1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 | /* * PLX NET2272 high/full speed USB device controller * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 PLX Technology, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2006-2011 Analog Devices, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef __NET2272_H__ #define __NET2272_H__ /* Main Registers */ #define REGADDRPTR 0x00 #define REGDATA 0x01 #define IRQSTAT0 0x02 #define ENDPOINT_0_INTERRUPT 0 #define ENDPOINT_A_INTERRUPT 1 #define ENDPOINT_B_INTERRUPT 2 #define ENDPOINT_C_INTERRUPT 3 #define VIRTUALIZED_ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT 4 #define SETUP_PACKET_INTERRUPT 5 #define DMA_DONE_INTERRUPT 6 #define SOF_INTERRUPT 7 #define IRQSTAT1 0x03 #define CONTROL_STATUS_INTERRUPT 1 #define VBUS_INTERRUPT 2 #define SUSPEND_REQUEST_INTERRUPT 3 #define SUSPEND_REQUEST_CHANGE_INTERRUPT 4 #define RESUME_INTERRUPT 5 #define ROOT_PORT_RESET_INTERRUPT 6 #define RESET_STATUS 7 #define PAGESEL 0x04 #define DMAREQ 0x1c #define DMA_ENDPOINT_SELECT 0 #define DREQ_POLARITY 1 #define DACK_POLARITY 2 #define EOT_POLARITY 3 #define DMA_CONTROL_DACK 4 #define DMA_REQUEST_ENABLE 5 #define DMA_REQUEST 6 #define DMA_BUFFER_VALID 7 #define SCRATCH 0x1d #define IRQENB0 0x20 #define ENDPOINT_0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 0 #define ENDPOINT_A_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 1 #define ENDPOINT_B_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 2 #define ENDPOINT_C_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define VIRTUALIZED_ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 4 #define SETUP_PACKET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 5 #define DMA_DONE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 6 #define SOF_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 7 #define IRQENB1 0x21 #define VBUS_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 2 #define SUSPEND_REQUEST_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define SUSPEND_REQUEST_CHANGE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 4 #define RESUME_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 5 #define ROOT_PORT_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 6 #define LOCCTL 0x22 #define DATA_WIDTH 0 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT 1 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_OFF 0 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_3_75MHZ 1 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_7_5MHZ 2 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_15MHZ 3 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_30MHZ 4 #define LOCAL_CLOCK_OUTPUT_60MHZ 5 #define DMA_SPLIT_BUS_MODE 4 #define BYTE_SWAP 5 #define BUFFER_CONFIGURATION 6 #define BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA512_EPB512 0 #define BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024_EPB512 1 #define BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024_EPB1024 2 #define BUFFER_CONFIGURATION_EPA1024DB 3 #define CHIPREV_LEGACY 0x23 #define NET2270_LEGACY_REV 0x40 #define LOCCTL1 0x24 #define DMA_MODE 0 #define SLOW_DREQ 0 #define FAST_DREQ 1 #define BURST_MODE 2 #define DMA_DACK_ENABLE 2 #define CHIPREV_2272 0x25 #define CHIPREV_NET2272_R1 0x10 #define CHIPREV_NET2272_R1A 0x11 /* USB Registers */ #define USBCTL0 0x18 #define IO_WAKEUP_ENABLE 1 #define USB_DETECT_ENABLE 3 #define USB_ROOT_PORT_WAKEUP_ENABLE 5 #define USBCTL1 0x19 #define VBUS_PIN 0 #define