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Note: File does not exist in v3.5.6.
  1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */
  3 * Copyright © 2022 Intel Corporation
  4 */
  6#ifndef _XE_UC_FW_ABI_H
  7#define _XE_UC_FW_ABI_H
  9#include <linux/build_bug.h>
 10#include <linux/types.h>
 13 * DOC: CSS-based Firmware Layout
 14 *
 15 * The CSS-based firmware structure is used for GuC releases on all platforms
 16 * and for HuC releases up to DG1. Starting from DG2/MTL the HuC uses the GSC
 17 * layout instead.
 18 * The CSS firmware layout looks like this::
 19 *
 20 *      +======================================================================+
 21 *      |  Firmware blob                                                       |
 22 *      +===============+===============+============+============+============+
 23 *      |  CSS header   |     uCode     |  RSA key   |  modulus   |  exponent  |
 24 *      +===============+===============+============+============+============+
 25 *       <-header size->                 <---header size continued ----------->
 26 *       <--- size ----------------------------------------------------------->
 27 *                                       <-key size->
 28 *                                                    <-mod size->
 29 *                                                                 <-exp size->
 30 *
 31 * The firmware may or may not have modulus key and exponent data. The header,
 32 * uCode and RSA signature are must-have components that will be used by driver.
 33 * Length of each components, which is all in dwords, can be found in header.
 34 * In the case that modulus and exponent are not present in fw, a.k.a truncated
 35 * image, the length value still appears in header.
 36 *
 37 * Driver will do some basic fw size validation based on the following rules:
 38 *
 39 * 1. Header, uCode and RSA are must-have components.
 40 * 2. All firmware components, if they present, are in the sequence illustrated
 41 *    in the layout table above.
 42 * 3. Length info of each component can be found in header, in dwords.
 43 * 4. Modulus and exponent key are not required by driver. They may not appear
 44 *    in fw. So driver will load a truncated firmware in this case.
 45 */
 47struct uc_css_header {
 48	u32 module_type;
 49	/*
 50	 * header_size includes all non-uCode bits, including css_header, rsa
 51	 * key, modulus key and exponent data.
 52	 */
 53	u32 header_size_dw;
 54	u32 header_version;
 55	u32 module_id;
 56	u32 module_vendor;
 57	u32 date;
 58#define CSS_DATE_DAY			(0xFF << 0)
 59#define CSS_DATE_MONTH			(0xFF << 8)
 60#define CSS_DATE_YEAR			(0xFFFF << 16)
 61	u32 size_dw; /* uCode plus header_size_dw */
 62	u32 key_size_dw;
 63	u32 modulus_size_dw;
 64	u32 exponent_size_dw;
 65	u32 time;
 66#define CSS_TIME_HOUR			(0xFF << 0)
 67#define CSS_DATE_MIN			(0xFF << 8)
 68#define CSS_DATE_SEC			(0xFFFF << 16)
 69	char username[8];
 70	char buildnumber[12];
 71	u32 sw_version;
 72#define CSS_SW_VERSION_UC_MAJOR		(0xFF << 16)
 73#define CSS_SW_VERSION_UC_MINOR		(0xFF << 8)
 74#define CSS_SW_VERSION_UC_PATCH		(0xFF << 0)
 75	union {
 76		u32 submission_version; /* only applies to GuC */
 77		u32 reserved2;
 78	};
 79	u32 reserved0[12];
 80	union {
 81		u32 private_data_size; /* only applies to GuC */
 82		u32 reserved1;
 83	};
 84	u32 header_info;
 85} __packed;
 86static_assert(sizeof(struct uc_css_header) == 128);
 89 * DOC: GSC-based Firmware Layout
 90 *
 91 * The GSC-based firmware structure is used for GSC releases on all platforms
 92 * and for HuC releases starting from DG2/MTL. Older HuC releases use the
 93 * CSS-based layout instead. Differently from the CSS headers, the GSC headers
 94 * uses a directory + entries structure (i.e., there is array of addresses
 95 * pointing to specific header extensions identified by a name). Although the
 96 * header structures are the same, some of the entries are specific to GSC while
 97 * others are specific to HuC. The manifest header entry, which includes basic
 98 * information about the binary (like the version) is always present, but it is
 99 * named differently based on the binary type.
100 *
101 * The HuC binary starts with a Code Partition Directory (CPD) header. The
102 * entries we're interested in for use in the driver are:
103 *
104 * 1. "": points to the manifest header for the HuC.
105 * 2. "huc_fw": points to the FW code. On platforms that support load via DMA
106 *    and 2-step HuC authentication (i.e. MTL+) this is a full CSS-based binary,
107 *    while if the GSC is the one doing the load (which only happens on DG2)
108 *    this section only contains the uCode.
109 *
110 * The GSC-based HuC firmware layout looks like this::
111 *
112 *	+================================================+
113 *	|  CPD Header                                    |
114 *	+================================================+
115 *	|  CPD entries[]                                 |
116 *	|      entry1                                    |
117 *	|      ...                                       |
118 *	|      entryX                                    |
119 *	|          ""                            |
120 *	|           ...                                  |
121 *	|           offset  >----------------------------|------o
122 *	|      ...                                       |      |
123 *	|      entryY                                    |      |
124 *	|          "huc_fw"                              |      |
125 *	|           ...                                  |      |
126 *	|           offset  >----------------------------|----------o
127 *	+================================================+      |   |
128 *	                                                        |   |
129 *	+================================================+      |   |
130 *	|  Manifest Header                               |<-----o   |
131 *	|      ...                                       |          |
132 *	|      FW version                                |          |
133 *	|      ...                                       |          |
134 *	+================================================+          |
135 *	                                                            |
136 *	+================================================+          |
137 *	|  FW binary                                     |<---------o
138 *	|      CSS (MTL+ only)                           |
139 *	|      uCode                                     |
140 *	|      RSA Key (MTL+ only)                       |
141 *	|      ...                                       |
142 *	+================================================+
143 *
144 * The GSC binary starts instead with a layout header, which contains the
145 * locations of the various partitions of the binary. The one we're interested
146 * in is the boot1 partition, where we can find a BPDT header followed by
147 * entries, one of which points to the RBE sub-section of the partition, which
148 * contains the CPD. The GSC blob does not contain a CSS-based binary, so we
149 * only need to look for the manifest, which is under the "" CPD entry.
