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  1/* esp_scsi.h: Defines and structures for the ESP drier.
  2 *
  3 * Copyright (C) 2007 David S. Miller (
  4 */
  6#ifndef _ESP_SCSI_H
  7#define _ESP_SCSI_H
  9					/* Access    Description      Offset */
 10#define ESP_TCLOW	0x00UL		/* rw  Low bits transfer count 0x00  */
 11#define ESP_TCMED	0x01UL		/* rw  Mid bits transfer count 0x04  */
 12#define ESP_FDATA	0x02UL		/* rw  FIFO data bits          0x08  */
 13#define ESP_CMD		0x03UL		/* rw  SCSI command bits       0x0c  */
 14#define ESP_STATUS	0x04UL		/* ro  ESP status register     0x10  */
 15#define ESP_BUSID	ESP_STATUS	/* wo  BusID for sel/resel     0x10  */
 16#define ESP_INTRPT	0x05UL		/* ro  Kind of interrupt       0x14  */
 17#define ESP_TIMEO	ESP_INTRPT	/* wo  Timeout for sel/resel   0x14  */
 18#define ESP_SSTEP	0x06UL		/* ro  Sequence step register  0x18  */
 19#define ESP_STP		ESP_SSTEP	/* wo  Transfer period/sync    0x18  */
 20#define ESP_FFLAGS	0x07UL		/* ro  Bits current FIFO info  0x1c  */
 21#define ESP_SOFF	ESP_FFLAGS	/* wo  Sync offset             0x1c  */
 22#define ESP_CFG1	0x08UL		/* rw  First cfg register      0x20  */
 23#define ESP_CFACT	0x09UL		/* wo  Clock conv factor       0x24  */
 24#define ESP_STATUS2	ESP_CFACT	/* ro  HME status2 register    0x24  */
 25#define ESP_CTEST	0x0aUL		/* wo  Chip test register      0x28  */
 26#define ESP_CFG2	0x0bUL		/* rw  Second cfg register     0x2c  */
 27#define ESP_CFG3	0x0cUL		/* rw  Third cfg register      0x30  */
 28#define ESP_TCHI	0x0eUL		/* rw  High bits transf count  0x38  */
 29#define ESP_UID		ESP_TCHI	/* ro  Unique ID code          0x38  */
 30#define FAS_RLO		ESP_TCHI	/* rw  HME extended counter    0x38  */
 31#define ESP_FGRND	0x0fUL		/* rw  Data base for fifo      0x3c  */
 32#define FAS_RHI		ESP_FGRND	/* rw  HME extended counter    0x3c  */
 34#define SBUS_ESP_REG_SIZE	0x40UL
 36/* Bitfield meanings for the above registers. */
 38/* ESP config reg 1, read-write, found on all ESP chips */
 39#define ESP_CONFIG1_ID        0x07      /* My BUS ID bits */
 40#define ESP_CONFIG1_CHTEST    0x08      /* Enable ESP chip tests */
 41#define ESP_CONFIG1_PENABLE   0x10      /* Enable parity checks */
 42#define ESP_CONFIG1_PARTEST   0x20      /* Parity test mode enabled? */
 43#define ESP_CONFIG1_SRRDISAB  0x40      /* Disable SCSI reset reports */
 44#define ESP_CONFIG1_SLCABLE   0x80      /* Enable slow cable mode */
 46/* ESP config reg 2, read-write, found only on esp100a+esp200+esp236 chips */
 47#define ESP_CONFIG2_DMAPARITY 0x01      /* enable DMA Parity (200,236) */
 48#define ESP_CONFIG2_REGPARITY 0x02      /* enable reg Parity (200,236) */
 49#define ESP_CONFIG2_BADPARITY 0x04      /* Bad parity target abort  */
 50#define ESP_CONFIG2_SCSI2ENAB 0x08      /* Enable SCSI-2 features (tgtmode) */
 51#define ESP_CONFIG2_HI        0x10      /* High Impedance DREQ ???  */
 52#define ESP_CONFIG2_HMEFENAB  0x10      /* HME features enable */
 53#define ESP_CONFIG2_BCM       0x20      /* Enable byte-ctrl (236)   */
 54#define ESP_CONFIG2_DISPINT   0x20      /* Disable pause irq (hme) */
 55#define ESP_CONFIG2_FENAB     0x40      /* Enable features (fas100,216) */
 56#define ESP_CONFIG2_SPL       0x40      /* Enable status-phase latch (236) */
 57#define ESP_CONFIG2_MKDONE    0x40      /* HME magic feature */
 58#define ESP_CONFIG2_HME32     0x80      /* HME 32 extended */
 59#define ESP_CONFIG2_MAGIC     0xe0      /* Invalid bits... */
 61/* ESP config register 3 read-write, found only esp236+fas236+fas100a+hme chips */
 62#define ESP_CONFIG3_FCLOCK    0x01     /* FAST SCSI clock rate (esp100a/hme) */
 63#define ESP_CONFIG3_TEM       0x01     /* Enable thresh-8 mode (esp/fas236)  */
 64#define ESP_CONFIG3_FAST      0x02     /* Enable FAST SCSI     (esp100a/hme) */
 65#define ESP_CONFIG3_ADMA      0x02     /* Enable alternate-dma (esp/fas236)  */
 66#define ESP_CONFIG3_TENB      0x04     /* group2 SCSI2 support (esp100a/hme) */
 67#define ESP_CONFIG3_SRB       0x04     /* Save residual byte   (esp/fas236)  */
 68#define ESP_CONFIG3_TMS       0x08     /* Three-byte msg's ok  (esp100a/hme) */
 69#define ESP_CONFIG3_FCLK      0x08     /* Fast SCSI clock rate (esp/fas236)  */
 70#define ESP_CONFIG3_IDMSG     0x10     /* ID message checking  (esp100a/hme) */
 71#define ESP_CONFIG3_FSCSI     0x10     /* Enable FAST SCSI     (esp/fas236)  */
 72#define ESP_CONFIG3_GTM       0x20     /* group2 SCSI2 support (esp/fas236)  */
 73#define ESP_CONFIG3_IDBIT3    0x20     /* Bit 3 of HME SCSI-ID (hme)         */
 74#define ESP_CONFIG3_TBMS      0x40     /* Three-byte msg's ok  (esp/fas236)  */
 75#define ESP_CONFIG3_EWIDE     0x40     /* Enable Wide-SCSI     (hme)         */
 76#define ESP_CONFIG3_IMS       0x80     /* ID msg chk'ng        (esp/fas236)  */
 77#define ESP_CONFIG3_OBPUSH    0x80     /* Push odd-byte to dma (hme)         */
 79/* ESP command register read-write */
 80/* Group 1 commands:  These may be sent at any point in time to the ESP
 81 *                    chip.  None of them can generate interrupts 'cept
 82 *                    the "SCSI bus reset" command if you have not disabled
 83 *                    SCSI reset interrupts in the config1 ESP register.
 84 */
 85#define ESP_CMD_NULL          0x00     /* Null command, ie. a nop */
 86#define ESP_CMD_FLUSH         0x01     /* FIFO Flush */
 87#define ESP_CMD_RC            0x02     /* Chip reset */
 88#define ESP_CMD_RS            0x03     /* SCSI bus reset */
 90/* Group 2 commands:  ESP must be an initiator and connected to a target
 91 *                    for these commands to work.
