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  2 * mace.h - definitions for the registers in the Am79C940 MACE
  3 * (Medium Access Control for Ethernet) controller.
  4 *
  5 * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras.
  6 *
  7 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 10 * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 11 */
 13#define REG(x)	volatile unsigned char x; char x ## _pad[15]
 15struct mace {
 16	REG(rcvfifo);		/* receive FIFO */
 17	REG(xmtfifo);		/* transmit FIFO */
 18	REG(xmtfc);		/* transmit frame control */
 19	REG(xmtfs);		/* transmit frame status */
 20	REG(xmtrc);		/* transmit retry count */
 21	REG(rcvfc);		/* receive frame control */
 22	REG(rcvfs);		/* receive frame status (4 bytes) */
 23	REG(fifofc);		/* FIFO frame count */
 24	REG(ir);		/* interrupt register */
 25	REG(imr);		/* interrupt mask register */
 26	REG(pr);		/* poll register */
 27	REG(biucc);		/* bus interface unit config control */
 28	REG(fifocc);		/* FIFO configuration control */
 29	REG(maccc);		/* medium access control config control */
 30	REG(plscc);		/* phys layer signalling config control */
 31	REG(phycc);		/* physical configuration control */
 32	REG(chipid_lo);		/* chip ID, lsb */
 33	REG(chipid_hi);		/* chip ID, msb */
 34	REG(iac);		/* internal address config */
 35	REG(reg19);
 36	REG(ladrf);		/* logical address filter (8 bytes) */
 37	REG(padr);		/* physical address (6 bytes) */
 38	REG(reg22);
 39	REG(reg23);
 40	REG(mpc);		/* missed packet count (clears when read) */
 41	REG(reg25);
 42	REG(rntpc);		/* runt packet count (clears when read) */
 43	REG(rcvcc);		/* recv collision count (clears when read) */
 44	REG(reg28);
 45	REG(utr);		/* user test reg */
 46	REG(reg30);
 47	REG(reg31);
 50/* Bits in XMTFC */
 51#define DRTRY		0x80	/* don't retry transmission after collision */
 52#define DXMTFCS		0x08	/* don't append FCS to transmitted frame */
 53#define AUTO_PAD_XMIT	0x01	/* auto-pad short packets on transmission */
 55/* Bits in XMTFS: only valid when XMTSV is set in PR and XMTFS */
 56#define XMTSV		0x80	/* transmit status (i.e. XMTFS) valid */
 57#define UFLO		0x40	/* underflow - xmit fifo ran dry */
 58#define LCOL		0x20	/* late collision (transmission aborted) */
 59#define MORE		0x10	/* 2 or more retries needed to xmit frame */
 60#define ONE		0x08	/* 1 retry needed to xmit frame */
 61#define DEFER		0x04	/* MACE had to defer xmission (enet busy) */
 62#define LCAR		0x02	/* loss of carrier (transmission aborted) */
 63#define RTRY		0x01	/* too many retries (transmission aborted) */
 65/* Bits in XMTRC: only valid when XMTSV is set in PR (and XMTFS) */
 66#define EXDEF		0x80	/* had to defer for excessive time */
 67#define RETRY_MASK	0x0f	/* number of retries (0 - 15) */
 69/* Bits in RCVFC */
 70#define LLRCV		0x08	/* low latency receive: early DMA request */
 71#define M_RBAR		0x04	/* sets function of EAM/R pin */
 72#define AUTO_STRIP_RCV	0x01	/* auto-strip short LLC frames on recv */
 75 * Bits in RCVFS.  After a frame is received, four bytes of status
 76 * are automatically read from this register and appended to the frame
 77 * data in memory.  These are:
 78 * Byte 0 and 1: message byte count and frame status
 79 * Byte 2: runt packet count
 80 * Byte 3: receive collision count
 81 */
 82#define RS_OFLO		0x8000	/* receive FIFO overflowed */
 83#define RS_CLSN		0x4000	/* received frame suffered (late) collision */
 84#define RS_FRAMERR	0x2000	/* framing error flag */
 85#define RS_FCSERR	0x1000	/* frame had FCS error */
 86#define RS_COUNT	0x0fff	/* mask for byte count field */
 88/* Bits (fields) in FIFOFC */
 89#define RCVFC_SH	4	/* receive frame count in FIFO */
 90#define RCVFC_MASK	0x0f
 91#define XMTFC_SH	0	/* transmit frame count in FIFO */
 92#define XMTFC_MASK	0x0f
 95 * Bits in IR and IMR.  The IR clears itself when read.
