Linux Audio

Check our new training course

  This is part of the rtl8192 driver
  released under the GPL (See file COPYING for details).

  This files contains programming code for the rtl8256
  radio frontend.

  *Many* thanks to Realtek Corp. for their great support!


#include "r8192U.h"
#include "r8192U_hw.h"
#include "r819xU_phyreg.h"
#include "r819xU_phy.h"
#include "r8190_rtl8256.h"

 * Overview:	set RF band width (20M or 40M)
 * Input:       struct net_device*	dev
 *		WIRELESS_BANDWIDTH_E	Bandwidth	//20M or 40M
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
 * Note:	8226 support both 20M  and 40 MHz
void PHY_SetRF8256Bandwidth(struct net_device *dev , HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH Bandwidth)	//20M or 40M
	u8	eRFPath;
	struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);

	//for(eRFPath = RF90_PATH_A; eRFPath <pHalData->NumTotalRFPath; eRFPath++)
	for(eRFPath = 0; eRFPath <RF90_PATH_MAX; eRFPath++)
		if (!rtl8192_phy_CheckIsLegalRFPath(dev, eRFPath))

		switch (Bandwidth)
			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20:
				if(priv->card_8192_version == VERSION_819xU_A || priv->card_8192_version == VERSION_819xU_B)// 8256 D-cut, E-cut, xiong: consider it later!
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x0b, bMask12Bits, 0x100); //phy para:1ba
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x2c, bMask12Bits, 0x3d7);
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x0e, bMask12Bits, 0x021);

					//cosa add for sd3's request 01/23/2008
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x14, bMask12Bits, 0x5ab);
					RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "PHY_SetRF8256Bandwidth(): unknown hardware version\n");

			case HT_CHANNEL_WIDTH_20_40:
				if(priv->card_8192_version == VERSION_819xU_A ||priv->card_8192_version == VERSION_819xU_B)// 8256 D-cut, E-cut, xiong: consider it later!
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x0b, bMask12Bits, 0x300); //phy para:3ba
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x2c, bMask12Bits, 0x3df);
					rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x0e, bMask12Bits, 0x0a1);

					//cosa add for sd3's request 01/23/2008
					if(priv->chan == 3 || priv->chan == 9) //I need to set priv->chan whenever current channel changes
						rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x14, bMask12Bits, 0x59b);
						rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, 0x14, bMask12Bits, 0x5ab);
					RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "PHY_SetRF8256Bandwidth(): unknown hardware version\n");

				RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "PHY_SetRF8256Bandwidth(): unknown Bandwidth: %#X\n",Bandwidth);

 * Overview:    Interface to config 8256
 * Input:       struct net_device*	dev
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
void PHY_RF8256_Config(struct net_device *dev)
	struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
	// Initialize general global value
	// TODO: Extend RF_PATH_C and RF_PATH_D in the future
	priv->NumTotalRFPath = RTL819X_TOTAL_RF_PATH;
	// Config BB and RF

 * Overview:    Interface to config 8256
 * Input:       struct net_device*	dev
 * Output:      NONE
 * Return:      NONE
void phy_RF8256_Config_ParaFile(struct net_device *dev)
	u32	u4RegValue = 0;
	//static s1Byte				szRadioAFile[] = RTL819X_PHY_RADIO_A;
	//static s1Byte				szRadioBFile[] = RTL819X_PHY_RADIO_B;
	//static s1Byte				szRadioCFile[] = RTL819X_PHY_RADIO_C;
	//static s1Byte				szRadioDFile[] = RTL819X_PHY_RADIO_D;
	u8	eRFPath;
	struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
	u32	RegOffSetToBeCheck = 0x3;
	u32	RegValueToBeCheck = 0x7f1;
	u32	RF3_Final_Value = 0;
	u8	ConstRetryTimes = 5, RetryTimes = 5;
	u8 ret = 0;
	//3// <2> Initialize RF
	for(eRFPath = (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)RF90_PATH_A; eRFPath <priv->NumTotalRFPath; eRFPath++)
		if (!rtl8192_phy_CheckIsLegalRFPath(dev, eRFPath))

		pPhyReg = &priv->PHYRegDef[eRFPath];

		// Joseph test for shorten RF config
	//	pHalData->RfReg0Value[eRFPath] =  rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, rGlobalCtrl, bMaskDWord);

		/*----Store original RFENV control type----*/
		switch (eRFPath)
		case RF90_PATH_A:
		case RF90_PATH_C:
			u4RegValue = rtl8192_QueryBBReg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfs, bRFSI_RFENV);
		case RF90_PATH_B :
		case RF90_PATH_D:
			u4RegValue = rtl8192_QueryBBReg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfs, bRFSI_RFENV<<16);

		/*----Set RF_ENV enable----*/
		rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfe, bRFSI_RFENV<<16, 0x1);

		/*----Set RF_ENV output high----*/
		rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfo, bRFSI_RFENV, 0x1);

		/* Set bit number of Address and Data for RF register */
		rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, b3WireAddressLength, 0x0);	// Set 0 to 4 bits for Z-serial and set 1 to 6 bits for 8258
		rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfHSSIPara2, b3WireDataLength, 0x0);	// Set 0 to 12 bits for Z-serial and 8258, and set 1 to 14 bits for ???

		rtl8192_phy_SetRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E) eRFPath, 0x0, bMask12Bits, 0xbf);

