Linux Audio

Check our new training course

  2 * Copyright 2012 ST-Ericsson AB
  3 *
  4 * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public
  5 * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License
  6 * Version 2 or later at the following locations:
  7 *
  8 *
  9 *
 10 */
 12#include "ste-dbx5x0.dtsi"
 13#include "ste-href-ab8500.dtsi"
 14#include "ste-href.dtsi"
 16/ {
 17	model = "ST-Ericsson HREF (v60+) platform with Device Tree";
 18	compatible = "st-ericsson,hrefv60+", "st-ericsson,u8500";
 20	soc {
 21		/* Name the GPIO muxed rails on the HREF boards */
 22		gpio@8012e000 {
 23			/* GPIOs 0 - 31 */
 24			gpio-line-names =
 25				     /* GPIO0,1 used for UART0 BT RX/TX */
 26				     "", "",
 27				     "UART_WAKE",
 28				     "BT_WAKE",
 29				     "",
 30				     "SDMMC_1V8_3V_SEL",
 31				     "FLASH_LED_SYNC (FLASH_CTRL_0)",
 32				     "XENON_READY (FLASH_CTRL_1)",
 33				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 34				     "", "", "", "",
 35				     "",
 36				     "FLASH_LED_EN (FLASH_CTRL_3)",
 37				     "", "",
 38				     "", "", "", "", "",
 39				     /* Used by UART2 (console) */
 40				     "", "",
 41				     "MAGNETOMETER_INT";
 42		};
 44		gpio@8012e080 {
 45			/* GPIOs 32 - 63 */
 46			gpio-line-names =
 47				     "MAGNETOMETER_DRDY",
 48				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 49				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 50				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 51				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
 52		};
 54		gpio@8000e000 {
 55			/* GPIOs 64 - 95 */
 56			gpio-line-names = "XENON_EN2 (FLASH_CTRL_4)",
 57				     "DISP1_RST",
 58				     "DISP2_RST",
 59				     "TOUCH_INT2",
 60				     "LCD_VSI0_A",
 61				     "LCD_VSI1_A",
 62				     /* GPIO 70-77 used for ETM */
 63				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 64				     /* GPIO 78-81 used for YCBCR */
 65				     "", "", "", "",
 67				     "ACCELEROMETER_INT2",
 68				     "TOUCH_INT",
 69				     "WLAN_ENA",
 70				     "", "", "", "", "",
 71				     "FORCE_SENSING_INT",
 72				     "FORCE_SENSING_RESET",
 73				     "", "",
 74				     "SDMMC_CD";
 75		};
 77		gpio@8000e080 {
 78			/* GPIOs 96 - 127 */
 79			gpio-line-names = "",
 80				     "FORCE_SENSING_WU",
 81				     "", "", "", "", "", "",
 82				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 83				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 84				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
 85		};
 87		gpio@8000e100 {
 88			/* GPIOs 128 - 159 */
 89			gpio-line-names = "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
 90				     "", "", "",
 91				     "DIPRO_INT", /* GPIO139 */
 94				     "NFC_RST (NFC_CTRL_",
 95				     "TOUCH_RST",
 96				     "NFC_IRQ (NFC_CTRL_1)",
 97				     "HAL_SW",
 98				     "TOUCH_RST2",
 99				     "", "",
100				     "VAUDIO_HF_EN", /* GPIO149 */
101				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
102		};
104		gpio@8000e180 {
105			/* GPIOs 160 - 191 */
106			gpio-line-names = "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
107				     "",
108				     "SDMMC_EN",
110				     "GBF_ENA_RESET",
111				     "", "", "", "",
112				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
113				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
114		};
116		gpio@8011e000 {
117			/* GPIOs 192 - 223 */
118			gpio-line-names = "HDTV_INTN",
119				     "", "", "",
120				     "HDTV_RSTN",
121				     "", "", "",
122				     "", /* GPIO200 */
123				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
124				     /* GPIO208-216 used for WGBF_MC1 */
125				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
126				     "SW_FRONT_PROXIMITY", /* GPIO217 */
127				     "KPD_CTRL_INT", /* Keypad controller */
128				     "", "", "", "", "";
129		};
131		gpio@8011e080 {
132			/* GPIOs 224 - 255 */
133			gpio-line-names = "", "",
134				     "HSIT_ACWAKE0",
135				     "", "", "", "", "",
136				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
137				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "",
138				     "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "";
139		};
141		// External Micro SD slot
142		sdi0_per1@80126000 {
143			cd-gpios  = <&gpio2 31 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>; // 95
144		};
146		vmmci: regulator-gpio {
147			gpios = <&gpio0 5 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
148			enable-gpio = <&gpio5 9 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
149			enable-active-high;
150		};
152		pinctrl {
153			/*
154			 * Set this up using hogs, as time goes by and as seems fit, these
155			 * can be moved over to being controlled by respective device.