USB_FULL_SPEED 1 #define USB_HIGH_SPEED 2 #define GENERATE_RESUME 3 #define VIRTUAL_ENDPOINT_ENABLE 4 #define FRAME0 0x1a #define FRAME1 0x1b #define OURADDR 0x30 #define FORCE_IMMEDIATE 7 #define USBDIAG 0x31 #define FORCE_TRANSMIT_CRC_ERROR 0 #define PREVENT_TRANSMIT_BIT_STUFF 1 #define FORCE_RECEIVE_ERROR 2 #define FAST_TIMES 4 #define USBTEST 0x32 #define TEST_MODE_SELECT 0 #define NORMAL_OPERATION 0 #define TEST_J 1 #define TEST_K 2 #define TEST_SE0_NAK 3 #define TEST_PACKET 4 #define TEST_FORCE_ENABLE 5 #define XCVRDIAG 0x33 #define FORCE_FULL_SPEED 2 #define FORCE_HIGH_SPEED 3 #define OPMODE 4 #define NORMAL_OPERATION 0 #define NON_DRIVING 1 #define DISABLE_BITSTUFF_AND_NRZI_ENCODE 2 #define LINESTATE 6 #define SE0_STATE 0 #define J_STATE 1 #define K_STATE 2 #define SE1_STATE 3 #define VIRTOUT0 0x34 #define VIRTOUT1 0x35 #define VIRTIN0 0x36 #define VIRTIN1 0x37 #define SETUP0 0x40 #define SETUP1 0x41 #define SETUP2 0x42 #define SETUP3 0x43 #define SETUP4 0x44 #define SETUP5 0x45 #define SETUP6 0x46 #define SETUP7 0x47 /* Endpoint Registers (Paged via PAGESEL) */ #define EP_DATA 0x05 #define EP_STAT0 0x06 #define DATA_IN_TOKEN_INTERRUPT 0 #define DATA_OUT_TOKEN_INTERRUPT 1 #define DATA_PACKET_TRANSMITTED_INTERRUPT 2 #define DATA_PACKET_RECEIVED_INTERRUPT 3 #define SHORT_PACKET_TRANSFERRED_INTERRUPT 4 #define NAK_OUT_PACKETS 5 #define BUFFER_EMPTY 6 #define BUFFER_FULL 7 #define EP_STAT1 0x07 #define TIMEOUT 0 #define USB_OUT_ACK_SENT 1 #define USB_OUT_NAK_SENT 2 #define USB_IN_ACK_RCVD 3 #define USB_IN_NAK_SENT 4 #define USB_STALL_SENT 5 #define LOCAL_OUT_ZLP 6 #define BUFFER_FLUSH 7 #define EP_TRANSFER0 0x08 #define EP_TRANSFER1 0x09 #define EP_TRANSFER2 0x0a #define EP_IRQENB 0x0b #define DATA_IN_TOKEN_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 0 #define DATA_OUT_TOKEN_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 1 #define DATA_PACKET_TRANSMITTED_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 2 #define DATA_PACKET_RECEIVED_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define SHORT_PACKET_TRANSFERRED_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 4 #define EP_AVAIL0 0x0c #define EP_AVAIL1 0x0d #define EP_RSPCLR 0x0e #define EP_RSPSET 0x0f #define ENDPOINT_HALT 0 #define ENDPOINT_TOGGLE 1 #define NAK_OUT_PACKETS_MODE 2 #define CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE 3 #define INTERRUPT_MODE 4 #define AUTOVALIDATE 5 #define HIDE_STATUS_PHASE 6 #define ALT_NAK_OUT_PACKETS 7 #define EP_MAXPKT0 0x28 #define EP_MAXPKT1 0x29 #define ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION_OPPORTUNITIES 3 #define NONE_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION 0 #define ONE_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION 1 #define TWO_ADDITIONAL_TRANSACTION 2 #define EP_CFG 0x2a #define ENDPOINT_NUMBER 0 #define ENDPOINT_DIRECTION 4 #define ENDPOINT_TYPE 5 #define ENDPOINT_ENABLE 7 #define EP_HBW 0x2b #define HIGH_BANDWIDTH_OUT_TRANSACTION_PID 0 #define DATA0_PID 0 #define DATA1_PID 1 #define DATA2_PID 2 #define MDATA_PID 3 #define EP_BUFF_STATES 0x2c #define BUFFER_A_STATE 0 #define BUFFER_B_STATE 2 #define BUFF_FREE 0 #define BUFF_VALID 1 #define BUFF_LCL 2 #define BUFF_USB 3 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RDK1 0x9054 /* PCI-RDK EPLD Registers */ #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER1 0x00000000 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_RESET 0 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_POWERDOWN 1 