries:
357  To show the DMA TX/RX descriptor rings
359Developer can also use the "debug" module parameter to get further debug
360information (please see: NETIF Msg Level).
3626) Energy Efficient Ethernet
364Energy Efficient Ethernet(EEE) enables IEEE 802.3 MAC sublayer along
365with a family of Physical layer to operate in the Low power Idle(LPI)
366mode. The EEE mode supports the IEEE 802.3 MAC operation at 100Mbps,
3671000Mbps & 10Gbps.
369The LPI mode allows power saving by switching off parts of the
370communication device functionality when there is no data to be
371transmitted & received. The system on both the side of the link can
372disable some functionalities & save power during the period of low-link
373utilization. The MAC controls whether the system should enter or exit
374the LPI mode & communicate this to PHY.
376As soon as the interface is opened, the driver verifies if the EEE can
377be supported. This is done by looking at both the DMA HW capability
378register and the PHY devices MCD registers.
379To enter in Tx LPI mode the driver needs to have a software timer
380that enable and disable the LPI mode when there is nothing to be
3837) Precision Time Protocol (PTP)
384The driver supports the IEEE 1588-2002, Precision Time Protocol (PTP),
385which enables precise synchronization of clocks in measurement and
386control systems implemented with technologies such as network
389In addition to the basic timestamp features mentioned in IEEE 1588-2002
390Timestamps, new GMAC cores support the advanced timestamp features.
391IEEE 1588-2008 that can be enabled when configure the Kernel.
3938) SGMII/RGMII support
394New GMAC devices provide own way to manage RGMII/SGMII.
395This information is available at run-time by looking at the
396HW capability register. This means that the stmmac can manage
397auto-negotiation and link status w/o using the PHYLIB stuff.
398In fact, the HW provides a subset of extended registers to
399restart the ANE, verify Full/Half duplex mode and Speed.
400Thanks to these registers, it is possible to look at the
401Auto-negotiated Link Parter Ability.