156			 */
157			pinctrl-names = "default";
158			pinctrl-0 = <&ipgpio_hrefv60_mode>,
159				  <&etm_hrefv60_mode>,
160				  <&nahj_hrefv60_mode>,
161				  <&nfc_hrefv60_mode>,
162				  <&force_hrefv60_mode>,
163				  <&dipro_hrefv60_mode>,
164				  <&vaudio_hf_hrefv60_mode>,
165				  <&gbf_hrefv60_mode>,
166				  <&hdtv_hrefv60_mode>,
167				  <&gpios_hrefv60_mode>;
169			sdi0 {
170				sdi0_default_mode: sdi0_default {
171					/* SD card detect GPIO pin, extend default state */
172					default_hrefv60_cfg1 {
173						pins = "GPIO95_E8";
174						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
175					};
176					/* VMMCI level-shifter enable */
177					default_hrefv60_cfg2 {
178						pins = "GPIO169_D22";
179						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
180					};
181					/* VMMCI level-shifter voltage select */
182					default_hrefv60_cfg3 {
183						pins = "GPIO5_AG6";
184						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
185					};
186				};
187			};
188			ipgpio {
189				/*
190				 * XENON Flashgun on image processor GPIO (controlled from image
191				 * processor firmware), mux in these image processor GPIO lines 0
192				 * (XENON_FLASH_ID), 1 (XENON_READY) and there is an assistant
193				 * LED on IP GPIO 4 (XENON_EN2) on altfunction C, that need bias
194				 * from GPIO21 so pull up 0, 1 and drive 4 and GPIO21 low as output.
195				 */
196				ipgpio_hrefv60_mode: ipgpio_hrefv60 {
197					hrefv60_mux {
198						function = "ipgpio";
199						groups = "ipgpio0_c_1", "ipgpio1_c_1", "ipgpio4_c_1";
200					};
201					hrefv60_cfg1 {
202						pins = "GPIO6_AF6", "GPIO7_AG5";
203						ste,config = <&in_pu>;
204					};
205					hrefv60_cfg2 {
206						pins = "GPIO21_AB3";
207						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
208					};
209					hrefv60_cfg3 {
210						pins = "GPIO64_F3";
211						ste,config = <&out_lo>;
212					};
213				};
214			};
215			etm {
216				/*
217				 * Drive D19-D23 for the ETM PTM trace interface low,
218				 * (presumably pins are unconnected therefore grounded here,
219				 * the "other alt C1" setting enables these pins)
220				 */
221				etm_hrefv60_mode: etm_hrefv60 {
222					hrefv60_cfg1 {
223						pins =
224						"GPIO70_G5",
225						"GPIO71_G4",
226						"GPIO72_H4",
227						"GPIO73_H3",
228						"GPIO74_J3";
229						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
230					};
231				 };
232			};
233			nahj {
234				nahj_hrefv60_mode: nahj_hrefv60 {
235					/* NAHJ CTRL on GPIO76 to low, CTRL_INV on GPIO216 to high */
236					hrefv60_cfg1 {
237						pins = "GPIO76_J2";
238						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
239					};
240					hrefv60_cfg2 {
241						pins = "GPIO216_AG12";
242						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
243					};
244				 };
245			};
246			nfc {
247				nfc_hrefv60_mode: nfc_hrefv60 {
248					/* NFC ENA and RESET to low, pulldown IRQ line */
249					hrefv60_cfg1 {
250						pins =
251						"GPIO77_H1", /* NFC_ENA */
252						"GPIO142_C11"; /* NFC_RESET */
253						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
254					};
255					hrefv60_cfg2 {
256						pins = "GPIO144_B13"; /* NFC_IRQ */
257						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pd>;
258					};
259				 };
260			};
261			force {
262				force_hrefv60_mode: force_hrefv60 {
263					hrefv60_cfg1 {
264						pins = "GPIO91_B6"; /* FORCE_SENSING_INT */
265						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
266					};
267					hrefv60_cfg2 {
268						pins =
269						"GPIO92_D6", /* FORCE_SENSING_RST */
270						"GPIO97_D9"; /* FORCE_SENSING_WU */
271						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
272					};
273				 };
274			};
275			dipro {
276				dipro_hrefv60_mode: dipro_hrefv60 {
277					hrefv60_cfg1 {
278						pins = "GPIO139_C9"; /* DIPRO_INT */
279						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
280					};
281				 };
282			};
283			vaudio_hf {
284				vaudio_hf_hrefv60_mode: vaudio_hf_hrefv60 {
285					/* Audio Amplifier HF enable GPIO */
286					hrefv60_cfg1 {
287						pins = "GPIO149_B14"; /* VAUDIO_HF_EN, enable MAX8968 */
288						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
289					};
290				 };
291			};
292			gbf {
293				gbf_hrefv60_mode: gbf_hrefv60 {
294					/*
295					 * GBF (GPS, Bluetooth, FM-radio) interface,
296					 * pull low to reset state
297					 */
298					hrefv60_cfg1 {
299						pins = "GPIO171_D23"; /* GBF_ENA_RESET */
300						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
301					};
302				 };
303			};
304			hdtv {
305				hdtv_hrefv60_mode: hdtv_hrefv60 {
306					/* MSP : HDTV INTERFACE GPIO line */
307					hrefv60_cfg1 {
308						pins = "GPIO192_AJ27";
309						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pd>;
310					};
311				 };
312			};
313			mcde {
314				lcd_hrefv60_mode: lcd_hrefv60 {
315					/*
316					 * Display Interface 1 uses GPIO 65 for RST (reset).