 92 */
 93#define ESP_CMD_TI            0x10     /* Transfer Information */
 94#define ESP_CMD_ICCSEQ        0x11     /* Initiator cmd complete sequence */
 95#define ESP_CMD_MOK           0x12     /* Message okie-dokie */
 96#define ESP_CMD_TPAD          0x18     /* Transfer Pad */
 97#define ESP_CMD_SATN          0x1a     /* Set ATN */
 98#define ESP_CMD_RATN          0x1b     /* De-assert ATN */
100/* Group 3 commands:  ESP must be in the MSGOUT or MSGIN state and be connected
101 *                    to a target as the initiator for these commands to work.
102 */
103#define ESP_CMD_SMSG          0x20     /* Send message */
104#define ESP_CMD_SSTAT         0x21     /* Send status */
105#define ESP_CMD_SDATA         0x22     /* Send data */
106#define ESP_CMD_DSEQ          0x23     /* Discontinue Sequence */
107#define ESP_CMD_TSEQ          0x24     /* Terminate Sequence */
108#define ESP_CMD_TCCSEQ        0x25     /* Target cmd cmplt sequence */
109#define ESP_CMD_DCNCT         0x27     /* Disconnect */
110#define ESP_CMD_RMSG          0x28     /* Receive Message */
111#define ESP_CMD_RCMD          0x29     /* Receive Command */
112#define ESP_CMD_RDATA         0x2a     /* Receive Data */
113#define ESP_CMD_RCSEQ         0x2b     /* Receive cmd sequence */
115/* Group 4 commands:  The ESP must be in the disconnected state and must
116 *                    not be connected to any targets as initiator for
117 *                    these commands to work.
118 */
119#define ESP_CMD_RSEL          0x40     /* Reselect */
120#define ESP_CMD_SEL           0x41     /* Select w/o ATN */
121#define ESP_CMD_SELA          0x42     /* Select w/ATN */
122#define ESP_CMD_SELAS         0x43     /* Select w/ATN & STOP */
123#define ESP_CMD_ESEL          0x44     /* Enable selection */
124#define ESP_CMD_DSEL          0x45     /* Disable selections */
125#define ESP_CMD_SA3           0x46     /* Select w/ATN3 */
126#define ESP_CMD_RSEL3         0x47     /* Reselect3 */
128/* This bit enables the ESP's DMA on the SBus */
129#define ESP_CMD_DMA           0x80     /* Do DMA? */
131/* ESP status register read-only */
132#define ESP_STAT_PIO          0x01     /* IO phase bit */
133#define ESP_STAT_PCD          0x02     /* CD phase bit */
134#define ESP_STAT_PMSG         0x04     /* MSG phase bit */
135#define ESP_STAT_PMASK        0x07     /* Mask of phase bits */
136#define ESP_STAT_TDONE        0x08     /* Transfer Completed */
137#define ESP_STAT_TCNT         0x10     /* Transfer Counter Is Zero */
138#define ESP_STAT_PERR         0x20     /* Parity error */
139#define ESP_STAT_SPAM         0x40     /* Real bad error */
140/* This indicates the 'interrupt pending' condition on esp236, it is a reserved
141 * bit on other revs of the ESP.
142 */
143#define ESP_STAT_INTR         0x80             /* Interrupt */
145/* The status register can be masked with ESP_STAT_PMASK and compared
146 * with the following values to determine the current phase the ESP
147 * (at least thinks it) is in.  For our purposes we also add our own
148 * software 'done' bit for our phase management engine.
149 */
150#define ESP_DOP   (0)                                       /* Data Out  */
151#define ESP_DIP   (ESP_STAT_PIO)                            /* Data In   */
152#define ESP_CMDP  (ESP_STAT_PCD)                            /* Command   */
153#define ESP_STATP (ESP_STAT_PCD|ESP_STAT_PIO)               /* Status    */
154#define ESP_MOP   (ESP_STAT_PMSG|ESP_STAT_PCD)              /* Message Out */
155#define ESP_MIP   (ESP_STAT_PMSG|ESP_STAT_PCD|ESP_STAT_PIO) /* Message In */
157/* HME only: status 2 register */
158#define ESP_STAT2_SCHBIT      0x01 /* Upper bits 3-7 of sstep enabled */
159#define ESP_STAT2_FFLAGS      0x02 /* The fifo flags are now latched */
160#define ESP_STAT2_XCNT        0x04 /* The transfer counter is latched */
161#define ESP_STAT2_CREGA       0x08 /* The command reg is active now */
162#define ESP_STAT2_WIDE        0x10 /* Interface on this adapter is wide */
163#define ESP_STAT2_F1BYTE      0x20 /* There is one byte at top of fifo */
164#define ESP_STAT2_FMSB        0x40 /* Next byte in fifo is most significant */
165#define ESP_STAT2_FEMPTY      0x80 /* FIFO is empty */
167/* ESP interrupt register read-only */
168#define ESP_INTR_S            0x01     /* Select w/o ATN */
169#define ESP_INTR_SATN         0x02     /* Select w/ATN */
170#define ESP_INTR_RSEL         0x04     /* Reselected */
171#define ESP_INTR_FDONE        0x08     /* Function done */
172#define ESP_INTR_BSERV        0x10     /* Bus service */
173#define ESP_INTR_DC           0x20     /* Disconnect */
174#define ESP_INTR_IC           0x40     /* Illegal command given */
175#define ESP_INTR_SR           0x80     /* SCSI bus reset detected */
177/* ESP sequence step register read-only */
178#define ESP_STEP_VBITS        0x07     /* Valid bits */
179#define ESP_STEP_ASEL         0x00     /* Selection&Arbitrate cmplt */
180#define ESP_STEP_SID          0x01     /* One msg byte sent */
181#define ESP_STEP_NCMD         0x02     /* Was not in command phase */
182#define ESP_STEP_PPC          0x03     /* Early phase chg caused cmnd
183                                        * bytes to be lost
184                                        */
185#define ESP_STEP_FINI4        0x04     /* Command was sent ok */
187/* Ho hum, some ESP's set the step register to this as well... */
188#define ESP_STEP_FINI5        0x05
189#define ESP_STEP_FINI6        0x06
190#define ESP_STEP_FINI7        0x07
192/* ESP chip-test register read-write */
193#define ESP_TEST_TARG         0x01     /* Target test mode */
194#define ESP_TEST_INI          0x02     /* Initiator test mode */
195#define ESP_TEST_TS           0x04     /* Tristate test mode */
197/* ESP unique ID register read-only, found on fas236+fas100a only */
198#define ESP_UID_F100A         0x00     /* ESP FAS100A  */
199#define ESP_UID_F236          0x02     /* ESP FAS236   */
200#define ESP_UID_REV           0x07     /* ESP revision */
201#define ESP_UID_FAM           0xf8     /* ESP family   */
203/* ESP fifo flags register read-only */
204/* Note that the following implies a 16 byte FIFO on the ESP. */
205#define ESP_FF_FBYTES         0x1f     /* Num bytes in FIFO */
206#define ESP_FF_ONOTZERO       0x20     /* offset ctr not zero (esp100) */
207#define ESP_FF_SSTEP          0xe0     /* Sequence step */
209/* ESP clock conversion factor register write-only */
210#define ESP_CCF_F0            0x00     /* 35.01MHz - 40MHz */
211#define ESP_CCF_NEVER         0x01     /* Set it to this and die */
212#define ESP_CCF_F2            0x02     /* 10MHz */
213#define ESP_CCF_F3            0x03     /* 10.01MHz - 15MHz */
214#define ESP_CCF_F4            0x04     /* 15.01MHz - 20MHz */
215#define ESP_CCF_F5            0x05     /* 20.01MHz - 25MHz */
216#define ESP_CCF_F6            0x06     /* 25.01MHz - 30MHz */
217#define ESP_CCF_F7            0x07     /* 30.01MHz - 35MHz */
219/* HME only... */
220#define ESP_BUSID_RESELID     0x10
221#define ESP_BUSID_CTR32BIT    0x40
223#define ESP_BUS_TIMEOUT        250     /* In milli-seconds */
224#define ESP_TIMEO_CONST       8192
225#define ESP_NEG_DEFP(mhz, cfact) \
226        ((ESP_BUS_TIMEOUT * ((mhz) / 1000)) / (8192 * (cfact)))
227#define ESP_HZ_TO_CYCLE(hertz)  ((1000000000) / ((hertz) / 1000))
228#define ESP_TICK(ccf, cycle)  ((7682 * (ccf) * (cycle) / 1000))
230/* For slow to medium speed input clock rates we shoot for 5mb/s, but for high
231 * input clock rates we try to do 10mb/s although I don't think a transfer can
232 * even run that fast with an ESP even with DMA2 scatter gather pipelining.