 96 * Setting a bit in the IMR will disable the corresponding interrupt.
 97 */
 98#define JABBER		0x80	/* jabber error - 10baseT xmission too long */
 99#define BABBLE		0x40	/* babble - xmitter xmitting for too long */
100#define CERR		0x20	/* collision err - no SQE test (heartbeat) */
101#define RCVCCO		0x10	/* RCVCC overflow */
102#define RNTPCO		0x08	/* RNTPC overflow */
103#define MPCO		0x04	/* MPC overflow */
104#define RCVINT		0x02	/* receive interrupt */
105#define XMTINT		0x01	/* transmitter interrupt */
107/* Bits in PR */
108#define XMTSV		0x80	/* XMTFS valid (same as in XMTFS) */
109#define TDTREQ		0x40	/* set when xmit fifo is requesting data */
110#define RDTREQ		0x20	/* set when recv fifo requests data xfer */
112/* Bits in BIUCC */
113#define BSWP		0x40	/* byte swap, i.e. big-endian bus */
114#define XMTSP_4		0x00	/* start xmitting when 4 bytes in FIFO */
115#define XMTSP_16	0x10	/* start xmitting when 16 bytes in FIFO */
116#define XMTSP_64	0x20	/* start xmitting when 64 bytes in FIFO */
117#define XMTSP_112	0x30	/* start xmitting when 112 bytes in FIFO */
118#define SWRST		0x01	/* software reset */
120/* Bits in FIFOCC */
121#define XMTFW_8		0x00	/* xmit fifo watermark = 8 words free */
122#define XMTFW_16	0x40	/*  16 words free */
123#define XMTFW_32	0x80	/*  32 words free */
124#define RCVFW_16	0x00	/* recv fifo watermark = 16 bytes avail */
125#define RCVFW_32	0x10	/*  32 bytes avail */
126#define RCVFW_64	0x20	/*  64 bytes avail */
127#define XMTFWU		0x08	/* xmit fifo watermark update enable */
128#define RCVFWU		0x04	/* recv fifo watermark update enable */
129#define XMTBRST		0x02	/* enable transmit burst mode */
130#define RCVBRST		0x01	/* enable receive burst mode */
132/* Bits in MACCC */
133#define PROM		0x80	/* promiscuous mode */
134#define DXMT2PD		0x40	/* disable xmit two-part deferral algorithm */
135#define EMBA		0x20	/* enable modified backoff algorithm */
136#define DRCVPA		0x08	/* disable receiving physical address */
137#define DRCVBC		0x04	/* disable receiving broadcasts */
138#define ENXMT		0x02	/* enable transmitter */
139#define ENRCV		0x01	/* enable receiver */
141/* Bits in PLSCC */
142#define XMTSEL		0x08	/* select DO+/DO- state when idle */
143#define PORTSEL_AUI	0x00	/* select AUI port */
144#define PORTSEL_10T	0x02	/* select 10Base-T port */
145#define PORTSEL_DAI	0x04	/* select DAI port */
146#define PORTSEL_GPSI	0x06	/* select GPSI port */
147#define ENPLSIO		0x01	/* enable optional PLS I/O pins */
149/* Bits in PHYCC */
150#define LNKFL		0x80	/* reports 10Base-T link failure */
151#define DLNKTST		0x40	/* disable 10Base-T link test */
152#define REVPOL		0x20	/* 10Base-T receiver polarity reversed */
153#define DAPC		0x10	/* disable auto receiver polarity correction */
154#define LRT		0x08	/* low receive threshold for long links */
155#define ASEL		0x04	/* auto-select AUI or 10Base-T port */
156#define RWAKE		0x02	/* remote wake function */
157#define AWAKE		0x01	/* auto wake function */
159/* Bits in IAC */
160#define ADDRCHG		0x80	/* request address change */
161#define PHYADDR		0x04	/* access physical address */
162#define LOGADDR		0x02	/* access multicast filter */
164/* Bits in UTR */
165#define RTRE		0x80	/* reserved test register enable. DON'T SET. */
166#define RTRD		0x40	/* reserved test register disable.  Sticky */
167#define RPAC		0x20	/* accept runt packets */
168#define FCOLL		0x10	/* force collision */
169#define RCVFCSE		0x08	/* receive FCS enable */
170#define LOOP_NONE	0x00	/* no loopback */
171#define LOOP_EXT	0x02	/* external loopback */
172#define LOOP_INT	0x04	/* internal loopback, excludes MENDEC */
173#define LOOP_MENDEC	0x06	/* internal loopback, includes MENDEC */
  1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
  3 * mace.h - definitions for the registers in the Am79C940 MACE
  4 * (Medium Access Control for Ethernet) controller.