		/*----Check RF block (for FPGA platform only)----*/
		// TODO: this function should be removed on ASIC , Emily 2007.2.2
		if (rtl8192_phy_checkBBAndRF(dev, HW90_BLOCK_RF, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath))
			RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "PHY_RF8256_Config():Check Radio[%d] Fail!!\n", eRFPath);
			goto phy_RF8256_Config_ParaFile_Fail;

		RetryTimes = ConstRetryTimes;
		RF3_Final_Value = 0;
		/*----Initialize RF fom connfiguration file----*/
		switch (eRFPath)
		case RF90_PATH_A:
			while(RF3_Final_Value!=RegValueToBeCheck && RetryTimes!=0)
				ret = rtl8192_phy_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(dev,(RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath);
				RF3_Final_Value = rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, bMask12Bits);
				RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "RF %d %d register final value: %x\n", eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, RF3_Final_Value);
		case RF90_PATH_B:
			while(RF3_Final_Value!=RegValueToBeCheck && RetryTimes!=0)
				ret = rtl8192_phy_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(dev,(RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath);
				RF3_Final_Value = rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, bMask12Bits);
				RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "RF %d %d register final value: %x\n", eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, RF3_Final_Value);
		case RF90_PATH_C:
			while(RF3_Final_Value!=RegValueToBeCheck && RetryTimes!=0)
				ret = rtl8192_phy_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(dev,(RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath);
				RF3_Final_Value = rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, bMask12Bits);
				RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "RF %d %d register final value: %x\n", eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, RF3_Final_Value);
		case RF90_PATH_D:
			while(RF3_Final_Value!=RegValueToBeCheck && RetryTimes!=0)
				ret = rtl8192_phy_ConfigRFWithHeaderFile(dev,(RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath);
				RF3_Final_Value = rtl8192_phy_QueryRFReg(dev, (RF90_RADIO_PATH_E)eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, bMask12Bits);
				RT_TRACE(COMP_RF, "RF %d %d register final value: %x\n", eRFPath, RegOffSetToBeCheck, RF3_Final_Value);

		/*----Restore RFENV control type----*/;
		switch (eRFPath)
		case RF90_PATH_A:
		case RF90_PATH_C:
			rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfs, bRFSI_RFENV, u4RegValue);
		case RF90_PATH_B :
		case RF90_PATH_D:
			rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, pPhyReg->rfintfs, bRFSI_RFENV<<16, u4RegValue);

			RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "phy_RF8256_Config_ParaFile():Radio[%d] Fail!!", eRFPath);
			goto phy_RF8256_Config_ParaFile_Fail;


	RT_TRACE(COMP_PHY, "PHY Initialization Success\n") ;
	return ;

	RT_TRACE(COMP_ERR, "PHY Initialization failed\n") ;
	return ;

void PHY_SetRF8256CCKTxPower(struct net_device *dev, u8 powerlevel)
	u32	TxAGC=0;
	struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
	//modified by vivi, 20080109
	TxAGC = powerlevel;

	if(priv->bDynamicTxLowPower == TRUE) //cosa 05/22/2008 for scan
		if(priv->CustomerID == RT_CID_819x_Netcore)
			TxAGC = 0x22;
		TxAGC += priv->CckPwEnl;

	if(TxAGC > 0x24)
		TxAGC = 0x24;
	rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, rTxAGC_CCK_Mcs32, bTxAGCRateCCK, TxAGC);

void PHY_SetRF8256OFDMTxPower(struct net_device *dev, u8 powerlevel)
	struct r8192_priv *priv = ieee80211_priv(dev);
	//Joseph TxPower for 8192 testing
	u32 writeVal, powerBase0, powerBase1, writeVal_tmp;
	u8 index = 0;
	u16 RegOffset[6] = {0xe00, 0xe04, 0xe10, 0xe14, 0xe18, 0xe1c};
	u8 byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3;

	powerBase0 = powerlevel + priv->TxPowerDiff;	//OFDM rates
	powerBase0 = (powerBase0<<24) | (powerBase0<<16) |(powerBase0<<8) |powerBase0;
	powerBase1 = powerlevel;							//MCS rates
	powerBase1 = (powerBase1<<24) | (powerBase1<<16) |(powerBase1<<8) |powerBase1;

	for(index=0; index<6; index++)
		writeVal = priv->MCSTxPowerLevelOriginalOffset[index] + ((index<2)?powerBase0:powerBase1);
		byte0 = (u8)(writeVal & 0x7f);
		byte1 = (u8)((writeVal & 0x7f00)>>8);
		byte2 = (u8)((writeVal & 0x7f0000)>>16);
		byte3 = (u8)((writeVal & 0x7f000000)>>24);
		if(byte0 > 0x24)	// Max power index = 0x24
			byte0 = 0x24;
		if(byte1 > 0x24)
			byte1 = 0x24;
		if(byte2 > 0x24)
			byte2 = 0x24;
		if(byte3 > 0x24)
			byte3 = 0x24;

		//for tx power track
		if(index == 3)
			writeVal_tmp = (byte3<<24) | (byte2<<16) |(byte1<<8) |byte0;
			priv->Pwr_Track = writeVal_tmp;

		if(priv->bDynamicTxHighPower == TRUE)     //Add by Jacken 2008/03/06
			// Emily, 20080613. Set low tx power for both MCS and legacy OFDM
			writeVal = 0x03030303;
			writeVal = (byte3<<24) | (byte2<<16) |(byte1<<8) |byte0;
		rtl8192_setBBreg(dev, RegOffset[index], 0x7f7f7f7f, writeVal);