317					 * Display Interface 2 uses GPIO 66 for RST (reset).
318					 * Drive DISP1 reset high (not reset), driver DISP2 reset low (reset)
319					 */
320					hrefv60_cfg1 {
321						pins ="GPIO65_F1";
322						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
323					};
324					hrefv60_cfg2 {
325						pins ="GPIO66_G3";
326						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
327					};
328				};
329			};
330			gpios {
331				/* Dangling GPIO pins */
332				gpios_hrefv60_mode: gpios_hrefv60 {
333					default_cfg1 {
334						/* Normally UART1 RXD, now dangling */
335						pins = "GPIO4_AH6";
336						ste,config = <&in_pu>;
337					};
338				};
339			};
340		};
341	};
  2 * Copyright 2012 ST-Ericsson AB
  3 *
  4 * The code contained herein is licensed under the GNU General Public
  5 * License. You may obtain a copy of the GNU General Public License
  6 * Version 2 or later at the following locations:
  7 *
  8 *
  9 *
 10 */
 12#include "ste-dbx5x0.dtsi"
 13#include "ste-href-ab8500.dtsi"
 14#include "ste-href.dtsi"
 16/ {
 17	model = "ST-Ericsson HREF (v60+) platform with Device Tree";
 18	compatible = "st-ericsson,hrefv60+", "st-ericsson,u8500";
 20	soc {
 21		// External Micro SD slot
 22		sdi0_per1@80126000 {
 23			cd-gpios  = <&gpio2 31 0x4>; // 95
 24		};
 26		vmmci: regulator-gpio {
 27			gpios = <&gpio0 5 0x4>;
 28			enable-gpio = <&gpio5 9 0x4>;
 29		};
 31		pinctrl {
 32			/*
 33			 * Set this up using hogs, as time goes by and as seems fit, these
 34			 * can be moved over to being controlled by respective device.
 35			 */
 36			pinctrl-names = "default";
 37			pinctrl-0 = <&ipgpio_hrefv60_mode>,
 38				  <&etm_hrefv60_mode>,
 39				  <&nahj_hrefv60_mode>,
 40				  <&nfc_hrefv60_mode>,
 41				  <&force_hrefv60_mode>,
 42				  <&dipro_hrefv60_mode>,
 43				  <&vaudio_hf_hrefv60_mode>,
 44				  <&gbf_hrefv60_mode>,
 45				  <&hdtv_hrefv60_mode>,
 46				  <&gpios_hrefv60_mode>;
 48			sdi0 {
 49				sdi0_default_mode: sdi0_default {
 50					/* SD card detect GPIO pin, extend default state */
 51					default_hrefv60_cfg1 {
 52						pins = "GPIO95_E8";
 53						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
 54					};
 55					/* VMMCI level-shifter enable */
 56					default_hrefv60_cfg2 {
 57						pins = "GPIO169_D22";
 58						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
 59					};
 60					/* VMMCI level-shifter voltage select */
 61					default_hrefv60_cfg3 {
 62						pins = "GPIO5_AG6";
 63						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
 64					};
 65				};
 66			};
 67			ipgpio {
 68				/*
 69				 * XENON Flashgun on image processor GPIO (controlled from image
 70				 * processor firmware), mux in these image processor GPIO lines 0
 71				 * (XENON_FLASH_ID), 1 (XENON_READY) and there is an assistant
 72				 * LED on IP GPIO 4 (XENON_EN2) on altfunction C, that need bias
 73				 * from GPIO21 so pull up 0, 1 and drive 4 and GPIO21 low as output.
