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  1// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
  3//! This module provides an interface for blk-mq drivers to implement.
  5//! C header: [`include/linux/blk-mq.h`](srctree/include/linux/blk-mq.h)
  7use crate::{
  8    bindings,
  9    block::mq::request::RequestDataWrapper,
 10    block::mq::Request,
 11    error::{from_result, Result},
 12    types::ARef,
 14use core::{marker::PhantomData, sync::atomic::AtomicU64, sync::atomic::Ordering};
 16/// Implement this trait to interface blk-mq as block devices.
 18/// To implement a block device driver, implement this trait as described in the
 19/// [module level documentation]. The kernel will use the implementation of the
 20/// functions defined in this trait to interface a block device driver. Note:
 21/// There is no need for an exit_request() implementation, because the `drop`
 22/// implementation of the [`Request`] type will be invoked by automatically by
 23/// the C/Rust glue logic.
 25/// [module level documentation]: kernel::block::mq
 27pub trait Operations: Sized {
 28    /// Called by the kernel to queue a request with the driver. If `is_last` is
 29    /// `false`, the driver is allowed to defer committing the request.
 30    fn queue_rq(rq: ARef<Request<Self>>, is_last: bool) -> Result;
 32    /// Called by the kernel to indicate that queued requests should be submitted.
 33    fn commit_rqs();
 35    /// Called by the kernel to poll the device for completed requests. Only
 36    /// used for poll queues.
 37    fn poll() -> bool {
 38        crate::build_error(crate::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
 39    }
 42/// A vtable for blk-mq to interact with a block device driver.
 44/// A `bindings::blk_mq_ops` vtable is constructed from pointers to the `extern
 45/// "C"` functions of this struct, exposed through the `OperationsVTable::VTABLE`.
 47/// For general documentation of these methods, see the kernel source
 48/// documentation related to `struct blk_mq_operations` in
 49/// [`include/linux/blk-mq.h`].
 51/// [`include/linux/blk-mq.h`]: srctree/include/linux/blk-mq.h
 52pub(crate) struct OperationsVTable<T: Operations>(PhantomData<T>);
 54impl<T: Operations> OperationsVTable<T> {
 55    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
 56    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
 57    ///
 58    /// # Safety
 59    ///
 60    /// - The caller of this function must ensure that the pointee of `bd` is
 61    ///   valid for reads for the duration of this function.
 62    /// - This function must be called for an initialized and live `hctx`. That
 63    ///   is, `Self::init_hctx_callback` was called and
 64    ///   `Self::exit_hctx_callback()` was not yet called.
 65    /// - `(*bd).rq` must point to an initialized and live `bindings:request`.
 66    ///   That is, `Self::init_request_callback` was called but
 67    ///   `Self::exit_request_callback` was not yet called for the request.
 68    /// - `(*bd).rq` must be owned by the driver. That is, the block layer must
 69    ///   promise to not access the request until the driver calls
 70    ///   `bindings::blk_mq_end_request` for the request.
 71    unsafe extern "C" fn queue_rq_callback(
 72        _hctx: *mut bindings::blk_mq_hw_ctx,
 73        bd: *const bindings::blk_mq_queue_data,
 74    ) -> bindings::blk_status_t {
 75        // SAFETY: `bd.rq` is valid as required by the safety requirement for
 76        // this function.
 77        let request = unsafe { &*(*bd).rq.cast::<Request<T>>() };
 79        // One refcount for the ARef, one for being in flight
 80        request.wrapper_ref().refcount().store(2, Ordering::Relaxed);
 82        // SAFETY:
 83        //  - We own a refcount that we took above. We pass that to `ARef`.
 84        //  - By the safety requirements of this function, `request` is a valid
 85        //    `struct request` and the private data is properly initialized.
 86        //  - `rq` will be alive until `blk_mq_end_request` is called and is
 87        //    reference counted by `ARef` until then.
 88        let rq = unsafe { Request::aref_from_raw((*bd).rq) };
 90        // SAFETY: We have exclusive access and we just set the refcount above.
 91        unsafe { Request::start_unchecked(&rq) };
 93        let ret = T::queue_rq(
 94            rq,
 95            // SAFETY: `bd` is valid as required by the safety requirement for
 96            // this function.
 97            unsafe { (*bd).last },
 98        );
100        if let Err(e) = ret {
101            e.to_blk_status()
102        } else {
103            bindings::BLK_STS_OK as _
104        }
105    }
107    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
108    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
109    ///
110    /// # Safety
111    ///
112    /// This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
113    unsafe extern "C" fn commit_rqs_callback(_hctx: *mut bindings::blk_mq_hw_ctx) {
114        T::commit_rqs()
115    }
117    /// This function is called by the C kernel. It is not currently
118    /// implemented, and there is no way to exercise this code path.
