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/* SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-2.1 OR BSD-2-Clause) */

 * AF_XDP user-space access library.
 * Copyright (c) 2018 - 2019 Intel Corporation.
 * Copyright (c) 2019 Facebook
 * Author(s): Magnus Karlsson <>

#ifndef __LIBBPF_XSK_H
#define __LIBBPF_XSK_H

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <linux/if_xdp.h>

#include "libbpf.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* Load-Acquire Store-Release barriers used by the XDP socket
 * library. The following macros should *NOT* be considered part of
 * the xsk.h API, and is subject to change anytime.

#define __XSK_READ_ONCE(x) (*(volatile typeof(x) *)&x)
#define __XSK_WRITE_ONCE(x, v) (*(volatile typeof(x) *)&x) = (v)

#if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
# define libbpf_smp_store_release(p, v)					\
	do {								\
		asm volatile("" : : : "memory");			\
		__XSK_WRITE_ONCE(*p, v);				\
	} while (0)
# define libbpf_smp_load_acquire(p)					\
	({								\
		typeof(*p) ___p1 = __XSK_READ_ONCE(*p);			\
		asm volatile("" : : : "memory");			\
		___p1;							\
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
# define libbpf_smp_store_release(p, v)					\
		asm volatile ("stlr %w1, %0" : "=Q" (*p) : "r" (v) : "memory")
# define libbpf_smp_load_acquire(p)					\
	({								\
		typeof(*p) ___p1;					\
		asm volatile ("ldar %w0, %1"				\
			      : "=r" (___p1) : "Q" (*p) : "memory");	\
		___p1;							\
#elif defined(__riscv)
# define libbpf_smp_store_release(p, v)					\
	do {								\
		asm volatile ("fence rw,w" : : : "memory");		\
		__XSK_WRITE_ONCE(*p, v);				\
	} while (0)
# define libbpf_smp_load_acquire(p)					\
	({								\
		typeof(*p) ___p1 = __XSK_READ_ONCE(*p);			\
		asm volatile ("fence r,rw" : : : "memory");		\
		___p1;							\

#ifndef libbpf_smp_store_release
#define libbpf_smp_store_release(p, v)					\
	do {								\
		__sync_synchronize();					\
		__XSK_WRITE_ONCE(*p, v);				\
	} while (0)

#ifndef libbpf_smp_load_acquire
#define libbpf_smp_load_acquire(p)					\
	({								\
		typeof(*p) ___p1 = __XSK_READ_ONCE(*p);			\
		__sync_synchronize();					\
		___p1;							\


/* Do not access these members directly. Use the functions below. */
#define DEFINE_XSK_RING(name) \
struct name { \
	__u32 cached_prod; \
	__u32 cached_cons; \
	__u32 mask; \
	__u32 size; \
	__u32 *producer; \
	__u32 *consumer; \
	void *ring; \
	__u32 *flags; \


/* For a detailed explanation on the memory barriers associated with the
 * ring, please take a look at net/xdp/xsk_queue.h.

struct xsk_umem;
struct xsk_socket;

static inline __u64 *xsk_ring_prod__fill_addr(struct xsk_ring_prod *fill,
					      __u32 idx)
	__u64 *addrs = (__u64 *)fill->ring;

	return &addrs[idx & fill->mask];

static inline const __u64 *
xsk_ring_cons__comp_addr(const struct xsk_ring_cons *comp, __u32 idx)
	const __u64 *addrs = (const __u64 *)comp->ring;

	return &addrs[idx & comp->mask];

static inline struct xdp_desc *xsk_ring_prod__tx_desc(struct xsk_ring_prod *tx,
						      __u32 idx)
	struct xdp_desc *descs = (struct xdp_desc *)tx->ring;

	return &descs[idx & tx->mask];

static inline const struct xdp_desc *
xsk_ring_cons__rx_desc(const struct xsk_ring_cons *rx, __u32 idx)
	const struct xdp_desc *descs = (const struct xdp_desc *)rx->ring;

	return &descs[idx & rx->mask];

static inline int xsk_ring_prod__needs_wakeup(const struct xsk_ring_prod *r)
	return *r->flags & XDP_RING_NEED_WAKEUP;

static inline __u32 xsk_prod_nb_free(struct xsk_ring_prod *r, __u32 nb)
	__u32 free_entries = r->cached_cons - r->cached_prod;

	if (free_entries >= nb)
		return free_entries;