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_WAKEUP 2 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_EOT 3 #define RDK_EPLD_DPPULL 4 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER2 0x00000004 #define RDK_EPLD_BUSWIDTH 0 #define RDK_EPLD_USER 2 #define RDK_EPLD_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define RDK_EPLD_DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE 4 #define RDK_EPLD_STATUS_REGISTER 0x00000008 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_LRESET 0 #define RDK_EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER 0x0000000c /* PCI-RDK PLX 9054 Registers */ #define INTCSR 0x68 #define PCI_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 8 #define LOCAL_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ENABLE 11 #define LOCAL_INPUT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE 15 #define LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 18 #define LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 19 #define DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE 21 #define DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE 22 #define CNTRL 0x6C #define RELOAD_CONFIGURATION_REGISTERS 29 #define PCI_ADAPTER_SOFTWARE_RESET 30 #define DMAMODE0 0x80 #define LOCAL_BUS_WIDTH 0 #define INTERNAL_WAIT_STATES 2 #define TA_READY_INPUT_ENABLE 6 #define LOCAL_BURST_ENABLE 8 #define SCATTER_GATHER_MODE 9 #define DONE_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 10 #define LOCAL_ADDRESSING_MODE 11 #define DEMAND_MODE 12 #define DMA_EOT_ENABLE 14 #define FAST_SLOW_TERMINATE_MODE_SELECT 15 #define DMA_CHANNEL_INTERRUPT_SELECT 17 #define DMAPADR0 0x84 #define DMALADR0 0x88 #define DMASIZ0 0x8c #define DMADPR0 0x90 #define DESCRIPTOR_LOCATION 0 #define END_OF_CHAIN 1 #define INTERRUPT_AFTER_TERMINAL_COUNT 2 #define DIRECTION_OF_TRANSFER 3 #define DMACSR0 0xa8 #define CHANNEL_ENABLE 0 #define CHANNEL_START 1 #define CHANNEL_ABORT 2 #define CHANNEL_CLEAR_INTERRUPT 3 #define CHANNEL_DONE 4 #define DMATHR 0xb0 #define LBRD1 0xf8 #define MEMORY_SPACE_LOCAL_BUS_WIDTH 0 #define W8_BIT 0 #define W16_BIT 1 /* Special OR'ing of INTCSR bits */ #define LOCAL_INTERRUPT_TEST \ ((1 << LOCAL_INPUT_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \ (1 << LOCAL_INTERRUPT_INPUT_ENABLE)) #define DMA_CHANNEL_0_TEST \ ((1 << DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \ (1 << LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_0_INTERRUPT_ENABLE)) #define DMA_CHANNEL_1_TEST \ ((1 << DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ACTIVE) | \ (1 << LOCAL_DMA_CHANNEL_1_INTERRUPT_ENABLE)) /* EPLD Registers */ #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER1 0x00000000 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_RESET 0 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_POWERDOWN 1 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_WAKEUP 2 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_EOT 3 #define RDK_EPLD_DPPULL 4 #define RDK_EPLD_IO_REGISTER2 0x00000004 #define RDK_EPLD_BUSWIDTH 0 #define RDK_EPLD_USER 2 #define RDK_EPLD_RESET_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define RDK_EPLD_DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE 4 #define RDK_EPLD_STATUS_REGISTER 0x00000008 #define RDK_EPLD_USB_LRESET 0 #define RDK_EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER 0x0000000c #define EPLD_IO_CONTROL_REGISTER 0x400 #define NET2272_RESET 0 #define BUSWIDTH 1 #define MPX_MODE 3 #define USER 4 #define