233 */
234#define SYNC_DEFP_SLOW            0x32   /* 5mb/s  */
235#define SYNC_DEFP_FAST            0x19   /* 10mb/s */
237struct esp_cmd_priv {
238	union {
239		dma_addr_t	dma_addr;
240		int		num_sg;
241	} u;
243	int			cur_residue;
244	struct scatterlist	*cur_sg;
245	int			tot_residue;
247#define ESP_CMD_PRIV(CMD)	((struct esp_cmd_priv *)(&(CMD)->SCp))
249enum esp_rev {
250	ESP100     = 0x00,  /* NCR53C90 - very broken */
251	ESP100A    = 0x01,  /* NCR53C90A */
252	ESP236     = 0x02,
253	FAS236     = 0x03,
254	FAS100A    = 0x04,
255	FAST       = 0x05,
256	FASHME     = 0x06,
259struct esp_cmd_entry {
260	struct list_head	list;
262	struct scsi_cmnd	*cmd;
264	unsigned int		saved_cur_residue;
265	struct scatterlist	*saved_cur_sg;
266	unsigned int		saved_tot_residue;
268	u8			flags;
269#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_WRITE	0x01 /* DMA is a write */
270#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_ABORT	0x02 /* being aborted */
271#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_AUTOSENSE	0x04 /* Doing automatic REQUEST_SENSE */
273	u8			tag[2];
274	u8			orig_tag[2];
276	u8			status;
277	u8			message;
279	unsigned char		*sense_ptr;
280	unsigned char		*saved_sense_ptr;
281	dma_addr_t		sense_dma;
283	struct completion	*eh_done;
286/* XXX make this configurable somehow XXX */
287#define ESP_DEFAULT_TAGS	16
289#define ESP_MAX_TARGET		16
290#define ESP_MAX_LUN		8
291#define ESP_MAX_TAG		256
293struct esp_lun_data {
294	struct esp_cmd_entry	*non_tagged_cmd;
295	int			num_tagged;
296	int			hold;
297	struct esp_cmd_entry	*tagged_cmds[ESP_MAX_TAG];
300struct esp_target_data {
301	/* These are the ESP_STP, ESP_SOFF, and ESP_CFG3 register values which
302	 * match the currently negotiated settings for this target.  The SCSI
303	 * protocol values are maintained in spi_{offset,period,wide}(starget).
304	 */
305	u8			esp_period;
306	u8			esp_offset;
307	u8			esp_config3;
309	u8			flags;
310#define ESP_TGT_WIDE		0x01
311#define ESP_TGT_DISCONNECT	0x02
312#define ESP_TGT_NEGO_WIDE	0x04
313#define ESP_TGT_NEGO_SYNC	0x08
314#define ESP_TGT_CHECK_NEGO	0x40
315#define ESP_TGT_BROKEN		0x80
317	/* When ESP_TGT_CHECK_NEGO is set, on the next scsi command to this
318	 * device we will try to negotiate the following parameters.
319	 */
320	u8			nego_goal_period;
321	u8			nego_goal_offset;
322	u8			nego_goal_width;
323	u8			nego_goal_tags;
325	struct scsi_target	*starget;
328struct esp_event_ent {
329	u8			type;
330#define ESP_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT	0x01
331#define ESP_EVENT_TYPE_CMD	0x02
332	u8			val;
334	u8			sreg;
335	u8			seqreg;
336	u8			sreg2;
337	u8			ireg;
338	u8			select_state;
339	u8			event;
340	u8			__pad;
343struct esp;
344struct esp_driver_ops {
345	/* Read and write the ESP 8-bit registers.  On some
346	 * applications of the ESP chip the registers are at 4-byte
347	 * instead of 1-byte intervals.
348	 */
349	void (*esp_write8)(struct esp *esp, u8 val, unsigned long reg);
350	u8 (*esp_read8)(struct esp *esp, unsigned long reg);
352	/* Map and unmap DMA memory.  Eventually the driver will be
353	 * converted to the generic DMA API as soon as SBUS is able to
354	 * cope with that.  At such time we can remove this.
355	 */
356	dma_addr_t (*map_single)(struct esp *esp, void *buf,
357				 size_t sz, int dir);
358	int (*map_sg)(struct esp *esp, struct scatterlist *sg,
359		      int num_sg, int dir);
360	void (*unmap_single)(struct esp *esp, dma_addr_t addr,
361			     size_t sz, int dir);
362	void (*unmap_sg)(struct esp *esp, struct scatterlist *sg,
363			 int num_sg, int dir);
365	/* Return non-zero if there is an IRQ pending.  Usually this
366	 * status bit lives in the DMA controller sitting in front of
367	 * the ESP.  This has to be accurate or else the ESP interrupt
368	 * handler will not run.
369	 */
370	int (*irq_pending)(struct esp *esp);
372	/* Return the maximum allowable size of a DMA transfer for a
373	 * given buffer.
374	 */
375	u32 (*dma_length_limit)(struct esp *esp, u32 dma_addr,
376				u32 dma_len);
378	/* Reset the DMA engine entirely.  On return, ESP interrupts
379	 * should be enabled.  Often the interrupt enabling is
380	 * controlled in the DMA engine.
381	 */
382	void (*reset_dma)(struct esp *esp);
384	/* Drain any pending DMA in the DMA engine after a transfer.
385	 * This is for writes to memory.
386	 */
387	void (*dma_drain)(struct esp *esp);
389	/* Invalidate the DMA engine after a DMA transfer.  */
390	void (*dma_invalidate)(struct esp *esp);
392	/* Setup an ESP command that will use a DMA transfer.