	/* Refresh the local tail pointer.
	 * cached_cons is r->size bigger than the real consumer pointer so
	 * that this addition can be avoided in the more frequently
	 * executed code that computs free_entries in the beginning of
	 * this function. Without this optimization it whould have been
	 * free_entries = r->cached_prod - r->cached_cons + r->size.
	r->cached_cons = libbpf_smp_load_acquire(r->consumer);
	r->cached_cons += r->size;

	return r->cached_cons - r->cached_prod;

static inline __u32 xsk_cons_nb_avail(struct xsk_ring_cons *r, __u32 nb)
	__u32 entries = r->cached_prod - r->cached_cons;

	if (entries == 0) {
		r->cached_prod = libbpf_smp_load_acquire(r->producer);
		entries = r->cached_prod - r->cached_cons;

	return (entries > nb) ? nb : entries;

static inline __u32 xsk_ring_prod__reserve(struct xsk_ring_prod *prod, __u32 nb, __u32 *idx)
	if (xsk_prod_nb_free(prod, nb) < nb)
		return 0;

	*idx = prod->cached_prod;
	prod->cached_prod += nb;

	return nb;

static inline void xsk_ring_prod__submit(struct xsk_ring_prod *prod, __u32 nb)
	/* Make sure everything has been written to the ring before indicating
	 * this to the kernel by writing the producer pointer.
	libbpf_smp_store_release(prod->producer, *prod->producer + nb);

static inline __u32 xsk_ring_cons__peek(struct xsk_ring_cons *cons, __u32 nb, __u32 *idx)
	__u32 entries = xsk_cons_nb_avail(cons, nb);

	if (entries > 0) {
		*idx = cons->cached_cons;
		cons->cached_cons += entries;

	return entries;

static inline void xsk_ring_cons__cancel(struct xsk_ring_cons *cons, __u32 nb)
	cons->cached_cons -= nb;

static inline void xsk_ring_cons__release(struct xsk_ring_cons *cons, __u32 nb)
	/* Make sure data has been read before indicating we are done
	 * with the entries by updating the consumer pointer.
	libbpf_smp_store_release(cons->consumer, *cons->consumer + nb);


static inline void *xsk_umem__get_data(void *umem_area, __u64 addr)
	return &((char *)umem_area)[addr];

static inline __u64 xsk_umem__extract_addr(__u64 addr)

static inline __u64 xsk_umem__extract_offset(__u64 addr)

static inline __u64 xsk_umem__add_offset_to_addr(__u64 addr)
	return xsk_umem__extract_addr(addr) + xsk_umem__extract_offset(addr);

LIBBPF_API int xsk_umem__fd(const struct xsk_umem *umem);
LIBBPF_API int xsk_socket__fd(const struct xsk_socket *xsk);

#define XSK_UMEM__DEFAULT_FRAME_SHIFT    12 /* 4096 bytes */

struct xsk_umem_config {
	__u32 fill_size;
	__u32 comp_size;
	__u32 frame_size;
	__u32 frame_headroom;
	__u32 flags;

LIBBPF_API int xsk_setup_xdp_prog(int ifindex,
				  int *xsks_map_fd);
LIBBPF_API int xsk_socket__update_xskmap(struct xsk_socket *xsk,
					 int xsks_map_fd);

/* Flags for the libbpf_flags field. */

struct xsk_socket_config {
	__u32 rx_size;
	__u32 tx_size;
	__u32 libbpf_flags;
	__u32 xdp_flags;
	__u16 bind_flags;

/* Set config to NULL to get the default configuration. */
LIBBPF_API int xsk_umem__create(struct xsk_umem **umem,
				void *umem_area, __u64 size,
				struct xsk_ring_prod *fill,
				struct xsk_ring_cons *comp,
				const struct xsk_umem_config *config);
LIBBPF_API int xsk_umem__create_v0_0_2(struct xsk_umem **umem,
				       void *umem_area, __u64 size,
				       struct xsk_ring_prod *fill,
				       struct xsk_ring_cons *comp,
				       const struct xsk_umem_config *config);
LIBBPF_API int xsk_umem__create_v0_0_4(struct xsk_umem **umem,
				       void *umem_area, __u64 size,
				       struct xsk_ring_prod *fill,
				       struct xsk_ring_cons *comp,
				       const struct xsk_umem_config *config);
LIBBPF_API int xsk_socket__create(struct xsk_socket **xsk,
				  const char *ifname, __u32 queue_id,
				  struct xsk_umem *umem,
				  struct xsk_ring_cons *rx,
				  struct xsk_ring_prod *tx,
				  const struct xsk_socket_config *config);
xsk_socket__create_shared(struct xsk_socket **xsk_ptr,
			  const char *ifname,
			  __u32 queue_id, struct xsk_umem *umem,
			  struct xsk_ring_cons *rx,
			  struct xsk_ring_prod *tx,
			  struct xsk_ring_prod *fill,
			  struct xsk_ring_cons *comp,
			  const struct xsk_socket_config *config);

/* Returns 0 for success and -EBUSY if the umem is still in use. */
LIBBPF_API int xsk_umem__delete(struct xsk_umem *umem);
LIBBPF_API void xsk_socket__delete(struct xsk_socket *xsk);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */

#endif /* __LIBBPF_XSK_H */