DMA_TIMEOUT_ENABLE 5 #define DMA_CTL_DACK 6 #define EPLD_DMA_ENABLE 7 #define EPLD_DMA_CONTROL_REGISTER 0x800 #define SPLIT_DMA_MODE 0 #define SPLIT_DMA_DIRECTION 1 #define SPLIT_DMA_ENABLE 2 #define SPLIT_DMA_INTERRUPT_ENABLE 3 #define SPLIT_DMA_INTERRUPT 4 #define EPLD_DMA_MODE 5 #define EPLD_DMA_CONTROLLER_ENABLE 7 #define SPLIT_DMA_ADDRESS_LOW 0xc00 #define SPLIT_DMA_ADDRESS_HIGH 0x1000 #define SPLIT_DMA_BYTE_COUNT_LOW 0x1400 #define SPLIT_DMA_BYTE_COUNT_HIGH 0x1800 #define EPLD_REVISION_REGISTER 0x1c00 #define SPLIT_DMA_RAM 0x4000 #define DMA_RAM_SIZE 0x1000 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_RDK2 0x3272 /* PCI-RDK version 2 registers */ /* Main Control Registers */ #define RDK2_IRQENB 0x00 #define RDK2_IRQSTAT 0x04 #define PB7 23 #define PB6 22 #define PB5 21 #define PB4 20 #define PB3 19 #define PB2 18 #define PB1 17 #define PB0 16 #define GP3 23 #define GP2 23 #define GP1 23 #define GP0 23 #define DMA_RETRY_ABORT 6 #define DMA_PAUSE_DONE 5 #define DMA_ABORT_DONE 4 #define DMA_OUT_FIFO_TRANSFER_DONE 3 #define DMA_LOCAL_DONE 2 #define DMA_PCI_DONE 1 #define NET2272_PCI_IRQ 0 #define RDK2_LOCCTLRDK 0x08 #define CHIP_RESET 3 #define SPLIT_DMA 2 #define MULTIPLEX_MODE 1 #define BUS_WIDTH 0 #define RDK2_GPIOCTL 0x10 #define GP3_OUT_ENABLE 7 #define GP2_OUT_ENABLE 6 #define GP1_OUT_ENABLE 5 #define GP0_OUT_ENABLE 4 #define GP3_DATA 3 #define GP2_DATA 2 #define GP1_DATA 1 #define GP0_DATA 0 #define RDK2_LEDSW 0x14 #define LED3 27 #define LED2 26 #define LED1 25 #define LED0 24 #define PBUTTON 16 #define DIPSW 0 #define RDK2_DIAG 0x18 #define RDK2_FAST_TIMES 2 #define FORCE_PCI_SERR 1 #define FORCE_PCI_INT 0 #define RDK2_FPGAREV 0x1C /* Dma Control registers */ #define RDK2_DMACTL 0x80 #define ADDR_HOLD 24 #define RETRY_COUNT 16 /* 23:16 */ #define FIFO_THRESHOLD 11 /* 15:11 */ #define MEM_WRITE_INVALIDATE 10 #define READ_MULTIPLE 9 #define READ_LINE 8 #define RDK2_DMA_MODE 6 /* 7:6 */ #define CONTROL_DACK 5 #define EOT_ENABLE 4 #define EOT_POLARITY 3 #define DACK_POLARITY 2 #define DREQ_POLARITY 1 #define DMA_ENABLE 0 #define RDK2_DMASTAT 0x84 #define GATHER_COUNT 12 /* 14:12 */ #define FIFO_COUNT 6 /* 11:6 */ #define FIFO_FLUSH 5 #define FIFO_TRANSFER 4 #define PAUSE_DONE 3 #define ABORT_DONE 2 #define DMA_ABORT 1 #define DMA_START 0 #define RDK2_DMAPCICOUNT 0x88 #define DMA_DIRECTION 31 #define DMA_PCI_BYTE_COUNT 0 /* 0:23 */ #define RDK2_DMALOCCOUNT 0x8C /* 0:23 dma local byte count */ #define RDK2_DMAADDR 0x90 /* 2:31 PCI bus starting address */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD (1 << 5) /* DRIVER DATA STRUCTURES and UTILITIES */ struct net2272_ep { struct usb_ep ep; struct net2272 *dev; unsigned long irqs; /* analogous to a host-side qh */ struct list_head queue; const struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *desc; unsigned num:8, fifo_size:12, stopped:1, wedged:1, is_in:1, is_iso:1, dma:1, not_empty:1; }; struct net2272 { /* each device provides one gadget, several endpoints */ struct usb_gadget gadget; struct device *dev; unsigned short dev_id; spinlock_t lock; struct net2272_ep ep[4]; struct usb_gadget_driver *driver; unsigned protocol_stall:1, softconnect:1, wakeup:1, dma_eot_polarity:1, dma_dack_polarity:1, dma_dreq_polarity:1, dma_busy:1; u16 chiprev; u8 pagesel; unsigned int irq; unsigned short fifo_mode; unsigned int base_shift; u16 __iomem *base_addr; union { #ifdef CONFIG_PCI struct { void __iomem *plx9054_base_addr; void __iomem *epld_base_addr; } rdk1; struct { /* Bar0, Bar1 