393	 * The 'esp_count' specifies what transfer length should be
394	 * programmed into the ESP transfer counter registers, whereas
395	 * the 'dma_count' is the length that should be programmed into
396	 * the DMA controller.  Usually they are the same.  If 'write'
397	 * is non-zero, this transfer is a write into memory.  'cmd'
398	 * holds the ESP command that should be issued by calling
399	 * scsi_esp_cmd() at the appropriate time while programming
400	 * the DMA hardware.
401	 */
402	void (*send_dma_cmd)(struct esp *esp, u32 dma_addr, u32 esp_count,
403			     u32 dma_count, int write, u8 cmd);
405	/* Return non-zero if the DMA engine is reporting an error
406	 * currently.
407	 */
408	int (*dma_error)(struct esp *esp);
411#define ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ		8
412#define ESP_EVENT_LOG_SZ	32
414#define ESP_QUICKIRQ_LIMIT	100
415#define ESP_RESELECT_TAG_LIMIT	2500
417struct esp {
418	void __iomem		*regs;
419	void __iomem		*dma_regs;
421	const struct esp_driver_ops *ops;
423	struct Scsi_Host	*host;
424	void			*dev;
426	struct esp_cmd_entry	*active_cmd;
428	struct list_head	queued_cmds;
429	struct list_head	active_cmds;
431	u8			*command_block;
432	dma_addr_t		command_block_dma;
434	unsigned int		data_dma_len;
436	/* The following are used to determine the cause of an IRQ. Upon every
437	 * IRQ entry we synchronize these with the hardware registers.
438	 */
439	u8			sreg;
440	u8			seqreg;
441	u8			sreg2;
442	u8			ireg;
444	u32			prev_hme_dmacsr;
445	u8			prev_soff;
446	u8			prev_stp;
447	u8			prev_cfg3;
448	u8			__pad;
450	struct list_head	esp_cmd_pool;
452	struct esp_target_data	target[ESP_MAX_TARGET];
454	int			fifo_cnt;
455	u8			fifo[16];
457	struct esp_event_ent	esp_event_log[ESP_EVENT_LOG_SZ];
458	int			esp_event_cur;
460	u8			msg_out[ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ];
461	int			msg_out_len;
463	u8			msg_in[ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ];
464	int			msg_in_len;
466	u8			bursts;
467	u8			config1;
468	u8			config2;
470	u8			scsi_id;
471	u32			scsi_id_mask;
473	enum esp_rev		rev;
475	u32			flags;
476#define ESP_FLAG_DIFFERENTIAL	0x00000001
477#define ESP_FLAG_RESETTING	0x00000002
478#define ESP_FLAG_DOING_SLOWCMD	0x00000004
479#define ESP_FLAG_WIDE_CAPABLE	0x00000008
480#define ESP_FLAG_QUICKIRQ_CHECK	0x00000010
481#define ESP_FLAG_DISABLE_SYNC	0x00000020
483	u8			select_state;
484#define ESP_SELECT_NONE		0x00 /* Not selecting */
485#define ESP_SELECT_BASIC	0x01 /* Select w/o MSGOUT phase */
486#define ESP_SELECT_MSGOUT	0x02 /* Select with MSGOUT */
488	/* When we are not selecting, we are expecting an event.  */
489	u8			event;
490#define ESP_EVENT_NONE		0x00
491#define ESP_EVENT_CMD_START	0x01
492#define ESP_EVENT_CMD_DONE	0x02
493#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_IN	0x03
494#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_OUT	0x04
495#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_DONE	0x05
496#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN		0x06
497#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN_MORE	0x07
498#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN_DONE	0x08
499#define ESP_EVENT_MSGOUT	0x09
500#define ESP_EVENT_MSGOUT_DONE	0x0a
501#define ESP_EVENT_STATUS	0x0b
502#define ESP_EVENT_FREE_BUS	0x0c
503#define ESP_EVENT_CHECK_PHASE	0x0d
504#define ESP_EVENT_RESET		0x10
506	/* Probed in esp_get_clock_params() */
507	u32			cfact;
508	u32			cfreq;
509	u32			ccycle;
510	u32			ctick;
511	u32			neg_defp;
512	u32			sync_defp;
514	/* Computed in esp_reset_esp() */
515	u32			max_period;
516	u32			min_period;
517	u32			radelay;
519	/* Slow command state.  */
520	u8			*cmd_bytes_ptr;
521	int			cmd_bytes_left;
523	struct completion	*eh_reset;
525	void			*dma;
526	int			dmarev;
529/* A front-end driver for the ESP chip should do the following in
530 * it's device probe routine:
531 * 1) Allocate the host and private area using scsi_host_alloc()
532 *    with size 'sizeof(struct esp)'.  The first argument to
533 *    scsi_host_alloc() should be &scsi_esp_template.
534 * 2) Set host->max_id as appropriate.
535 * 3) Set esp->host to the scsi_host itself, and esp->dev
536 *    to the device object pointer.
537 * 4) Hook up esp->ops to the front-end implementation.
538 * 5) If the ESP chip supports wide transfers, set ESP_FLAG_WIDE_CAPABLE
539 *    in esp->flags.
540 * 6) Map the DMA and ESP chip registers.
541 * 7) DMA map the ESP command block, store the DMA address
542 *    in esp->command_block_dma.
543 * 8) Register the scsi_esp_intr() interrupt handler.
544 * 9) Probe for and provide the following chip properties:
545 *    esp->scsi_id (assign to esp->host->this_id too)
546 *    esp->scsi_id_mask
547 *    If ESP bus is differential, set ESP_FLAG_DIFFERENTIAL
548 *    esp->cfreq
549 *    DMA burst bit mask in esp->bursts, if necessary
550 * 10) Perform any actions necessary before the ESP device can
551 *     be programmed for the first time.  On some configs, for
552 *     example, the DMA engine has to be reset before ESP can
553 *     be programmed.
554 * 11) If necessary, call dev_set_drvdata() as needed.
555 * 12) Call scsi_esp_register() with prepared 'esp' structure
556 *     and a device pointer if possible.
557 * 13) Check scsi_esp_register() return value, release all resources
558 *     if an error was returned.
559 */
560extern struct scsi_host_template scsi_esp_template;
561extern int scsi_esp_register(struct esp *, struct device *);
563extern void scsi_esp_unregister(struct esp *);
564extern irqreturn_t scsi_esp_intr(int, void *);
565extern void scsi_esp_cmd(struct esp *, u8);
567#endif /* !(_ESP_SCSI_H) */
  1/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
  2/* esp_scsi.h: Defines and structures for the ESP driver.