  5 *
  6 * Copyright (C) 1996 Paul Mackerras.
  7 */
  9#define REG(x)	volatile unsigned char x; char x ## _pad[15]
 11struct mace {
 12	REG(rcvfifo);		/* receive FIFO */
 13	REG(xmtfifo);		/* transmit FIFO */
 14	REG(xmtfc);		/* transmit frame control */
 15	REG(xmtfs);		/* transmit frame status */
 16	REG(xmtrc);		/* transmit retry count */
 17	REG(rcvfc);		/* receive frame control */
 18	REG(rcvfs);		/* receive frame status (4 bytes) */
 19	REG(fifofc);		/* FIFO frame count */
 20	REG(ir);		/* interrupt register */
 21	REG(imr);		/* interrupt mask register */
 22	REG(pr);		/* poll register */
 23	REG(biucc);		/* bus interface unit config control */
 24	REG(fifocc);		/* FIFO configuration control */
 25	REG(maccc);		/* medium access control config control */
 26	REG(plscc);		/* phys layer signalling config control */
 27	REG(phycc);		/* physical configuration control */
 28	REG(chipid_lo);		/* chip ID, lsb */
 29	REG(chipid_hi);		/* chip ID, msb */
 30	REG(iac);		/* internal address config */
 31	REG(reg19);
 32	REG(ladrf);		/* logical address filter (8 bytes) */
 33	REG(padr);		/* physical address (6 bytes) */
 34	REG(reg22);
 35	REG(reg23);
 36	REG(mpc);		/* missed packet count (clears when read) */
 37	REG(reg25);
 38	REG(rntpc);		/* runt packet count (clears when read) */
 39	REG(rcvcc);		/* recv collision count (clears when read) */
 40	REG(reg28);
 41	REG(utr);		/* user test reg */
 42	REG(reg30);
 43	REG(reg31);
 46/* Bits in XMTFC */
 47#define DRTRY		0x80	/* don't retry transmission after collision */
 48#define DXMTFCS		0x08	/* don't append FCS to transmitted frame */
 49#define AUTO_PAD_XMIT	0x01	/* auto-pad short packets on transmission */
 51/* Bits in XMTFS: only valid when XMTSV is set in PR and XMTFS */
 52#define XMTSV		0x80	/* transmit status (i.e. XMTFS) valid */
 53#define UFLO		0x40	/* underflow - xmit fifo ran dry */
 54#define LCOL		0x20	/* late collision (transmission aborted) */
 55#define MORE		0x10	/* 2 or more retries needed to xmit frame */
 56#define ONE		0x08	/* 1 retry needed to xmit frame */
 57#define DEFER		0x04	/* MACE had to defer xmission (enet busy) */
 58#define LCAR		0x02	/* loss of carrier (transmission aborted) */
 59#define RTRY		0x01	/* too many retries (transmission aborted) */
 61/* Bits in XMTRC: only valid when XMTSV is set in PR (and XMTFS) */
 62#define EXDEF		0x80	/* had to defer for excessive time */
 63#define RETRY_MASK	0x0f	/* number of retries (0 - 15) */
 65/* Bits in RCVFC */
 66#define LLRCV		0x08	/* low latency receive: early DMA request */
 67#define M_RBAR		0x04	/* sets function of EAM/R pin */
 68#define AUTO_STRIP_RCV	0x01	/* auto-strip short LLC frames on recv */
 71 * Bits in RCVFS.  After a frame is received, four bytes of status
 72 * are automatically read from this register and appended to the frame
 73 * data in memory.  These are:
 74 * Byte 0 and 1: message byte count and frame status
 75 * Byte 2: runt packet count
 76 * Byte 3: receive collision count
 77 */
 78#define RS_OFLO		0x8000	/* receive FIFO overflowed */
 79#define RS_CLSN		0x4000	/* received frame suffered (late) collision */
 80#define RS_FRAMERR	0x2000	/* framing error flag */
 81#define RS_FCSERR	0x1000	/* frame had FCS error */
 82#define RS_COUNT	0x0fff	/* mask for byte count field */
 84/* Bits (fields) in FIFOFC */
 85#define RCVFC_SH	4	/* receive frame count in FIFO */
 86#define RCVFC_MASK	0x0f
 87#define XMTFC_SH	0	/* transmit frame count in FIFO */
 88#define XMTFC_MASK	0x0f
 91 * Bits in IR and IMR.  The IR clears itself when read.