 74				 */
 75				ipgpio_hrefv60_mode: ipgpio_hrefv60 {
 76					hrefv60_mux {
 77						function = "ipgpio";
 78						groups = "ipgpio0_c_1", "ipgpio1_c_1", "ipgpio4_c_1";
 79					};
 80					hrefv60_cfg1 {
 81						pins = "GPIO6_AF6", "GPIO7_AG5";
 82						ste,config = <&in_pu>;
 83					};
 84					hrefv60_cfg2 {
 85						pins = "GPIO21_AB3";
 86						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
 87					};
 88					hrefv60_cfg3 {
 89						pins = "GPIO64_F3";
 90						ste,config = <&out_lo>;
 91					};
 92				};
 93			};
 94			etm {
 95				/*
 96				 * Drive D19-D23 for the ETM PTM trace interface low,
 97				 * (presumably pins are unconnected therefore grounded here,
 98				 * the "other alt C1" setting enables these pins)
 99				 */
100				etm_hrefv60_mode: etm_hrefv60 {
101					hrefv60_cfg1 {
102						pins =
103						"GPIO70_G5",
104						"GPIO71_G4",
105						"GPIO72_H4",
106						"GPIO73_H3",
107						"GPIO74_J3";
108						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
109					};
110				 };
111			};
112			nahj {
113				nahj_hrefv60_mode: nahj_hrefv60 {
114					/* NAHJ CTRL on GPIO76 to low, CTRL_INV on GPIO216 to high */
115					hrefv60_cfg1 {
116						pins = "GPIO76_J2";
117						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
118					};
119					hrefv60_cfg2 {
120						pins = "GPIO216_AG12";
121						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
122					};
123				 };
124			};
125			nfc {
126				nfc_hrefv60_mode: nfc_hrefv60 {
127					/* NFC ENA and RESET to low, pulldown IRQ line */
128					hrefv60_cfg1 {
129						pins =
130						"GPIO77_H1", /* NFC_ENA */
131						"GPIO142_C11"; /* NFC_RESET */
132						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
133					};
134					hrefv60_cfg2 {
135						pins = "GPIO144_B13"; /* NFC_IRQ */
136						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pd>;
137					};
138				 };
139			};
140			force {
141				force_hrefv60_mode: force_hrefv60 {
142					hrefv60_cfg1 {
143						pins = "GPIO91_B6"; /* FORCE_SENSING_INT */
144						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
145					};
146					hrefv60_cfg2 {
147						pins =
148						"GPIO92_D6", /* FORCE_SENSING_RST */
149						"GPIO97_D9"; /* FORCE_SENSING_WU */
150						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
151					};
152				 };
153			};
154			dipro {
155				dipro_hrefv60_mode: dipro_hrefv60 {
156					hrefv60_cfg1 {
157						pins = "GPIO139_C9"; /* DIPRO_INT */
158						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pu>;
159					};
160				 };
161			};
162			vaudio_hf {
163				vaudio_hf_hrefv60_mode: vaudio_hf_hrefv60 {
164					/* Audio Amplifier HF enable GPIO */
165					hrefv60_cfg1 {
166						pins = "GPIO149_B14"; /* VAUDIO_HF_EN, enable MAX8968 */
167						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
168					};
169				 };
170			};
171			gbf {
172				gbf_hrefv60_mode: gbf_hrefv60 {
173					/*
174					 * GBF (GPS, Bluetooth, FM-radio) interface,
175					 * pull low to reset state
176					 */
177					hrefv60_cfg1 {
178						pins = "GPIO171_D23"; /* GBF_ENA_RESET */
179						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
180					};
181				 };
182			};
183			hdtv {
184				hdtv_hrefv60_mode: hdtv_hrefv60 {
185					/* MSP : HDTV INTERFACE GPIO line */
186					hrefv60_cfg1 {
187						pins = "GPIO192_AJ27";
188						ste,config = <&gpio_in_pd>;
189					};
190				 };
191			};
192			mcde {
193				lcd_hrefv60_mode: lcd_hrefv60 {
194					/*
195					 * Display Interface 1 uses GPIO 65 for RST (reset).
196					 * Display Interface 2 uses GPIO 66 for RST (reset).
197					 * Drive DISP1 reset high (not reset), driver DISP2 reset low (reset)
198					 */
199					hrefv60_cfg1 {
200						pins ="GPIO65_F1";
201						ste,config = <&gpio_out_hi>;
202					};
203					hrefv60_cfg2 {
204						pins ="GPIO66_G3";
205						ste,config = <&gpio_out_lo>;
206					};
207				};
208			};
209			gpios {
210				/* Dangling GPIO pins */
211				gpios_hrefv60_mode: gpios_hrefv60 {
212					default_cfg1 {
213						/* Normally UART1 RXD, now dangling */
214						pins = "GPIO4_AH6";
215						ste,config = <&in_pu>;
216					};
217				};
218			};
219		};
220	};