  3 *
  4 * Copyright (C) 2007 David S. Miller (
  5 */
  7#ifndef _ESP_SCSI_H
  8#define _ESP_SCSI_H
 10					/* Access    Description      Offset */
 11#define ESP_TCLOW	0x00UL		/* rw  Low bits transfer count 0x00  */
 12#define ESP_TCMED	0x01UL		/* rw  Mid bits transfer count 0x04  */
 13#define ESP_FDATA	0x02UL		/* rw  FIFO data bits          0x08  */
 14#define ESP_CMD		0x03UL		/* rw  SCSI command bits       0x0c  */
 15#define ESP_STATUS	0x04UL		/* ro  ESP status register     0x10  */
 16#define ESP_BUSID	ESP_STATUS	/* wo  BusID for sel/resel     0x10  */
 17#define ESP_INTRPT	0x05UL		/* ro  Kind of interrupt       0x14  */
 18#define ESP_TIMEO	ESP_INTRPT	/* wo  Timeout for sel/resel   0x14  */
 19#define ESP_SSTEP	0x06UL		/* ro  Sequence step register  0x18  */
 20#define ESP_STP		ESP_SSTEP	/* wo  Transfer period/sync    0x18  */
 21#define ESP_FFLAGS	0x07UL		/* ro  Bits current FIFO info  0x1c  */
 22#define ESP_SOFF	ESP_FFLAGS	/* wo  Sync offset             0x1c  */
 23#define ESP_CFG1	0x08UL		/* rw  First cfg register      0x20  */
 24#define ESP_CFACT	0x09UL		/* wo  Clock conv factor       0x24  */
 25#define ESP_STATUS2	ESP_CFACT	/* ro  HME status2 register    0x24  */
 26#define ESP_CTEST	0x0aUL		/* wo  Chip test register      0x28  */
 27#define ESP_CFG2	0x0bUL		/* rw  Second cfg register     0x2c  */
 28#define ESP_CFG3	0x0cUL		/* rw  Third cfg register      0x30  */
 29#define ESP_CFG4	0x0dUL		/* rw  Fourth cfg register     0x34  */
 30#define ESP_TCHI	0x0eUL		/* rw  High bits transf count  0x38  */
 31#define ESP_UID		ESP_TCHI	/* ro  Unique ID code          0x38  */
 32#define FAS_RLO		ESP_TCHI	/* rw  HME extended counter    0x38  */
 33#define ESP_FGRND	0x0fUL		/* rw  Data base for fifo      0x3c  */
 34#define FAS_RHI		ESP_FGRND	/* rw  HME extended counter    0x3c  */
 36#define SBUS_ESP_REG_SIZE	0x40UL
 38/* Bitfield meanings for the above registers. */
 40/* ESP config reg 1, read-write, found on all ESP chips */
 41#define ESP_CONFIG1_ID        0x07      /* My BUS ID bits */
 42#define ESP_CONFIG1_CHTEST    0x08      /* Enable ESP chip tests */
 43#define ESP_CONFIG1_PENABLE   0x10      /* Enable parity checks */
 44#define ESP_CONFIG1_PARTEST   0x20      /* Parity test mode enabled? */
 45#define ESP_CONFIG1_SRRDISAB  0x40      /* Disable SCSI reset reports */
 46#define ESP_CONFIG1_SLCABLE   0x80      /* Enable slow cable mode */
 48/* ESP config reg 2, read-write, found only on esp100a+esp200+esp236 chips */
 49#define ESP_CONFIG2_DMAPARITY 0x01      /* enable DMA Parity (200,236) */
 50#define ESP_CONFIG2_REGPARITY 0x02      /* enable reg Parity (200,236) */
 51#define ESP_CONFIG2_BADPARITY 0x04      /* Bad parity target abort  */
 52#define ESP_CONFIG2_SCSI2ENAB 0x08      /* Enable SCSI-2 features (tgtmode) */
 53#define ESP_CONFIG2_HI        0x10      /* High Impedance DREQ ???  */
 54#define ESP_CONFIG2_HMEFENAB  0x10      /* HME features enable */
 55#define ESP_CONFIG2_BCM       0x20      /* Enable byte-ctrl (236)   */
 56#define ESP_CONFIG2_DISPINT   0x20      /* Disable pause irq (hme) */
 57#define ESP_CONFIG2_FENAB     0x40      /* Enable features (fas100,216) */
 58#define ESP_CONFIG2_SPL       0x40      /* Enable status-phase latch (236) */
 59#define ESP_CONFIG2_MKDONE    0x40      /* HME magic feature */
 60#define ESP_CONFIG2_HME32     0x80      /* HME 32 extended */
 61#define ESP_CONFIG2_MAGIC     0xe0      /* Invalid bits... */
 63/* ESP config register 3 read-write, found only esp236+fas236+fas100a+hme chips */
 64#define ESP_CONFIG3_FCLOCK    0x01     /* FAST SCSI clock rate (esp100a/hme) */
 65#define ESP_CONFIG3_TEM       0x01     /* Enable thresh-8 mode (esp/fas236)  */
 66#define ESP_CONFIG3_FAST      0x02     /* Enable FAST SCSI     (esp100a/hme) */
 67#define ESP_CONFIG3_ADMA      0x02     /* Enable alternate-dma (esp/fas236)  */
 68#define ESP_CONFIG3_TENB      0x04     /* group2 SCSI2 support (esp100a/hme) */
 69#define ESP_CONFIG3_SRB       0x04     /* Save residual byte   (esp/fas236)  */
 70#define ESP_CONFIG3_TMS       0x08     /* Three-byte msg's ok  (esp100a/hme) */
 71#define ESP_CONFIG3_FCLK      0x08     /* Fast SCSI clock rate (esp/fas236)  */
 72#define ESP_CONFIG3_IDMSG     0x10     /* ID message checking  (esp100a/hme) */
 73#define ESP_CONFIG3_FSCSI     0x10     /* Enable FAST SCSI     (esp/fas236)  */
 74#define ESP_CONFIG3_GTM       0x20     /* group2 SCSI2 support (esp/fas236)  */
 75#define ESP_CONFIG3_IDBIT3    0x20     /* Bit 3 of HME SCSI-ID (hme)         */
 76#define ESP_CONFIG3_TBMS      0x40     /* Three-byte msg's ok  (esp/fas236)  */
 77#define ESP_CONFIG3_EWIDE     0x40     /* Enable Wide-SCSI     (hme)         */
 78#define ESP_CONFIG3_IMS       0x80     /* ID msg chk'ng        (esp/fas236)  */
 79#define ESP_CONFIG3_OBPUSH    0x80     /* Push odd-byte to dma (hme)         */
 81/* ESP config register 4 read-write */
 82#define ESP_CONFIG4_BBTE      0x01     /* Back-to-back transfers     (fsc)   */
 83#define ESP_CONGIG4_TEST      0x02     /* Transfer counter test mode (fsc)   */
 84#define ESP_CONFIG4_RADE      0x04     /* Active negation   (am53c974/fsc)   */
 85#define ESP_CONFIG4_RAE       0x08     /* Act. negation REQ/ACK (am53c974)   */
 86#define ESP_CONFIG4_PWD       0x20     /* Reduced power feature (am53c974)   */
 87#define ESP_CONFIG4_GE0       0x40     /* Glitch eater bit 0    (am53c974)   */
 88#define ESP_CONFIG4_GE1       0x80     /* Glitch eater bit 1    (am53c974)   */
 90#define ESP_CONFIG_GE_12NS    (0)
 91#define ESP_CONFIG_GE_25NS    (ESP_CONFIG_GE1)
 92#define ESP_CONFIG_GE_35NS    (ESP_CONFIG_GE0)
 95/* ESP command register read-write */
 96/* Group 1 commands:  These may be sent at any point in time to the ESP
 97 *                    chip.  None of them can generate interrupts 'cept
 98 *                    the "SCSI bus reset" command if you have not disabled
 99 *                    SCSI reset interrupts in the config1 ESP register.