119    ///
120    /// # Safety
121    ///
122    /// This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
123    unsafe extern "C" fn complete_callback(_rq: *mut bindings::request) {}
125    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
126    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
127    ///
128    /// # Safety
129    ///
130    /// This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
131    unsafe extern "C" fn poll_callback(
132        _hctx: *mut bindings::blk_mq_hw_ctx,
133        _iob: *mut bindings::io_comp_batch,
134    ) -> crate::ffi::c_int {
135        T::poll().into()
136    }
138    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
139    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
140    ///
141    /// # Safety
142    ///
143    /// This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure. This
144    /// function may only be called once before `exit_hctx_callback` is called
145    /// for the same context.
146    unsafe extern "C" fn init_hctx_callback(
147        _hctx: *mut bindings::blk_mq_hw_ctx,
148        _tagset_data: *mut crate::ffi::c_void,
149        _hctx_idx: crate::ffi::c_uint,
150    ) -> crate::ffi::c_int {
151        from_result(|| Ok(0))
152    }
154    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
155    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
156    ///
157    /// # Safety
158    ///
159    /// This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
160    unsafe extern "C" fn exit_hctx_callback(
161        _hctx: *mut bindings::blk_mq_hw_ctx,
162        _hctx_idx: crate::ffi::c_uint,
163    ) {
164    }
166    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
167    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
168    ///
169    /// # Safety
170    ///
171    /// - This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
172    /// - `_set` must point to an initialized `TagSet<T>`.
173    /// - `rq` must point to an initialized `bindings::request`.
174    /// - The allocation pointed to by `rq` must be at the size of `Request`
175    ///   plus the size of `RequestDataWrapper`.
176    unsafe extern "C" fn init_request_callback(
177        _set: *mut bindings::blk_mq_tag_set,
178        rq: *mut bindings::request,
179        _hctx_idx: crate::ffi::c_uint,
180        _numa_node: crate::ffi::c_uint,
181    ) -> crate::ffi::c_int {
182        from_result(|| {
183            // SAFETY: By the safety requirements of this function, `rq` points
184            // to a valid allocation.
185            let pdu = unsafe { Request::wrapper_ptr(rq.cast::<Request<T>>()) };
187            // SAFETY: The refcount field is allocated but not initialized, so
188            // it is valid for writes.
189            unsafe { RequestDataWrapper::refcount_ptr(pdu.as_ptr()).write(AtomicU64::new(0)) };
191            Ok(0)
192        })
193    }
195    /// This function is called by the C kernel. A pointer to this function is
196    /// installed in the `blk_mq_ops` vtable for the driver.
197    ///
198    /// # Safety
199    ///
200    /// - This function may only be called by blk-mq C infrastructure.
201    /// - `_set` must point to an initialized `TagSet<T>`.
202    /// - `rq` must point to an initialized and valid `Request`.
203    unsafe extern "C" fn exit_request_callback(
204        _set: *mut bindings::blk_mq_tag_set,
205        rq: *mut bindings::request,
206        _hctx_idx: crate::ffi::c_uint,
207    ) {
208        // SAFETY: The tagset invariants guarantee that all requests are allocated with extra memory
209        // for the request data.
210        let pdu = unsafe { bindings::blk_mq_rq_to_pdu(rq) }.cast::<RequestDataWrapper>();
212        // SAFETY: `pdu` is valid for read and write and is properly initialised.
213        unsafe { core::ptr::drop_in_place(pdu) };
214    }
216    const VTABLE: bindings::blk_mq_ops = bindings::blk_mq_ops {
217        queue_rq: Some(Self::queue_rq_callback),
218        queue_rqs: None,
219        commit_rqs: Some(Self::commit_rqs_callback),
220        get_budget: None,
221        put_budget: None,
222        set_rq_budget_token: None,
223        get_rq_budget_token: None,
224        timeout: None,
225        poll: if T::HAS_POLL {
226            Some(Self::poll_callback)
227        } else {
228            None
229        },
230        complete: Some(Self::complete_callback),
231        init_hctx: Some(Self::init_hctx_callback),
232        exit_hctx: Some(Self::exit_hctx_callback),
233        init_request: Some(Self::init_request_callback),
234        exit_request: Some(Self::exit_request_callback),
235        cleanup_rq: None,
236        busy: None,
237        map_queues: None,
238        #[cfg(CONFIG_BLK_DEBUG_FS)]
239        show_rq: None,
240    };
242    pub(crate) const fn build() -> &'static bindings::blk_mq_ops {
243        &Self::VTABLE
244    }