150 * Note that we have no need to find where the actual FW code is inside the
151 * image because the GSC ROM will itself parse the headers to find it and load
152 * it.
153 * The GSC firmware header layout looks like this::
154 *
155 *	+================================================+
156 *	|  Layout Pointers                               |
157 *	|      ...                                       |
158 *	|      Boot1 offset  >---------------------------|------o
159 *	|      ...                                       |      |
160 *	+================================================+      |
161 *	                                                        |
162 *	+================================================+      |
163 *	|  BPDT header                                   |<-----o
164 *	+================================================+
165 *	|  BPDT entries[]                                |
166 *	|      entry1                                    |
167 *	|      ...                                       |
168 *	|      entryX                                    |
169 *	|          type == GSC_RBE                       |
170 *	|          offset  >-----------------------------|------o
171 *	|      ...                                       |      |
172 *	+================================================+      |
173 *	                                                        |
174 *	+================================================+      |
175 *	|  CPD Header                                    |<-----o
176 *	+================================================+
177 *	|  CPD entries[]                                 |
178 *	|      entry1                                    |
179 *	|      ...                                       |
180 *	|      entryX                                    |
181 *	|          ""                            |
182 *	|           ...                                  |
183 *	|           offset  >----------------------------|------o
184 *	|      ...                                       |      |
185 *	+================================================+      |
186 *	                                                        |
187 *	+================================================+      |
188 *	| Manifest Header                                |<-----o
189 *	|  ...                                           |
190 *	|  FW version                                    |
191 *	|  ...                                           |
192 *	|  Security version                              |
193 *	|  ...                                           |
194 *	+================================================+
195 */
197struct gsc_version {
198	u16 major;
199	u16 minor;
200	u16 hotfix;
201	u16 build;
202} __packed;
204struct gsc_partition {
205	u32 offset;
206	u32 size;
207} __packed;
209struct gsc_layout_pointers {
210	u8 rom_bypass_vector[16];
212	/* size of this header section, not including ROM bypass vector */
213	u16 size;
215	/*
216	 * bit0: Backup copy of layout pointers exists
217	 * bits1-15: reserved
218	 */
219	u8 flags;
221	u8 reserved;
223	u32 crc32;
225	struct gsc_partition datap;
226	struct gsc_partition boot1;
227	struct gsc_partition boot2;
228	struct gsc_partition boot3;
229	struct gsc_partition boot4;
230	struct gsc_partition boot5;
231	struct gsc_partition temp_pages;
232} __packed;
234/* Boot partition structures */
235struct gsc_bpdt_header {
236	u32 signature;
239	u16 descriptor_count; /* num of entries after the header */
241	u8 version;
242	u8 configuration;
244	u32 crc32;
246	u32 build_version;
247	struct gsc_version tool_version;
248} __packed;
250struct gsc_bpdt_entry {
251	/*
252	 * Bits 0-15: BPDT entry type
253	 * Bits 16-17: reserved
254	 * Bit 18: code sub-partition
255	 * Bits 19-31: reserved
256	 */
257	u32 type;
261	u32 sub_partition_offset; /* from the base of the BPDT header */
262	u32 sub_partition_size;
263} __packed;
265/* Code partition directory (CPD) structures */
266struct gsc_cpd_header_v2 {
267	u32 header_marker;
268#define GSC_CPD_HEADER_MARKER 0x44504324
270	u32 num_of_entries;
271	u8 header_version;
272	u8 entry_version;
273	u8 header_length; /* in bytes */
274	u8 flags;
275	u32 partition_name;
276	u32 crc32;
277} __packed;
279struct gsc_cpd_entry {
280	u8 name[12];
282	/*
283	 * Bits 0-24: offset from the beginning of the code partition
284	 * Bit 25: huffman compressed
285	 * Bits 26-31: reserved
286	 */
287	u32 offset;
291	/*
292	 * Module/Item length, in bytes. For Huffman-compressed modules, this
293	 * refers to the uncompressed size. For software-compressed modules,
294	 * this refers to the compressed size.
295	 */
296	u32 length;
298	u8 reserved[4];
299} __packed;
301struct gsc_manifest_header {
302	u32 header_type; /* 0x4 for manifest type */
303	u32 header_length; /* in dwords */
304	u32 header_version;
305	u32 flags;
306	u32 vendor;
307	u32 date;
308	u32 size; /* In dwords, size of entire manifest (header + extensions) */
309	u32 header_id;
310	u32 internal_data;
311	struct gsc_version fw_version;
312	u32 security_version;
313	struct gsc_version meu_kit_version;
314	u32 meu_manifest_version;
315	u8 general_data[4];
316	u8 reserved3[56];
317	u32 modulus_size; /* in dwords */
318	u32 exponent_size; /* in dwords */
319} __packed;