100 */
101#define ESP_CMD_NULL          0x00     /* Null command, ie. a nop */
102#define ESP_CMD_FLUSH         0x01     /* FIFO Flush */
103#define ESP_CMD_RC            0x02     /* Chip reset */
104#define ESP_CMD_RS            0x03     /* SCSI bus reset */
106/* Group 2 commands:  ESP must be an initiator and connected to a target
107 *                    for these commands to work.
108 */
109#define ESP_CMD_TI            0x10     /* Transfer Information */
110#define ESP_CMD_ICCSEQ        0x11     /* Initiator cmd complete sequence */
111#define ESP_CMD_MOK           0x12     /* Message okie-dokie */
112#define ESP_CMD_TPAD          0x18     /* Transfer Pad */
113#define ESP_CMD_SATN          0x1a     /* Set ATN */
114#define ESP_CMD_RATN          0x1b     /* De-assert ATN */
116/* Group 3 commands:  ESP must be in the MSGOUT or MSGIN state and be connected
117 *                    to a target as the initiator for these commands to work.
118 */
119#define ESP_CMD_SMSG          0x20     /* Send message */
120#define ESP_CMD_SSTAT         0x21     /* Send status */
121#define ESP_CMD_SDATA         0x22     /* Send data */
122#define ESP_CMD_DSEQ          0x23     /* Discontinue Sequence */
123#define ESP_CMD_TSEQ          0x24     /* Terminate Sequence */
124#define ESP_CMD_TCCSEQ        0x25     /* Target cmd cmplt sequence */
125#define ESP_CMD_DCNCT         0x27     /* Disconnect */
126#define ESP_CMD_RMSG          0x28     /* Receive Message */
127#define ESP_CMD_RCMD          0x29     /* Receive Command */
128#define ESP_CMD_RDATA         0x2a     /* Receive Data */
129#define ESP_CMD_RCSEQ         0x2b     /* Receive cmd sequence */
131/* Group 4 commands:  The ESP must be in the disconnected state and must
132 *                    not be connected to any targets as initiator for
133 *                    these commands to work.
134 */
135#define ESP_CMD_RSEL          0x40     /* Reselect */
136#define ESP_CMD_SEL           0x41     /* Select w/o ATN */
137#define ESP_CMD_SELA          0x42     /* Select w/ATN */
138#define ESP_CMD_SELAS         0x43     /* Select w/ATN & STOP */
139#define ESP_CMD_ESEL          0x44     /* Enable selection */
140#define ESP_CMD_DSEL          0x45     /* Disable selections */
141#define ESP_CMD_SA3           0x46     /* Select w/ATN3 */
142#define ESP_CMD_RSEL3         0x47     /* Reselect3 */
144/* This bit enables the ESP's DMA on the SBus */
145#define ESP_CMD_DMA           0x80     /* Do DMA? */
147/* ESP status register read-only */
148#define ESP_STAT_PIO          0x01     /* IO phase bit */
149#define ESP_STAT_PCD          0x02     /* CD phase bit */
150#define ESP_STAT_PMSG         0x04     /* MSG phase bit */
151#define ESP_STAT_PMASK        0x07     /* Mask of phase bits */
152#define ESP_STAT_TDONE        0x08     /* Transfer Completed */
153#define ESP_STAT_TCNT         0x10     /* Transfer Counter Is Zero */
154#define ESP_STAT_PERR         0x20     /* Parity error */
155#define ESP_STAT_SPAM         0x40     /* Real bad error */
156/* This indicates the 'interrupt pending' condition on esp236, it is a reserved
157 * bit on other revs of the ESP.
158 */
159#define ESP_STAT_INTR         0x80             /* Interrupt */
161/* The status register can be masked with ESP_STAT_PMASK and compared
162 * with the following values to determine the current phase the ESP
163 * (at least thinks it) is in.  For our purposes we also add our own
164 * software 'done' bit for our phase management engine.
165 */
166#define ESP_DOP   (0)                                       /* Data Out  */
167#define ESP_DIP   (ESP_STAT_PIO)                            /* Data In   */
168#define ESP_CMDP  (ESP_STAT_PCD)                            /* Command   */
169#define ESP_STATP (ESP_STAT_PCD|ESP_STAT_PIO)               /* Status    */
170#define ESP_MOP   (ESP_STAT_PMSG|ESP_STAT_PCD)              /* Message Out */
171#define ESP_MIP   (ESP_STAT_PMSG|ESP_STAT_PCD|ESP_STAT_PIO) /* Message In */
173/* HME only: status 2 register */
174#define ESP_STAT2_SCHBIT      0x01 /* Upper bits 3-7 of sstep enabled */
175#define ESP_STAT2_FFLAGS      0x02 /* The fifo flags are now latched */
176#define ESP_STAT2_XCNT        0x04 /* The transfer counter is latched */
177#define ESP_STAT2_CREGA       0x08 /* The command reg is active now */
178#define ESP_STAT2_WIDE        0x10 /* Interface on this adapter is wide */
179#define ESP_STAT2_F1BYTE      0x20 /* There is one byte at top of fifo */
180#define ESP_STAT2_FMSB        0x40 /* Next byte in fifo is most significant */
181#define ESP_STAT2_FEMPTY      0x80 /* FIFO is empty */
183/* ESP interrupt register read-only */
184#define ESP_INTR_S            0x01     /* Select w/o ATN */
185#define ESP_INTR_SATN         0x02     /* Select w/ATN */
186#define ESP_INTR_RSEL         0x04     /* Reselected */
187#define ESP_INTR_FDONE        0x08     /* Function done */
188#define ESP_INTR_BSERV        0x10     /* Bus service */
189#define ESP_INTR_DC           0x20     /* Disconnect */
190#define ESP_INTR_IC           0x40     /* Illegal command given */
191#define ESP_INTR_SR           0x80     /* SCSI bus reset detected */
193/* ESP sequence step register read-only */
194#define ESP_STEP_VBITS        0x07     /* Valid bits */
195#define ESP_STEP_ASEL         0x00     /* Selection&Arbitrate cmplt */
196#define ESP_STEP_SID          0x01     /* One msg byte sent */
197#define ESP_STEP_NCMD         0x02     /* Was not in command phase */
198#define ESP_STEP_PPC          0x03     /* Early phase chg caused cmnd
199                                        * bytes to be lost
200                                        */
201#define ESP_STEP_FINI4        0x04     /* Command was sent ok */
203/* Ho hum, some ESP's set the step register to this as well... */
204#define ESP_STEP_FINI5        0x05
205#define ESP_STEP_FINI6        0x06
206#define ESP_STEP_FINI7        0x07
208/* ESP chip-test register read-write */
209#define ESP_TEST_TARG         0x01     /* Target test mode */