is base_addr both mem-mapped */ void __iomem *fpga_base_addr; } rdk2; #endif }; }; static void __iomem * net2272_reg_addr(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg) { return dev->base_addr + (reg << dev->base_shift); } static void net2272_write(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg, u8 value) { if (reg >= REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD) { /* * Indexed register; use REGADDRPTR/REGDATA * - Save and restore REGADDRPTR. This prevents REGADDRPTR from * changes between other code sections, but it is time consuming. * - Performance tips: either do not save and restore REGADDRPTR (if it * is safe) or do save/restore operations only in critical sections. u8 tmp = readb(dev->base_addr + REGADDRPTR); */ writeb((u8)reg, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); writeb(value, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGDATA)); /* writeb(tmp, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); */ } else writeb(value, net2272_reg_addr(dev, reg)); } static u8 net2272_read(struct net2272 *dev, unsigned int reg) { u8 ret; if (reg >= REG_INDEXED_THRESHOLD) { /* * Indexed register; use REGADDRPTR/REGDATA * - Save and restore REGADDRPTR. This prevents REGADDRPTR from * changes between other code sections, but it is time consuming. * - Performance tips: either do not save and restore REGADDRPTR (if it * is safe) or do save/restore operations only in critical sections. u8 tmp = readb(dev->base_addr + REGADDRPTR); */ writeb((u8)reg, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); ret = readb(net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGDATA)); /* writeb(tmp, net2272_reg_addr(dev, REGADDRPTR)); */ } else ret = readb(net2272_reg_addr(dev, reg)); return ret; } static void net2272_ep_write(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned int reg, u8 value) { struct net2272 *dev = ep->dev; if (dev->pagesel != ep->num) { net2272_write(dev, PAGESEL, ep->num); dev->pagesel = ep->num; } net2272_write(dev, reg, value); } static u8 net2272_ep_read(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned int reg) { struct net2272 *dev = ep->dev; if (dev->pagesel != ep->num) { net2272_write(dev, PAGESEL, ep->num); dev->pagesel = ep->num; } return net2272_read(dev, reg); } static void allow_status(struct net2272_ep *ep) { /* ep0 only */ net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR, (1 << CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE) | (1 << ALT_NAK_OUT_PACKETS) | (1 << NAK_OUT_PACKETS_MODE)); ep->stopped = 1; } static void set_halt(struct net2272_ep *ep) { /* ep0 and bulk/intr endpoints */ net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR, 1 << CONTROL_STATUS_PHASE_HANDSHAKE); net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPSET, 1 << ENDPOINT_HALT); } static void clear_halt(struct net2272_ep *ep) { /* ep0 and bulk/intr endpoints */ net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_RSPCLR, (1 << ENDPOINT_HALT) | (1 << ENDPOINT_TOGGLE)); } /* count (<= 4) bytes in the next fifo write will be valid */ static void set_fifo_bytecount(struct net2272_ep *ep, unsigned count) { /* net2272_ep_write will truncate to u8 for us */ net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER2, count >> 16); net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER1, count >> 8); net2272_ep_write(ep, EP_TRANSFER0, count); } struct net2272_request { struct usb_request req; struct list_head queue; unsigned mapped:1, valid:1; }; #endif |