 92 * Setting a bit in the IMR will disable the corresponding interrupt.
 93 */
 94#define JABBER		0x80	/* jabber error - 10baseT xmission too long */
 95#define BABBLE		0x40	/* babble - xmitter xmitting for too long */
 96#define CERR		0x20	/* collision err - no SQE test (heartbeat) */
 97#define RCVCCO		0x10	/* RCVCC overflow */
 98#define RNTPCO		0x08	/* RNTPC overflow */
 99#define MPCO		0x04	/* MPC overflow */
100#define RCVINT		0x02	/* receive interrupt */
101#define XMTINT		0x01	/* transmitter interrupt */
103/* Bits in PR */
104#define XMTSV		0x80	/* XMTFS valid (same as in XMTFS) */
105#define TDTREQ		0x40	/* set when xmit fifo is requesting data */
106#define RDTREQ		0x20	/* set when recv fifo requests data xfer */
108/* Bits in BIUCC */
109#define BSWP		0x40	/* byte swap, i.e. big-endian bus */
110#define XMTSP_4		0x00	/* start xmitting when 4 bytes in FIFO */
111#define XMTSP_16	0x10	/* start xmitting when 16 bytes in FIFO */
112#define XMTSP_64	0x20	/* start xmitting when 64 bytes in FIFO */
113#define XMTSP_112	0x30	/* start xmitting when 112 bytes in FIFO */
114#define SWRST		0x01	/* software reset */
116/* Bits in FIFOCC */
117#define XMTFW_8		0x00	/* xmit fifo watermark = 8 words free */
118#define XMTFW_16	0x40	/*  16 words free */
119#define XMTFW_32	0x80	/*  32 words free */
120#define RCVFW_16	0x00	/* recv fifo watermark = 16 bytes avail */
121#define RCVFW_32	0x10	/*  32 bytes avail */
122#define RCVFW_64	0x20	/*  64 bytes avail */
123#define XMTFWU		0x08	/* xmit fifo watermark update enable */
124#define RCVFWU		0x04	/* recv fifo watermark update enable */
125#define XMTBRST		0x02	/* enable transmit burst mode */
126#define RCVBRST		0x01	/* enable receive burst mode */
128/* Bits in MACCC */
129#define PROM		0x80	/* promiscuous mode */
130#define DXMT2PD		0x40	/* disable xmit two-part deferral algorithm */
131#define EMBA		0x20	/* enable modified backoff algorithm */
132#define DRCVPA		0x08	/* disable receiving physical address */
133#define DRCVBC		0x04	/* disable receiving broadcasts */
134#define ENXMT		0x02	/* enable transmitter */
135#define ENRCV		0x01	/* enable receiver */
137/* Bits in PLSCC */
138#define XMTSEL		0x08	/* select DO+/DO- state when idle */
139#define PORTSEL_AUI	0x00	/* select AUI port */
140#define PORTSEL_10T	0x02	/* select 10Base-T port */
141#define PORTSEL_DAI	0x04	/* select DAI port */
142#define PORTSEL_GPSI	0x06	/* select GPSI port */
143#define ENPLSIO		0x01	/* enable optional PLS I/O pins */
145/* Bits in PHYCC */
146#define LNKFL		0x80	/* reports 10Base-T link failure */
147#define DLNKTST		0x40	/* disable 10Base-T link test */
148#define REVPOL		0x20	/* 10Base-T receiver polarity reversed */
149#define DAPC		0x10	/* disable auto receiver polarity correction */
150#define LRT		0x08	/* low receive threshold for long links */
151#define ASEL		0x04	/* auto-select AUI or 10Base-T port */
152#define RWAKE		0x02	/* remote wake function */
153#define AWAKE		0x01	/* auto wake function */
155/* Bits in IAC */
156#define ADDRCHG		0x80	/* request address change */
157#define PHYADDR		0x04	/* access physical address */
158#define LOGADDR		0x02	/* access multicast filter */
160/* Bits in UTR */
161#define RTRE		0x80	/* reserved test register enable. DON'T SET. */
162#define RTRD		0x40	/* reserved test register disable.  Sticky */
163#define RPAC		0x20	/* accept runt packets */
164#define FCOLL		0x10	/* force collision */
165#define RCVFCSE		0x08	/* receive FCS enable */
166#define LOOP_NONE	0x00	/* no loopback */
167#define LOOP_EXT	0x02	/* external loopback */
168#define LOOP_INT	0x04	/* internal loopback, excludes MENDEC */
169#define LOOP_MENDEC	0x06	/* internal loopback, includes MENDEC */