210#define ESP_TEST_INI          0x02     /* Initiator test mode */
211#define ESP_TEST_TS           0x04     /* Tristate test mode */
213/* ESP unique ID register read-only, found on fas236+fas100a only */
214#define ESP_UID_FAM           0xf8     /* ESP family bitmask */
216#define ESP_FAMILY(uid) (((uid) & ESP_UID_FAM) >> 3)
218/* Values for the ESP family bits */
219#define ESP_UID_F100A         0x00     /* ESP FAS100A  */
220#define ESP_UID_F236          0x02     /* ESP FAS236   */
221#define ESP_UID_HME           0x0a     /* FAS HME      */
222#define ESP_UID_FSC           0x14     /* NCR/Symbios Logic 53CF9x-2 */
224/* ESP fifo flags register read-only */
225/* Note that the following implies a 16 byte FIFO on the ESP. */
226#define ESP_FF_FBYTES         0x1f     /* Num bytes in FIFO */
227#define ESP_FF_ONOTZERO       0x20     /* offset ctr not zero (esp100) */
228#define ESP_FF_SSTEP          0xe0     /* Sequence step */
230/* ESP clock conversion factor register write-only */
231#define ESP_CCF_F0            0x00     /* 35.01MHz - 40MHz */
232#define ESP_CCF_NEVER         0x01     /* Set it to this and die */
233#define ESP_CCF_F2            0x02     /* 10MHz */
234#define ESP_CCF_F3            0x03     /* 10.01MHz - 15MHz */
235#define ESP_CCF_F4            0x04     /* 15.01MHz - 20MHz */
236#define ESP_CCF_F5            0x05     /* 20.01MHz - 25MHz */
237#define ESP_CCF_F6            0x06     /* 25.01MHz - 30MHz */
238#define ESP_CCF_F7            0x07     /* 30.01MHz - 35MHz */
240/* HME only... */
241#define ESP_BUSID_RESELID     0x10
242#define ESP_BUSID_CTR32BIT    0x40
244#define ESP_BUS_TIMEOUT        250     /* In milli-seconds */
245#define ESP_TIMEO_CONST       8192
246#define ESP_NEG_DEFP(mhz, cfact) \
247        ((ESP_BUS_TIMEOUT * ((mhz) / 1000)) / (8192 * (cfact)))
248#define ESP_HZ_TO_CYCLE(hertz)  ((1000000000) / ((hertz) / 1000))
249#define ESP_TICK(ccf, cycle)  ((7682 * (ccf) * (cycle) / 1000))
251/* For slow to medium speed input clock rates we shoot for 5mb/s, but for high
252 * input clock rates we try to do 10mb/s although I don't think a transfer can
253 * even run that fast with an ESP even with DMA2 scatter gather pipelining.
254 */
255#define SYNC_DEFP_SLOW            0x32   /* 5mb/s  */
256#define SYNC_DEFP_FAST            0x19   /* 10mb/s */
258struct esp_cmd_priv {
259	int			num_sg;
260	int			cur_residue;
261	struct scatterlist	*prv_sg;
262	struct scatterlist	*cur_sg;
263	int			tot_residue;
266#define ESP_CMD_PRIV(cmd)	((struct esp_cmd_priv *)scsi_cmd_priv(cmd))
268/* NOTE: this enum is ordered based on chip features! */
269enum esp_rev {
270	ESP100,  /* NCR53C90 - very broken */
271	ESP100A, /* NCR53C90A */
272	ESP236,
273	FAS236,
274	PCSCSI,  /* AM53c974 */
275	FSC,     /* NCR/Symbios Logic 53CF9x-2 */
276	FAS100A,
277	FAST,
281struct esp_cmd_entry {
282	struct list_head	list;
284	struct scsi_cmnd	*cmd;
286	unsigned int		saved_cur_residue;
287	struct scatterlist	*saved_prv_sg;
288	struct scatterlist	*saved_cur_sg;
289	unsigned int		saved_tot_residue;
291	u8			flags;
292#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_WRITE	0x01 /* DMA is a write */
293#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_AUTOSENSE	0x04 /* Doing automatic REQUEST_SENSE */
294#define ESP_CMD_FLAG_RESIDUAL	0x08 /* AM53c974 BLAST residual */
296	u8			tag[2];
297	u8			orig_tag[2];
299	u8			status;
300	u8			message;
302	unsigned char		*sense_ptr;
303	unsigned char		*saved_sense_ptr;
304	dma_addr_t		sense_dma;
306	struct completion	*eh_done;
309#define ESP_DEFAULT_TAGS	16
311#define ESP_MAX_TARGET		16
312#define ESP_MAX_LUN		8
313#define ESP_MAX_TAG		256
315struct esp_lun_data {
316	struct esp_cmd_entry	*non_tagged_cmd;
317	int			num_tagged;
318	int			hold;
319	struct esp_cmd_entry	*tagged_cmds[ESP_MAX_TAG];
322struct esp_target_data {
323	/* These are the ESP_STP, ESP_SOFF, and ESP_CFG3 register values which
324	 * match the currently negotiated settings for this target.  The SCSI
325	 * protocol values are maintained in spi_{offset,period,wide}(starget).
326	 */
327	u8			esp_period;
328	u8			esp_offset;
329	u8			esp_config3;
331	u8			flags;
332#define ESP_TGT_WIDE		0x01
333#define ESP_TGT_DISCONNECT	0x02
334#define ESP_TGT_NEGO_WIDE	0x04
335#define ESP_TGT_NEGO_SYNC	0x08
336#define ESP_TGT_CHECK_NEGO	0x40
337#define ESP_TGT_BROKEN		0x80
339	/* When ESP_TGT_CHECK_NEGO is set, on the next scsi command to this
340	 * device we will try to negotiate the following parameters.
341	 */
342	u8			nego_goal_period;
343	u8			nego_goal_offset;
344	u8			nego_goal_width;
345	u8			nego_goal_tags;
347	struct scsi_target	*starget;
350struct esp_event_ent {
351	u8			type;
352#define ESP_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT	0x01
353#define ESP_EVENT_TYPE_CMD	0x02
354	u8			val;
356	u8			sreg;
357	u8			seqreg;
358	u8			sreg2;
359	u8			ireg;
360	u8			select_state;
361	u8			event;
362	u8			__pad;
365struct esp;
366struct esp_driver_ops {
367	/* Read and write the ESP 8-bit registers.  On some
368	 * applications of the ESP chip the registers are at 4-byte
369	 * instead of 1-byte intervals.
370	 */
371	void (*esp_write8)(struct esp *esp, u8 val, unsigned long reg);
372	u8 (*esp_read8)(struct esp *esp, unsigned long reg);
374	/* Return non-zero if there is an IRQ pending.  Usually this
375	 * status bit lives in the DMA controller sitting in front of
376	 * the ESP.  This has to be accurate or else the ESP interrupt
377	 * handler will not run.
378	 */
379	int (*irq_pending)(struct esp *esp);
381	/* Return the maximum allowable size of a DMA transfer for a
382	 * given buffer.
383	 */
384	u32 (*dma_length_limit)(struct esp *esp, u32 dma_addr,
385				u32 dma_len);
387	/* Reset the DMA engine entirely.  On return, ESP interrupts
388	 * should be enabled.  Often the interrupt enabling is
389	 * controlled in the DMA engine.
390	 */
391	void (*reset_dma)(struct esp *esp);
393	/* Drain any pending DMA in the DMA engine after a transfer.
394	 * This is for writes to memory.
395	 */
396	void (*dma_drain)(struct esp *esp);
398	/* Invalidate the DMA engine after a DMA transfer.  */
399	void (*dma_invalidate)(struct esp *esp);
401	/* Setup an ESP command that will use a DMA transfer.
402	 * The 'esp_count' specifies what transfer length should be
403	 * programmed into the ESP transfer counter registers, whereas
404	 * the 'dma_count' is the length that should be programmed into
405	 * the DMA controller.  Usually they are the same.  If 'write'
406	 * is non-zero, this transfer is a write into memory.  'cmd'
407	 * holds the ESP command that should be issued by calling
408	 * scsi_esp_cmd() at the appropriate time while programming
409	 * the DMA hardware.
410	 */
411	void (*send_dma_cmd)(struct esp *esp, u32 dma_addr, u32 esp_count,
412			     u32 dma_count, int write, u8 cmd);
414	/* Return non-zero if the DMA engine is reporting an error
415	 * currently.
416	 */
417	int (*dma_error)(struct esp *esp);
420#define ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ		8
421#define ESP_EVENT_LOG_SZ	32
423#define ESP_QUICKIRQ_LIMIT	100
424#define ESP_RESELECT_TAG_LIMIT	2500
426struct esp {
427	void __iomem		*regs;
428	void __iomem		*dma_regs;
430	const struct esp_driver_ops *ops;
432	struct Scsi_Host	*host;
433	struct device		*dev;
435	struct esp_cmd_entry	*active_cmd;
437	struct list_head	queued_cmds;
438	struct list_head	active_cmds;
440	u8			*command_block;
441	dma_addr_t		command_block_dma;
443	unsigned int		data_dma_len;
445	/* The following are used to determine the cause of an IRQ. Upon every
446	 * IRQ entry we synchronize these with the hardware registers.
447	 */
448	u8			sreg;
449	u8			seqreg;
450	u8			sreg2;
451	u8			ireg;
453	u32			prev_hme_dmacsr;
454	u8			prev_soff;
455	u8			prev_stp;
456	u8			prev_cfg3;
457	u8			num_tags;
459	struct list_head	esp_cmd_pool;
461	struct esp_target_data	target[ESP_MAX_TARGET];
463	int			fifo_cnt;
464	u8			fifo[16];
466	struct esp_event_ent	esp_event_log[ESP_EVENT_LOG_SZ];
467	int			esp_event_cur;
469	u8			msg_out[ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ];
470	int			msg_out_len;
472	u8			msg_in[ESP_MAX_MSG_SZ];
473	int			msg_in_len;
475	u8			bursts;
476	u8			config1;
477	u8			config2;
478	u8			config4;
480	u8			scsi_id;
481	u32			scsi_id_mask;
483	enum esp_rev		rev;
485	u32			flags;
486#define ESP_FLAG_DIFFERENTIAL	0x00000001
487#define ESP_FLAG_RESETTING	0x00000002
488#define ESP_FLAG_WIDE_CAPABLE	0x00000008
489#define ESP_FLAG_QUICKIRQ_CHECK	0x00000010
490#define ESP_FLAG_DISABLE_SYNC	0x00000020
491#define ESP_FLAG_USE_FIFO	0x00000040
492#define ESP_FLAG_NO_DMA_MAP	0x00000080
494	u8			select_state;
495#define ESP_SELECT_NONE		0x00 /* Not selecting */
496#define ESP_SELECT_BASIC	0x01 /* Select w/o MSGOUT phase */
497#define ESP_SELECT_MSGOUT	0x02 /* Select with MSGOUT */
499	/* When we are not selecting, we are expecting an event.  */
500	u8			event;
501#define ESP_EVENT_NONE		0x00
502#define ESP_EVENT_CMD_START	0x01
503#define ESP_EVENT_CMD_DONE	0x02
504#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_IN	0x03
505#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_OUT	0x04
506#define ESP_EVENT_DATA_DONE	0x05
507#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN		0x06
508#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN_MORE	0x07
509#define ESP_EVENT_MSGIN_DONE	0x08
510#define ESP_EVENT_MSGOUT	0x09
511#define ESP_EVENT_MSGOUT_DONE	0x0a
512#define ESP_EVENT_STATUS	0x0b
513#define ESP_EVENT_FREE_BUS	0x0c
514#define ESP_EVENT_CHECK_PHASE	0x0d
515#define ESP_EVENT_RESET		0x10
517	/* Probed in esp_get_clock_params() */
518	u32			cfact;
519	u32			cfreq;
520	u32			ccycle;
521	u32			ctick;
522	u32			neg_defp;
523	u32			sync_defp;
525	/* Computed in esp_reset_esp() */
526	u32			max_period;
527	u32			min_period;
528	u32			radelay;
530	/* ESP_CMD_SELAS command state */
531	u8			*cmd_bytes_ptr;
532	int			cmd_bytes_left;
534	struct completion	*eh_reset;
536	void			*dma;
537	int			dmarev;
539	/* These are used by esp_send_pio_cmd() */
540	u8 __iomem		*fifo_reg;
541	int			send_cmd_error;
542	u32			send_cmd_residual;
545/* A front-end driver for the ESP chip should do the following in
546 * it's device probe routine:
547 * 1) Allocate the host and private area using scsi_host_alloc()
548 *    with size 'sizeof(struct esp)'.  The first argument to
549 *    scsi_host_alloc() should be &scsi_esp_template.
550 * 2) Set host->max_id as appropriate.
551 * 3) Set esp->host to the scsi_host itself, and esp->dev
552 *    to the device object pointer.
553 * 4) Hook up esp->ops to the front-end implementation.
554 * 5) If the ESP chip supports wide transfers, set ESP_FLAG_WIDE_CAPABLE
555 *    in esp->flags.
556 * 6) Map the DMA and ESP chip registers.
557 * 7) DMA map the ESP command block, store the DMA address
558 *    in esp->command_block_dma.
559 * 8) Register the scsi_esp_intr() interrupt handler.
560 * 9) Probe for and provide the following chip properties:
561 *    esp->scsi_id (assign to esp->host->this_id too)
562 *    esp->scsi_id_mask
563 *    If ESP bus is differential, set ESP_FLAG_DIFFERENTIAL
564 *    esp->cfreq
565 *    DMA burst bit mask in esp->bursts, if necessary
566 * 10) Perform any actions necessary before the ESP device can
567 *     be programmed for the first time.  On some configs, for
568 *     example, the DMA engine has to be reset before ESP can
569 *     be programmed.
570 * 11) If necessary, call dev_set_drvdata() as needed.
571 * 12) Call scsi_esp_register() with prepared 'esp' structure.
572 * 13) Check scsi_esp_register() return value, release all resources
573 *     if an error was returned.
574 */
575extern const struct scsi_host_template scsi_esp_template;
576extern int scsi_esp_register(struct esp *);
578extern void scsi_esp_unregister(struct esp *);
579extern irqreturn_t scsi_esp_intr(int, void *);
580extern void scsi_esp_cmd(struct esp *, u8);
582extern void esp_send_pio_cmd(struct esp *esp, u32 dma_addr, u32 esp_count,
583			     u32 dma_count, int write, u8 cmd);
585#endif /* !(_ESP_SCSI_H) */